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Small Reminders/Updates & The Coldplay Messenger (feat. Roadie #42!)


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Computer-generated Chris :wacky:


You don't need an iPhone to download it. I have it on my iPod Touch - which I think is just about the greatest invention ever. I would love an iPhone, but we are stuck with Verizon until the end of time. lol In 2010, though, iPhones are supposed to be available on other wireless networks, instead of just ATT.

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kdlthmb.jpgKitty, Daisy & Lewis interview

August 3, 2009 5:41 pm

We chat to Coldplay's current opening act



With terrific, retro-flavoured London trio Kitty, Daisy & Lewis heading towards the end of their 17 support dates with Coldplay, we gave Daisy (pictured, centre) a call to find out how they've been getting on...




Hi Daisy, how are you?

I'm alright, thanks.


Where are you now?

We're on the tourbus. We've just crossed the border into Canada.


Did your bus get raided?

No, it was all pretty smooth. Although we did all get woken up.


So, you've been on the road with Coldplay for about three weeks now.

Yeah, I think we're just past halfway through the shows.


How's it been going?

Really well. It's hard work though, sometimes. You get quite tired. But you travel overnight and then wake up in the next venue, so it's not too bad.


And how have the gigs been?

Some of them are really good. Because we're the first band on, sometimes there's not that many people there, but when the audience really go for it, it's good. The audience are quite far away as well - we're more used to playing small clubs where they're really close to you.


Which was the best show so far?

The second one, in George, was really good. That one really got going.


How would you describe your music to any Coldplay fans who haven't heard it?

It's quite a big mixture of stuff, a bit of classic R&B, a bit of blues, bit of swing, bit of Hawaiian. There's not really one way of describing it. A lot of people call us rockabilly, but we're definitely not that. I think people don't really know what to call us, then they look at us and see our style with the quiffs and everything and assume we're rockabilly.


The band is quite a family affair.

Yeah, it's my brother and my sister. And our mum and dad are out here too. My dad plays acoustic guitar and my mum plays double bass.


Is it tricky being on the road with your whole family?

It's alright actually. Even when we're at home we hang out with our parents. We've been doing it all our lives, so it just feels normal.


How did you come to be on this tour?

Apparently Chris Martin came to one of our gigs back in London and next thing we know he got in touch and wanted us to come and support Coldplay.


Have you played in venues this big before?

We've done a couple of large venues, but nothing like this. Today's one is apparently 40,000, which is definitely the biggest one we've done. Oh shit, I just realised I've missed Lewis's birthday.


When was it?

It's today! I completely forgot.


Oh dear. You'll have to make him a present.

Mmm, I dunno what though.


So, have you seen Coldplay's set on this tour?

Yeah, I have. It's good. I like the way that it's a proper show. But I suppose you have to do that in these huge places.


Are you a fan of the band?

I like the first album, but it's not really my usual thing. The music that we play is the music that we listen to, old R&B, stuff like Louis Jordan or blues like Muddy Waters.


Have you played in America much before?

We played at South by South West a couple of years ago, but that's it really. We haven't toured like this. We haven't even toured Europe properly. So we've kind of been thrown in at the deep end!


Has it been an enjoyable challenge?

I actually thought it would be much harder work, but it's been quite enjoyable, yeah. You get treated really well and the catering's great. Even when we have a day off, I start missing the catering!


Do you get much time to look around the places you're in?

Yeah, we've had a few days off here and there. LA was probably my favourite place. We mainly spend the days looking through thrift stores. Lewis likes to check out old 78 records and I bought a vintage dress in LA, which was really cheap. You can't really get much like that in England these days, and it's all really expensive.


Have you had much feedback from the fans at the shows?

Yeah, even on my personal Facebook I've had a few people trying to add me as a friend and leaving comments. And a lot of people in the crew have always been watching us.


Have you been able to hang out with Coldplay?

Yeah, we've bumped into them backstage a bit. And they gave us a couple of microphones the other day as well.


How about the other support bands?

We haven't really met Elbow yet, but we were hanging out with Amadou and Mariam quite a lot. We were jamming and stuff. We just sat around a pool table, making up silly lyrics and singing the same song for about an hour. We're quite sad that they're gone now.


Are you on a tourbus for the whole tour?

Yeah. I think the longest journey we've done so far was 17 hours. It's alright, though, cos you sleep through a lot of it. Then you spend the rest of the time just sitting and watching movies.


And presumably you get to stop off at those amazing American truck stops.

Yeah, we've stopped at a few. We bought a stuffed snake and an armadillo from one in Texas!


What do you guys have planned for the rest of the year?

We've got a gig in Germany and one in France, and then we're going to Australia in December.


Is there a new record coming at some point?

Well, we're meant to be working on a new album now, but we haven't really written much yet.


That's what you should be doing with your 17 hour stretches on a tourbus!

