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Woow, as i already said, i'm so happy for you :stunned: And jealous..haha

You'll have some super time.. :nice:


Remember to take loads of pics :dance:

And get on the stage and hug them all :dance:


edit: Nadia! Oh myy! I just saw your new avi! It's beautiful I love it.. awww :blush:

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I just bought my Mew tickets for April 4th!! :dead: :dead: :drunk:

I'm so excited! I love this band!! :dance:


omg i am SO happy for you, so happy and getting outta control [can't believe they are going to the states again - but still hella excited for you!] :dance: :wacko: :D :heart: :nice: and as zeoir said, GREAT avatar :thumbsup: spread frengeristic loveeeeeeeeeeee! :)

:drunk: :dead: mew live - it's a dream, take pics and post them here :D


ohoh try take a band pic, lol i say it like it's easy to do, but try, i will when i see them - eventually :P

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Aww thanks ladies!!! Nice to know I have some people to share the excitement with. :dance: Most people have NO idea who Mew is. :P I know it'll be an ammmazing show....and yes, I plan on taking as many photos as my little camera will hold!...and of course will report back here right away to tell you guys about it! :nice: :heart: :D


I need to dig up some of their setlists so I know what to expect....or perhaps I should just let it be a surprise?? I think the Aladdin theater is pretty small....nothing beats an intimate venue. Oooo, I can't wait! :D


So Kathy, you haven't seen them live yet. Have you, Rolle?

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Yeah, nothing really beats an intimate gig

I saw them live last summer on a festival. There were a lot of people..so i couldn't even imagine being on an intimate gig.. :lol:


I can tell the last song for sure, it's quite obvious. But ah, so perfect :nice:


yaay, a lot of pics! I hope your little cam can candle the greatness!

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Call me weird or something, but i just draw two mew angels on my skin.

Other one on my stomach (the place where my pants begin, hahh, what a good explanation) and other on my wrist.


I just got all excited of getting it tattooed..and i had to draw it to see how it looks like :wacko:


It's all because of this site


I will get that little angel tattooed one day :nice:

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Ha! How funny.....I actually stumbled across that same site just yesterday, and saw those tattoo pics. I must admit, I'm not a huge fan of tattoos only because I can't imagine my 90 year old self with an old, faded, wrinkley tattoo. :lol: Ew. But....that being said, those little angels are pretty cute! :P No tattoo for me, but I'll keep my Mew angel as my avi for a while me thinks. :) Guaranteed NOT to fade!


And Rolleee, what do you think the last song will be?? You say it's obvious, but not too a new Mew fan like myself! Tell, tell!

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Comforting Sounds is the last track they play live.


The animation projection is amazing on this live.....it's pretty funny too.

(Not as good as the Cat on "Am I Wry? No" though, haha)

Comforting Sounds would have been my first guess actually. :) What a perfect ending, indeed. That song has the most amazing crescendo. Simply beautiful.


'Am I Wry?' seems like a good opening song....am I right?

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oh talking about tattoos, i was considering getting one for a while [and i am the last person i would've thought would would get one] and i know i've said it before, but it was going to be the mew angel on the right inner wrist, and although i'm not as passionate about getting one anymore, i will randomly start drawing them just to see how it would look lol we're not weird rolle, just frengers :D




although i love special i still prefer aiw?n as the opening track, it just has a commanding sound that just works as a starter. but either or, i just want to see them live lol i don't care if they played one track over and over, i would suit me just fineeee!


and once again, comforting sounds...woOow :nice:


have a great time at the show Nadia, i can only imagine what it will be like, so i will wait patiently for a miracle announcement of "MEW COMING TO AUSTRALIA" lol till then pics will do :D

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Ah, i love frengers, haha, in every way you can possibly love them :smug:


I'd love to have a tattoo on my wrist..but then it could mean some job issues, so..


