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The Pope Dies


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thats true....a silver hammer...to make sure he's not asleep...its papal tradition...since before they had "medical teams"...the head cardinal would call his baptismal name 3 times....then tap his head with a hammer


OOOOHHH!! i thought she meant like hit him hard!! If it's just a tap, that makes sense!


*High fives Laura*



Anyway, I dunno the big deal about this dude, hes just a person who died and everyone makes a big deal about it?

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then read this. and it`s only a small part of what he`s done.








he was also the 1st pope who said it doesn`t matter if you`re catholic or buddhist or whatever, we all should be united.


you don`t understand cuz you never been struck by the power of the guy.

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thats true....a silver hammer...to make sure he's not asleep...its papal tradition...since before they had "medical teams"...the head cardinal would call his baptismal name 3 times....then tap his head with a hammer


OOOOHHH!! i thought she meant like hit him hard!! If it's just a tap, that makes sense!


*High fives Laura*



Anyway, I dunno the big deal about this dude, hes just a person who died and everyone makes a big deal about it?


Some dude? You are arrogant.

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You do not know me well enough to start calling me names... So your judging me.


I am judging the comment that you made, the Pope is one of the most known figures on the planet and you are calling him "some dude". What do you live under a rock?


Oh nevermind, you are 14, I am not going to waste my time talking to a kid.

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This is big news ... I guess I have never gave him credit for what changes he made in the world.... he was a Ok man, even though I got brought up in a prosesdant household and he was made out to be the devil he never did me anything wrong...

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Did anyone here see him at World Youth Day? My parents went to that in Toronto, I did not however.


I went. My parents wanted me to, so I did. It rained like a bitch at first. I was soaking wet...and then it stopped.


Anyway, I dunno the big deal about this dude, hes just a person who died and everyone makes a big deal about it?


Alright, see this is where I draw the line. He's not some dude..he's only the leader of 1.1 billion catholics around the world. No big deal? That's a huge deal.

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Maybe if you actually read what people said about the Pope in this thread, you would not have made such comments about him, but that is asking too much of you.


Go ahead ignore me, like I care.


People make him out to be a god, hes not god, there is only one God, and hes not him, and catholics,( And the pope was a catholic) They pray to "Mary" and other idols which is a graven image, So that means that since The Pope was a catholic he prayed to Mary and Other idols, the Bible says (Exodus 20:4) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, There are more chapters too.. ah, heres a good one, (Leviticus 26:1) Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, niether rear you up a standing image, niether shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God. The Bible says, For I am the Lord your God, And I dont think the Pope wrote the Bible if im not mistaking, Now, Since the Bible says in like a hundred different places that Bowing down to idols is an abomination, and The Pope bowed down to idols, The Bible is always right, so you cant say im wrong casue im quoteing out of the Bible.

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OH WOW!! Quoting the Bible! I'm sorry, but that might not be the best excuse. The Bible has some things in there that are pretty ridiculous.


And Catholics don't make the Pope out to be a god. They don't see him as that. They see him as a leader, which they respect.

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