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Did Ashlee Simpson rip off Coldplay?


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Yeah - and your point is....?


Its the music industry. Everyone rips off everyone.




I'm not saying that Coldplay haven't lifted anything from anyone, but they have a canny knack of regurgitating it into something COMPLETELY different and COMPLETELY their own...

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or how about Coldplay's ripoff of Radiohead's High and Dry with The Scientist?

Or even Coldplay's ripoff of Coldplay's Clocks for Speed of Sound?


:lol: What are you talking about? First of all, "High and Dry" sounds NOTHING like "The Scientist," but both are great songs, imo.


second, how can Coldplay rip off themselves? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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You people are class. So many fans going nuts over a ripoff. Like its the most evil thing possible.



Its the music industry. Everyone rips off everyone.

Deal with it


yes. i agree. :D

but, whenever artists rip off one another, they at least admit it. even if they call it an "influence" or sometimes they even admit they ripped off a chord progression, a bass line, a drum beat, etc.

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Oh man I browsed Itunes to find that song and all I told my sister was "I heard she ripped off some people..." and right then I played it the first thing she said was "coldplay!" and then I went to play Square One and it was identical....

can she do that?!


As long as they get their cut of the profits...


Besides, would Coldplay really want their name on the sleeve of an Ashlee Simpson CD.


Fuck no!

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