I have thought how cool it would be to tattoo "frenger" on my foot sole, i mean like under me foot, it that makes any sense, haha. well actually i came up with this idea at 5am few nights ago, mwah

It would be so nice :nice: + it wouldn't even look that silly when i'm a 80-year-old granny :lol:

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^ never entered my mind to have it there lol definitely unique, and age won't affect that too much, but you'd have to wear shoes to prevent it from scratching, not that i think you'll be gliding your soles around on rocky surfaces :lol:




i just found a heap of mew photos, and i'm happy but now i have to save them all. i have way too many mew pics, but i can't stop collecting, not that i want too, because who could get tired of looking at them boys :wink3: ... but still :shame:


ooh, just found a pic showing jonas (quite blurry) looking quite mature, once again, it is blurry but definitely our beloved.

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Ha, well yeah. It would be terrible to have it there..i mean i couldn't walk for some weeks. so that's probably not the wisest idea, hah



There's nothing wrong with collecting pics of mew! Aww, i have just realized how nice Johan is, ha. Jonas has always been the cute one. but whoow.


I still love this pic




hahaha Jonas is so out of it. haha

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haha, he looks highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...but seriously what is the deal with the flowers?!? :freak: :lol:


actually i found some not-so-appealing pics of jonas which is a first, but i still think he's one of the most attractive guys i've seen. something about covering everything up with scarves, jackets, jumpers (multi-coloured or not) that makes me think awwwwe!


i was noticing johan too lately, but it was short-lived when i saw bo in an interview and thought "hmmmmmmmmmmmmm" lol but then jonas was asked a question and bo was off the radar along with every other guy walking this planet :blush: lol

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Haha, the flowers.. :freak: they're really weird.

It looks like he had just woken up somewhere and someone gave him those flowers and said that he had to stood there with them :lol:


Yeah, i have seen some really really weird pics of him..that make me think "what the fuck is happening in this picture?"


He sure is cute with all those clothes and scarves..and shoes..and aww the hair! It's always so messy but he sure looks good with it.


Hahah, they are so funny sometimes...ahh, when you just get the dvd :smile:




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oh fuck its been too long, stupid school has taken up so much of my time... and i so miss talking about mew.


that dvd looks so awesome, i'm thinking about ordering it from ebay and getting a glass handed kites poster too...


what i can't find is some live mew audio, i have some downloading at the moment so i'll u/l it on here as soon as thats done :)

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Heey Josh!

It's great to see you here :)


Yeah, i think you really should order it, it's awesome. Aww, i want a poster too :blush: Well, i guess i could always order it,too, but i'm just too lazy, meh. :(



Oh-oh, i'm looking forward to your uploads!


And again, it's good to see you here!

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it looks like the download of the live stuff has ceased temporarily, its like a 300mb download and theres no seeders (its a torrent) so until then i can't d/l anymore.


if anyone has some live mew stuff could they post it here? pretty please :D

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meh no Mew DVD in shops here... and i doubt if they even send DVDs to Israel from shops abroads.


Well, the dvd was kind of for the fans from Denmark. That's why it doesn't even have subtitles, although as i have said before, they don't even speak that much danish so it doesn't really matter. But it's a pity if they don't start selling it to other places too :(

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it's been a while, and in my world even 1 day without mew is a long time!


josh, i've searched on ebay and amazon for the DvD and occasionally you will find the DvD for sale, but the prices are h i g h so if i were you [and i am in a mew-wanting kinda way] i'd ask someone in europe to buy it and send it to you. i know, kinda dodgy and suspect but i'm desperate. i'm currently in the process of asking someone i know in ireland to send it, and it that falls through, asking a friend from uni whose from norway who knows someone in denmark that likes mew *breathe* to eventually send it to me.


eh, that or i'll just get it off ebay and hope it's legit :tongue: lol the lengths i go to for mew ... but hearing jonas is all the motivation i need :nice:




btw, the only track i have of them live is the saliva, mica and panda medley [which is mind blowing] that is the only one i know of that is in circulation. if there are others out there i don't know about them.

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hey yeah i have a few live songs now. the download isn't fully complete however so i'll upload it on here when it is. if anyone wants some specific tracks, PM me and i'll send them to your email if i have the songs you need.

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