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just finished The Thrill of The Grass by W.P. Kinsella (which was very good), and Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis (which was fucking awesome . . i'd recommend it to anyone who considers themselves even a marginal Red Hot Chili Peppers fan)


before that (a few weeks ago) i read Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain (again, a great book . . i'd give it maybe a 9 out of 10)


i'm just now rereading my all-time favourite novel The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson (despite its girth i reread it every couple of years to reexperiance its mindbending greatness and hilarity), and i will soon be reading the rest of Kurt Vonnegut's novels (out of his 14 novels i've read 9, and thus am looking to complete the collection, both because of his recent passing and becuase he is by far my favourite author of all time): Hocus Pocus, Mother Night, Slapstick, God Bless You Mr Rosewater, and Deadeye Dick. Also, i've never read any Ayn Rand, so i'll probably be checking out The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged in the near future.




i'm a bit of a reader:laugh3:

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No One Writes to the Colonel from Gabriel Garcia...

it's quite enjoyable :nice:


awesome work! i read it in a book with many of his short stories.

when reading it even though Gabriel mainly had the colonel and his wife (and the rooster hehe) as the main characters it gave me the sense of clustrophobia. (?)


have you read one hundred years of solitude?

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just finished kathy reichs last pb, whose name escapes me right now. was very good, not read any Tempe Brennan for a while and it reminded me how much I'd missed her and how much more i prefer her to Scarpetta.


Have started Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland during my lunch today. seems pretty cool so far

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i'm envious of you all... I haven't been able to read proper books for ages. It's all books/readings for Uni... Hamlet, The Divine Comedy, Oedipus the King, etc. plus articles or chapters from academic works that are set for students to read. They're interesting (not always, though) but I have about 5 books waiting for me that I bought late last year. I'll have to wait for my month off in July between semesters to read them.

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^ i hear you i have to read boring scientific, mathematics stuff (snore!) and i have two books i have begun and haven't got round to finishing in the pipline :(.

At least the stuff your reading is exciting little miss clumsy.

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awesome work! i read it in a book with many of his short stories.

when reading it even though Gabriel mainly had the colonel and his wife (and the rooster hehe) as the main characters it gave me the sense of clustrophobia. (?)


have you read one hundred years of solitude?


no, but I have it in mind!



I know it's very good also.

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Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant

in case you haven't read it it's about a man called Georges Duroy who becomes one of the most powerful men in Paris, which he achieves by manipulating his wealthy mistresses.

it's not bad but i prefer the Romanticism to the Social Realism

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^ i hear you i have to read boring scientific, mathematics stuff (snore!) and i have two books i have begun and haven't got round to finishing in the pipline :(.

At least the stuff your reading is exciting little miss clumsy.


It depends on the subjects you're doing - and lucky for me I don't do anything mathematical. I'm in my first year of a Bachelor of Arts (it's a 3yr course and if I pass it then I will move on to a Master of Teaching) and so in my Texts and Tradition class I have to read more classical things which is ok. But then in my other three classes it's either text book readings or there is a thing called a Reader that the course co-ordinator puts together and it's full of articles or chapters from books (not novels, but academic, boring kind of books) relating to the subject and we have to read out of that sometimes too. It's generally ok but it is boring sometimes.

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the catcher in the rye (again)


Did you find that after you read it first time round that you became very cynical?

i did...read it in highschool that could explain it...most people were fake then anyway...(oh dear becoming negative again)


Eleven minutes by Paulo Coelho


^ haven't read that will add it to my must read list.

i read the alchemist and thought aww so decided to read another of his works. i read "Veronica wants to kill herself" so very different to the alchemist...( i must admit i was shocked! the title should've given it away hehe).



Little Miss Clumsy you sound so much like one of my friends she is studing something similiar!

be really funny if you were that friend i speak of hehe. your not a melbournian are you (!?!)

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Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant

in case you haven't read it it's about a man called Georges Duroy who becomes one of the most powerful men in Paris, which he achieves by manipulating his wealthy mistresses.

it's not bad but i prefer the Romanticism to the Social Realism


hmm sounds interesting i like soical realism. ahh so many books to read and so little time!

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Little Miss Clumsy you sound so much like one of my friends she is studing something similiar!

be really funny if you were that friend i speak of hehe. your not a melbournian are you (!?!)


I'm from Sydney (western suburbs)... I don't think we know each other. Btw, you may call me Nadia (not that it's a big honour or anything). I wish I found someone I knew on this site. I only know one person who is a big enough fan to join a fan site.

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Also started 100 years of solitude


I was really enjoying that book but eventually had to give up because my head couldn't cope any more! There are about 4 or 5 characters from the same family with the same names and I couldn't work out who was who

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Bel Ami by Guy de Maupassant

in case you haven't read it it's about a man called Georges Duroy who becomes one of the most powerful men in Paris, which he achieves by manipulating his wealthy mistresses.

it's not bad but i prefer the Romanticism to the Social Realism

I hate that book,I just don't understand...Are the women so stupid or so it seems...?Whatever I hate most of all Georges Duroy:cool: And I love Edmon Dantesse :rolleyes:

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