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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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Yup, it's from the X&Y era. This was (I think) the end of the concert where Chris kissed the camera lens of one of the camera guys standing near the stage. Don't know where exactly this was shot though.


Awww how cute :dazzled:

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Yup, it's from the X&Y era. This was (I think) the end of the concert where Chris kissed the camera lens of one of the camera guys standing near the stage. Don't know where exactly this was shot though.


Judging by the curls, more likely to have been in 2006 than 2005 ! :D

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So I googled "Coldplay crazy" for reasons, and this is one of the results Google Images came up with :|




I just :|

I mean



Well. to be honest, this is disturbing, but not compared to the Coldplay manips I've seen so far :awesome:

At least Chris has all of his clothes on on this one :laugh3:

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/EFRAH?src=hash">#EFRAH</a> kids w/h toys bought by <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ChrisMartin?src=hash">#ChrisMartin</a>.Many thanks! They'll be enjoying these for a long time to come .<a href="https://twitter.com/coldplay">@coldplay</a> <a href="http://t.co/HdwqIPCjcg">pic.twitter.com/HdwqIPCjcg</a></p>— Oxfam India (@OxfamIndia) <a href="https://twitter.com/OxfamIndia/status/627857047388819456">August 2, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Guest diogo_sg

#EFRAH kids w/h toys bought by #ChrisMartin.Many thanks! They'll be enjoying these for a long time to come .@coldplay pic.twitter.com/HdwqIPCjcg— Oxfam India (@OxfamIndia) August 2, 2015

I'll perform an exorcism to anyone who tries to deny what a wonderful person Chris Martin is. My wish to meet him grows everyday.


"I live to see the world"

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Guest diogo_sg












I have this gigantic will of being the guys from pic 1 and 3. Why can't I meet Chris?? And, well, Coldplay??


"I live to see the world"

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Guest diogo_sg
Guy from pic 1 is Greg James from BBC Radio 1 :) he's a massive coldplay fan too

That lucky bastard!!


"I live to see the world"

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this is an old photo, but the comment under it is worth posting:


FBF: If you listen closely, you can hear Chris say "For Jackie" during the song. He wrote my name on his hand so he wouldn't forget to sing for me after his visit. I'm thankful for whoever recorded the moment that I couldn't be there for! I just heard Fix You and instantly started crying. Not only does the song provide me with so much comfort, but today it reminds me of how far I've come. I can't say that since Chris Martin came and visited my hospital room, I've avoided long hospital stays. I can't say I am all better, but I can say that I'm still here. Chris' kindness in spending almost a half hour with me and getting to know me still helps me in continuing my fight now. I still draw with the art supplies he gave me and listen to music on the iPod he gave me. Chris and the rest of @coldplay continue to give to me through their music and I am still incredibly grateful for that!


:heart: :heart:

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