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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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haha yah they look cool. we got iron-on letters and i'll just describe what mine looks like.

on the front, i wrote I :heart: Guy Berryman with blue letters and then the :heart: i drew with red shirt paint. then on the back in alternating colored iron-on letters it says: COLDPLAY,



^:P get it?? :lol: it's a play on words with coldplay and hot Guy.

my mom came up with it :lol:

and 3 of us used that phrase.


and then on the right sleeve i put CP in iron-on letters, and then on the left sleeve my friend is going to draw a picture of Guy. :D




and nice dance by the way :thumbsup:





this shirt is already getting my stamp of approval!!! it sounds WICKED!!! :dance: i cant wait to see it!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE






im also SUPER proud of my friends cus my one friend just put her pics up on FB of the concert and the tagline for this pic makes me so happy, when they were out in the Lawn...



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im also SUPER proud of my friends cus my one friend just put her pics up on FB of the concert and the tagline for this pic makes me so happy, when they were out in the Lawn...




NICE! love how they screamed extra loud just for him and his facial expression :wink3:

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yah i just called my friend and she said she'd want to go with me. i just hope i can find away to get down there.


too bad u cant hook up with Angie and u guys both go Coldplay boy a huntin' in Texas! :wacko:

i give u loads and loads of coldplay karma for tom!!!


and i would seriously check at Waterloo Records again!! he might go back there and look again!

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this shirt is already getting my stamp of approval!!! it sounds WICKED!!! :dance: i cant wait to see it!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE






im also SUPER proud of my friends cus my one friend just put her pics up on FB of the concert and the tagline for this pic makes me so happy, when they were out in the Lawn...




thanks liz! :D

and that's awesome that your friends were so close!


lauren, if you meet him tell him i said hi. :wacky: :P


too bad u cant hook up with Angie and u guys both go Coldplay boy a huntin' in Texas! :wacko:

i give u loads and loads of coldplay karma for tom!!!


and i would seriously check at Waterloo Records again!! he might go back there and look again!


is angie comming to austin?

yah he better go to waterloo! :whip:

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NICE! love how they screamed extra loud just for him and his facial expression :wink3:


haha i know, they said the plan was to kidnap him for me too! haha but they then said they were too distracted / mesmerized by his hotness :dizzy2:

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yah i just called my friend and she said she'd want to go with me. i just hope i can find away to get down there.


If you've got the funds cab it, unless it's just waaay too far for a cab ride, then beg, borrow, or steal,well maybe not steal, a car and get down there and go "hunting"


this shirt is already getting my stamp of approval!!! it sounds WICKED!!! :dance: i cant wait to see it!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE






im also SUPER proud of my friends cus my one friend just put her pics up on FB of the concert and the tagline for this pic makes me so happy, when they were out in the Lawn...




Awww your friends are sooo cute, love how all the guy pics are tagged with your name :P

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thanks liz! :D

and that's awesome that your friends were so close!






is angie comming to austin?

yah he better go to waterloo! :whip:


yeah im pretty sure she is gonna be at your show....she was talking about the weather in Austin or something and telling ppl how to dress for the show, you might want to check your live thread for your show Lauren and see who else is! STALKING PARTY! :cheesy:



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haha i know, they said the plan was to kidnap him for me too! haha but they then said they were too distracted / mesmerized by his hotness :dizzy2:


hehe i swear Guy has that effect on everyone!! :wacko:


Awww your friends are sooo cute, love how all the guy pics are tagged with your name :P


lol i noticed that too...that's so cute and funny :D

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haha i know, they said the plan was to kidnap him for me too! haha but they then said they were too distracted / mesmerized by his hotness :dizzy2:


LOL... my friend wants me to kidnap Chris for my show but I told her I didn't have that much room in my car cuz Guy was already gonna be in the back seat :rolleyes::P

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yeah im pretty sure she is gonna be at your show....she was talking about the weather in Austin or something and telling ppl how to dress for the show, you might want to check your live thread for your show Lauren and see who else is! STALKING PARTY! :cheesy:




haha yah i wonder...:sneaky:



and i dont know where he's staying

i asked angie in a pm but she never responded. and i dont know if my plans to try to find him will even work. because my mom,dad, and brother all have to work tomorrow. and i highly doubt my friend's parents would be able to take us down as early in the morning as i plan to go. and i dont have a car/cant drive, and neither can my friend. and she has to go wakeboarding at 9 am. :(

how is this going to work?!

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He only needs to open that lucky ass bitch bottle, not have sex with it! :bomb:





LOL Ab!!!!

I had the same thought!


haha i know, they said the plan was to kidnap him for me too! haha but they then said they were too distracted / mesmerized by his hotness :dizzy2:

Who wouldn´t be?:rolleyes:

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Ok I'm out for a little while, don't do anything I wouldn't do or have too much fun without me :laugh3::laugh3:


bye Jenn! :)


i'm off for the night. i have to get up super early and attend this stupid mandatory orientation even though I've already started literally a month ago at my internship :dozey: anyway hope u all have a wonderful night and have sweet, pervy Berry dreams :hug:

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