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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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I just got home and I've got one...


... when you're on a first date with some guy and you bring up Coldplay and he says "oh, I hate them" and your first impulse is to find some excuse to go home. :angry:


It wasn't going that great anyway but that rubbed me the wrong way. :p




Good call. A Coldplay fan and a Coldplay hater NEVER mesh anyway :smug:

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in response to the other calculator comment:

When waiting for the required time you have to stay after an exam to run out... you type in your calculator: "ilovecoldplayilovecoldplayilovecoldplayilovecoldplay...etc.." for an hour straight. :D


hey I'll do that! :lol:

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Good call. A Coldplay fan and a Coldplay hater NEVER mesh anyway :smug:


He's also a cat hater and I have two. :(


I have to find a nice way to say no to date #2 though. :rolleyes: (just so nobody thinks I'm THAT petty, I do have other reasons besides those two that I won't go into. :cough:didn'ttellmehe'snotdivorcedyet:cough: ) :uhoh:


Who does that, though? I had just confessed that I was this rabid fan girl. Couldn't he have said "oh, I haven't heard much of them but they're not really my taste."


but "Hate"? Was that supposed to impress me? :inquisitive:

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when you imagine that your mathteacher is jonny buckland adn can't stop smiling cause it really fun to imagine that :lol: . and now I have to write 2 pages about the math we learned today :thinking: .


@longlivelife42 I love your avi picture I never saw that one before . :D

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When I can't sleep, sometimes I try to think of all the Coldplay songs I can alphabetically and usually fall asleep by J / K (because there are no J or K's).



Brothers and Sisters...

Chinese Sleep Chant...

Don't... Panic... :sleep: zzzzzZZ

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