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~*~ The Official Will Champion Appreciation Thread ~*~


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LOL/LMAO/ROFL whatever you wanna call it...:laugh3:

He would totally look like a badass mofo. We need to slip these pics into his mail slot, maybe he'll get inspired...

(did that sound perverted to anyone else:wink3::uhoh:..oh just me then:sneaky:)

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He would totally look like a badass mofo. We need to slip these pics into his mail slot, maybe he'll get inspired...

(did that sound perverted to anyone else:wink3::uhoh:..oh just me then:sneaky:)






it's not just you, that totally sounds pervy

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COLDPLAY may have made their name with heart-stirring rock ballads. But that’s about to change thanks to drummer WILL CHAMPION’s tinkering in the studio.


The tub-thumper wants to take the rockers on a rave odyssey after investing in some top-of-the-range beat-making equipment. Recent sessions have seen the sticks-man unveil a thundering, 168-beats-per- minute banger of a track. That’s proper hands in the air, big fish, little fish, cardboard box tempo. And at that speed it’s even faster than many techno tracks or anthems from rave’s heyday. I’m told: “The lads are still on a creative roll in the studio and Will is bringing lots of ideas to the table.




“He’s got a new drum machine and has been having a lot of fun pushing it to its limits. His most recent offering is turbo-charged, to say the least, but the lads have been having a great time working with it.”


Creative Will — who frontman CHRIS MARTIN believes is the most versatile musician in the band — isn’t just keen on following the white gloves and whistles direction. He’s also been taking Chris, JONNY BUCKLAND and GUY BERRYMAN down an experimental jazz avenue.




The source added: “Will has got a track in seven-four time that he’s working on, 99 per cent of rock music is based around the standard four-four time signature. “It’s only the most adventurous of jazz people who compose anything with such an irregular beat. But he’s pressing forward with it.”


Will must be sprinkling something special on his Sugar Puffs if jazz is the new Coldplay flavour. But I suspect he might have a kindred spirit at the band’s converted bakery HQ in north London.


BRIAN ENO, who is once again producing the new material, is no stranger to the experimental side of pop music. He’s been involved in all manner of avant-garde projects. The lads, who released single Life In Technicolor earlier this year, have been recording the follow-up to last year’s Viva La Vida album during a break from their world tour.


In the middle of May they will hit the road again, touring North America until the end of June before playing some summer festivals in Europe. They’ll bring their current campaign to a close with shows at Wembley Stadium on September 18 and 19.


Just in time for Ibiza’s closing parties.

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Viva La eBay for Coldplay

Posted by Ninad on August 18, 2008 at 04:26 PM in eBay in Pop Culture | Permalink


One of my eBay co-workers sent this in to The Chatter last week. Amy is a huge fan of Coldplay and had the opportunity of meeting the drummer when the band performed recently in San Jose. Her excitement doubled when she learned about Coldplay's eBay connection! Here's what Amy (looking suitably thrilled next to Will Champion) wrote:




Coldplay is one of my favorite bands and is currently touring to promote their new album Viva la Vida. I had the chance to interview drummer Will Champion when they came to San Jose to play at the HP Pavilion.




I asked him a series of questions ranging from what food he would eat if he could only eat one thing for the rest of his life (answer: lasagna)

to the significance of a smallish tattoo of a hand on his forearm (his baby daughter's).

I also asked about their pre-gig routine which he jokingly said was pretty tame ("We don't sit around and do shots of Jagermeister or anything"). Actually before every show the band sits together quietly for a while and then spends a few minutes singing to get warmed up and ready to perform.


But the BEST part of my visit with him came when I asked him if he had ever bought or sold anything on eBay.

Here is what he said: "Well, for our new single, Viva La Vida, we needed to find a big bell for me to ring. So we looked on eBay and found an old school bell that we bought.





We used it in the studio and we use it during the concerts too. You will see it later on during the show on stage."

I was absolutely thrilled that not only had they bought something but that they actually had the item with them. My only regret is that I didn't ask what their User ID was, so I could go check out their Feedback!

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