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Did Ashlee Simpson rip off Coldplay?


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Hahaha! My sister nearly pissed herself! :lol: She said it looks like he needs to fart! :lol: :lol:


maybe it was all the taquitos!! im sorry, i love will dont get me wrong, but doesnt he look like a mexican food adict???



perhaps not! :confused:

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Hahaha! My sister nearly pissed herself! :lol: She said it looks like he needs to fart! :lol: :lol:


maybe it was all the taquitos!! im sorry, i love will dont get me wrong, but doesnt he look like a mexican food adict???



perhaps not! :confused:


:o Hahahahaaha :lol: :lol: maybe!?! Hahaha mildred you are so random! :lol:

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Hahaha! My sister nearly pissed herself! :lol: She said it looks like he needs to fart! :lol: :lol:


maybe it was all the taquitos!! im sorry, i love will dont get me wrong, but doesnt he look like a mexican food adict???



perhaps not! :confused:


:o Hahahahaaha :lol: :lol: maybe!?! Hahaha mildred you are so random! :lol:


random! hehe, that's something i've never heard before!! :lol: :lol:


even more random: a very large guy wearing a sombrero and a hoop skirt dancing tango!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


haha.. :lol:

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^ :lol:


damn that Simpson girl.....everytime i listen to Square one i start singing "do you know how it feels.....with eyes wide open etc" :angry: and i hear her screeching voice instead of Chris lovely falsetto:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :embarrased: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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My God!!! I've just heard that.... At first I thought us being amazing Coldplay fans we'd have just exaggerated... But... Wow... I was expecting Chris to start singing at any moment..... :stunned:


That's.... I hate her now.

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I vote we all get tickets for TOTP if she performs and we all boo like crazy. We can have a big banner saying "CFU against Ashlee Simpson" and all wear badges with her face crossed out like a no-smoking sign. Somehow I can see just me being there and getting chucked out by security... :rolleyes:

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I just found something VERY interesting, an article in which Ashlee Simpson gets slagged off very badly :D


--> http://www.bsudailynews.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2005/11/02/436848783c82b


This paragraph is especially important:


"From the pulsing hip hop of “L.O.V.E,” in which she mimics Gwen Stefani, to the stargazing rock sound of “Dancing Alone” that was stolen from Coldplay, to her desperate attempt to sound like the Black Eyed Peas on “Burnin Up,” Ashlee Simpson — or “the talented one’s sister” — has remained firm in her quest to deliver the most contrived, manufactured, paint-by-numbers excuse for music that our nation’s preteen girls have ever loved to make themselves dumber to."[/b]

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You know, it wouldn't really surprise me if she did rip them off. There is nothing original about this girl what so ever, shes just a wannabe.

You can't imitate a sound like Coldplays, that's just not possible so she better stop trying.

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:stunned: BITER!!! ...I just listened to the track...gosh! It's people like her who really, really piss me off...they go out on MTV as 'new rising artists' and get all this praise and stuff from people who just dont know what theyre saying. It's so stupid because the truth is that all their "great new" music is completely ripped off from other amazingly talented, original artists.


the song has finished playing :sneaky: *deleates from itunes playlist*


seriously...what is wrong with most american artists these days? It's mostly garbage nowadays! (no offense) I'm not surpised to find that all of my fave bands come from the UK...props to you guys out there.

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elizabeth, hey there*waves hand*

i agree with you completely..bands here in america lack originality and most importantly a sound of their own. all bands(and singers) here, with few exceptions, try to sound emo, or punk or "death metal"(such a disaster) and is even worse when they copy an artist, regardless if its britney spears or coldplay. bands from europe, although all can be classified under rock and/or alternative, they all have their sound... :D :D :D

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