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My thoughts exactly. :disappointed: They came to Halifax once when no one knew who they were and they don't seem to have any plans of ever coming back.


Guess they're too big for us now. :cry:

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Arcade Fire’s the Neon Bible references Coldplay


A convenient guide to the Arcade Fire press inferno


You may have read—if not in these pages then, oh, anywhere else—that a rock band named the Arcade Fire released an important album, Neon Bible, last week. This has occasioned a great deal of effusive and occasionally odd music writing. To sort through the considerable—nay, magnitudinous—hype, we’ve compiled a handy chart.




New Yorker

Bruce Springsteen, U2, Threepenny Opera, Echo & the Bunnymen, the Ronettes, Talking Heads, David Bowie


New York Times Magazine

David Byrne, David Bowie, U2, Bono, Puccini, R.E.M., Talking Heads, Radiohead, the Pixies, the Smiths, the Cure, Buddy Holly, “Dylan,” Woody Guthrie, the Clash, the Ramones, Pat Metheny


New York Magazine

Neutral Milk Hotel, Talking Heads, U2, David Bowie, David Byrne, Coldplay, Chris Martin, bar band, string quartet



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Glasgow Barrowlands 12/3 - absolutely AMAZING.......When they started to play wake up I thought I may implode with joy! haha Got a setlist as well which will be taking pride of place on my wall!


Put some pics on here (AF and Patrick Wolf)





^^Win crowd surfing! :D




And there's a bootleg of the gig as well! I'm just downloading now!!


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[The Coldplayer Review] the Arcade Fire - Neon Bible



The Arcade Fire had a tough act to follow after releasing their debut album Funeral in 2005. Funeral was about as good as it gets for a debut album by any band. Their sophomore release Neon Bible is no Funeral, but it is an outstanding album none the less. It is crystal clear that the band has seen more of the world and seen that there is a lot of corruption and darkness. On the TV, in the news, in the Church, everywhere you go. They explore these issues creatively with deep and mature lyrics, but thankfully they don't leave you feeling empty and hopeless.

This was on of the most anticipated releases of the year, and it certainly has lived up to its expectations. A refreshing sound, something different than the crap you usually hear on the radio.


Black Mirror - The opening song has an appropriate name as it reflects the mood for the album, very dark. Lyrically it is a good song, with the band alternating between French and English during the chorus. Win's voice along with Regine's is particularly strong on this track.


Keep the Car Running - You just can't help moving while listening to this track, it is like a big kitchen party for the ears. They have a full orchestra of instruments on this songs making it an epic track, carrying the same emotion that was heard on Funeral in songs like Wake Up and Rebellion.


Neon Bible - This is the only track on the album I can't get into. A simple but beautiful song.


Intervention - One of their most powerful songs, not just because of the music, but because of the deep lyrics. Once again they demonstrate how talented they are musically with a variety of instruments from the church organ to the violins, to the xylophone. The organ fits the song well as the song is about 'working for the Church while your life falls apart'.


Black Wave/Bad Vibrations - The only song that Regine really has a lead vocal role as she sings the first part of the song beautifully, intertwining French and English together like only the Arcade Fire can. It is appropriate the song has two titles as their is a distinct change in the middle when Win takes over on vocals and the tempo of the song slows down and becomes much darker. This song shows the maturity of the band as they try something more complex.


Ocean of Noise - With a title like Ocean of Noise you would expect a loud song, but this is one of the most relaxing songs on the album.


The Well and the Lighthouse - A more upbeat song that sounds like it is off of Funeral. For some reason the lyric "the lions and the lambs ain't sleepin' yet" keeps getting stuck in my head.


Building Downtown (Antichrist Television) - Heavy title equals heavy lyrics. This is my favourite song of the album but also the most frightening one. It deals with a guy who is asking God for a daughter that will get famous because he doesn't want to work in a building downtown. Musically it is a very catchy song.


Windowsill - Another dark song listing of a long lists of 'I don't wants'. It reminds me of God by John Lennon and God Part II. It lists everything from not wanting to live in America anymore to not fighting in the holy war. A very politically charged song.


No Cars Go - This song was originally released on their EP from 2003. While the newly recorded version is amazing I'm not a huge fan of bands re-using songs. If I didn't have the Arcade Fire EP this would most likely be my favourite song on the album. The addition of the Hungarian church choir is great.


My Body Is a Cage - weird name, but great song. A unique song to close the album off with. Once again another haunting song lyrically. It also uses the pipe organ giving it a Gothic haunting Beauty In the Beast type sound. A strong finish to a strong album.



The Verdict

Black Mirror 4

Keep the Car Running 5

Neon Bible 3

Intervention 5

Black Wave/Bad Vibrations 4

Ocean of Noise 4

The Well and the Lighthouse 4

Building Downtown 5

Windowsill 5

No Cars Go 4.5

My Body Is a Cage 4


Final rating: 4.3/5


This is from my blog.

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good review Briggins!


let me expand my thoughts as well...


Arcade Fire - Neon Bible






Everytime when I try comparing Neon Bible to Funeral, I always end up that Bible doesn't even come close to Funeral. Neither musically, nor lyrically. So comparing the two looking quite ridiculous to me. But I'll do it, because I have nothing better to do.


While Funeral's being energetic, natural, emotional and even childish sometimes, Neon Bible is a total opposite.


Arcade Fire's 2nd album is dark, emotionally artificial and too serious.


The opener "Black Mirror" is probably the best example to describe the album's seriousness and darkness and to show the difference between the follow-up and the debut. Political orientated lyrics, angry vocals and paranoia. Compared to "Tunnels", it's like water to fire.


This dramatic feeling that was set up by the opener goes through the whole album.


Neon Bible is like an emotional bomb that waiting to explode. On the one hand, depressing and hopeless, but on the other hand moving and absolutely beatiful.


The musical progress that the Montreal group have made since Funeral is obvious.


The kids grew up. They now make serious music.


But being serious and singing about politics and God is not for Arcade Fire. It just doesn't work in this way.


There's something on this album that I miss. I guess, it's the factor of brilliance that I still couldn't find on Neon Bible even after several listenings. It just doesn't affect me like Funeral does.


However... among today's pop/rock music Arcade Fire's Neon Bible can easily be described as higlight and masterpiece.


And probably the most important: Neon Bible does not disappoint.

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Neon Bible is like an emotional bomb that waiting to explode. On the one hand, depressing and hopeless, but on the other hand moving and absolutely beatiful.



I really like that line. Thats exactly how I feel about it. Nice review as well. :)

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Yeah Funeral is a fantastic album, amazing even. But is it fair to not like Neon Bible because it's too political or 'grown up'? AF are simply making music about what's important to them right now. Personally I appreciate that a lot more than songs like......the fucking hardest part...for example!! :laugh3:

The lyrics in my opinion are even better this time round. Why shouldn't they be angry and opinionated? Expressing one's feelings and emotions is precisely what creating music is all about. I'd much rather AF did that than create some la-de-dah shite that goes nowhere, makes no point and that I can't identify with. And of course, had they made an album too similar to Funeral we would have criticised them for that. If you take Neon Bible as an album in it's own right then you can't deny that it is a bloody good un! ;)



Just wanted to add that Funeral is, and always will be one of my favourite albums and my defence of Neon Bible does not imply I think it's better than Funeral. The first time I heard Power Out was in Italy at like 5am. I couldn't sleep so eventually got up to watch MTV (i had no idea the music on MTV Italy is actually much better at that time in the morning haha!) and this amazing song came on...I've loved AF ever since.

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