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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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If someone wants a Coldplay singles box, there is a cheap one available on Ebay right now (2 hours and 40 minutes left):



Shipment: only to the UK!


great find!

oh, too bad the shipping's only to the UK :(




I just opened the msn page and who's there between Ricky Martin and Bono? :awesome:



msntu.jpgyes, I was watching the C&J thread :laugh3:



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Haha true but they have a couple years now...okay so im just impatient!! Hurry coldplay pretty please with a cherry on top! :P


I bet they were teasing us! Cuz they know how we are and that we get all excited about any clue of the new album. So I bet some real news are coming very soon, but we gotta be patient, and don't worry :P they r just having fun with us right now but they'll make up for it.


Till then im enjoying all this impatience and fun late night radio parties (that make u sick) about porridge. Kinda fun to just hear them on the radio and to be part of whatever game they are playing on us right now hehe.:P


Yea I have a good feeling about spring, yay for our bdays!:dancing:


Yes, Just be patient and don't worry. ;) It is kinda of nice just hearing thier voices and just trying to play their guessing game. :) It's kind of funny how then everyone wants the album to come out on thier bday's. We'll see whose it lands on. :D And like someone said it is the best birthday present. :D

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Yes, Just be patient and don't worry. ;) It is kinda of nice just hearing thier voices and just trying to play their guessing game. :) It's kind of funny how then everyone wants the album to come out on thier bday's. We'll see whose it lands on. :D And like someone said it is the best birthday present. :D


Yea it is fun trying to decipher everything with the tiniest clues they give us. And we overanalyze every single word they say hehe :P but this just means we have something amazing to look forward too...oh I can't wait!, :dance: ok ill wait...a little:P haha yes we got everyone to say their bdays:P we will see whose the lucky person to get that great bday present :D



I went looking at old posts of the days when I was waiting for the concert on july13 2009. Awww the memories. I was reading my own words of excitement and anticipation, awaiting one of the best days of my life. And by far the BEST monday ever!

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I have about 13 individual photos of Guy in my room and when I walk into my room its so weird cos its like he's staring at me and his eyes follow me around the room :freak:




Guy is so shy - apparently he is also a stalker of the Biggest Guy Fan. :wink3:

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okay I have a couple random Coldplay thoughts from the last few days.


I had a dream a few nights ago that I was watching Coldplay play soccer and they were all doing pretty good, especially Will, and then the ball got passed to Chris cause he was right in front of the goal so he tried kicking it in, and he missed a really easy shot. It was hilarious. :lol: Will, Jonny, and Guy(Phil wasn't there. :\) were all mad. It was pretty funny. Poor Chris. Then they kept playing but didn't really pass the ball to Chris anymore. Poor Chris.:hug::chris::hug: Then I woke up. :shifty:


Yesterday when I went to the dentist as I was walking out to the front to the waiting room after being seen, Speed of Sound started playing. :awesome: It was nice to hear it in a place I don't like going to. :P


Today in French class I had to write sentences in French using different tenses and I wrote about Chris singing. :D


And I'm really liking The World Turned Upside Down. I've been listening to it a lot lately. :)

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Oh those r some nice rcts imelda :D

poor chris :P

ah the dentist reminds me of needing to go there myself

nice song.


I heard trouble today, and it made me feel better cuz I was super annoyed with my sis today.

Had not heard it in a while and its so beautiful.


Im going through coldplay withdrawl, how much more do I have to wait for the new album?!


...And new interviews :(

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I swear, every time I look at the clock it's _:42. I'm seeing 42 EVERY. WHERE.


Really annoying, but insanely hilarious.





I had this dream where Chris, Guy, Will, and Jonny were all in some studio playing for this little group of fans (one of which was me :lol:) and Chris was like:


Chris: Alright guys, are you ready for some Coldplay?

Minicrowd: Yeah!

Chris: Louder!

Minicrowd: YEAH! GO COLDPLAY!!

Chris: Jonny!


And Jonny started playing 'In My Place' and IT WAS AMAZING!!


They also played 'Don't Panic', 'Speed of Sound', 'Postcards from Far Away', 'Careful Where You Stand' and 'Viva La Vida' Chris dedicated 'Speed of Sound' to me :D

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