I know! It's kind of hard on a bus, though. So I doubt the album will be out for a while.


The final question is, what's your favourite Coldplay song?

Um, I think it's Trouble, from the first album.

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Strawberry Swing video now at iTunes store




Download the new video from iTunes stores around the world


Good afternoon. If you like the new Strawberry Swing video so much that you'd like to own it, you'll be pleased to know that it's now available in iTunes stores around the world. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewVideo?id=325090995&s=143460 to download it from your local store.


In other news, here are some nice pictures of the band's B-stage set at this weekend's All Points West festival in New York, taken by an off-duty photographer who happened to be watching the show from close by.





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"Time out New York" is a great mag for NY concert info:) great pics edit - but nasty will comment -


As quoted by Redgirl:


"Haven't read the whole thread... did anyone post the article linked from Coldplay.com"




"Great review... except for the comment about Will singing - harsh!"


12/09/09, LCCC -

Coldplay and Jamie... what more could a girl want?





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New Blog from R#42.





I just love Miller...




Big. A word whose purpose is to describe vastness, enormity and sheer-all-round-bloody-hugeness. You'd have thought they could have shelled out a few more than three letters on it. It certainly doesn't really do justice to the experience of walking into the back of the arena here in Toronto.


Another thing that doesn't do justice to the size of the venue is climbing way, way up to the highest furthest seat from the stage with a heavy bag full of camera equipment and discovering upon setting up, that your memory card is downstairs connected to your computer. Still, that's why God invented iPhones....




Now, if that shot doesn't give you vertigo, then spare a thought for lampy Wayne Kwiat (known to many as "the dancing roadie"). The gauze that drops in front of the stage to get the show get off to its shadowy start got somewhat tangled tonight. The only solution was to lower in the wave truss and have Wayne hop on and be lifted up there to set it free. Imagine what the place looked like to him from up there, stood on a three inch metal tube...




This place is essentially an indoor stadium, with a capacity of around 44,000 tonight. Apparently, it used to be called the Skydome. This had to be what they had in mind when they were talking about "The Enormodome" in Spinal Tap. Thinking about it, they kept using the word "big" as well...


The Scientist sees a stage invader make it all the way up the back of the stage and round the front of the drumkit. The stage invader though, is none other than "fifth member" Phil Harvey and he comes bearing cake and balloons to mark Mr. Champion's birthday. There's the obligatory sing-along from the assembled mass choir before Life In Technicolor ii brings things to their conclusion.




As we head back to the hotel, I ponder the fact that Will has had two birthdays on this tour, which obviously means we've been at it for a while now. As we get closer to the hotel, I begin to recognise the surroundings and it dawns on me that this is actually the very same city where we spent Will's last birthday. It's no great surprise then to find that we're staying in the same hotel.


Things start to weird me out a little though, when I emerge from the elevator and realise that I'm actually in exactly the same ROOM that I was in a year ago to the day. I fall down a mental rabbit-hole of Groundhog Day emotions. What if I'm in this same hotel room this time next year? Will the tour ever end? Will I ever get to see my cat again? What did I used to do before all of this?


I deal with this as any sane human would. I head for the bar. There's a soiree on the patio tonight in honour of Mr. C's birthday, so it seems churlish not to attend. There's food, music and drinks. A little later comes a rather splendid cake. Not shown is the smaller tom-tom, eaten by Mr. Champion moments earlier...




Also present at (or rather, slightly outside) the party was a rather keen fella trying to get a pile of magazines signed. It's hard to tell whether he's an eBayer or a fan. The fact that he can actually pick out bandmembers (as opposed to asking Trainer Dan or Dan Green for autographs) works in his favour. The fact that he spends a lot of the time hiding behind a hedge and peeping out in a somewhat creepy and alarming manner does count against him though.


We're still in Canada the following day for a festival near Montreal. I have little recollection of the day to be honest, except that there were a gazillion mosquitoes and I fell out the back of a truck.




We're back in New York the next morning when we receive an email from band assistant EJ to inform us that the festival site at All Points West is extremely muddy and wet. She has organised wellington boots for the band and suggest we do the same for ourselves. Festivals are funny things really. You can argue about the unique vibe that certain festivals have and how certain ones are truly outstanding in their field (sorry...). Really though, if it's sunny it's a great day out. If it's wet, it's misery.


I go for a tentative look when we arrive. Many folks are doing what they can to keep their feet as much out of the mud as possible.




Others though, have embraced the filth.




The unique aspect of this festival (that no doubt I would be enthusing about had the weather have been gorgeous), is the setting. For the crowd, the view of the stage comes with an additional side attraction in the form of Lady Liberty. (On a side note, I think I've worked out where Guy Garvey has copped his stage moves now...)




For the bands, the view from the stage is a rather amazing vista of the Manhattan skyline.




As I say, these views would be the standout feature of the festival had the weather been wonderful. As it isn't, however, the thing I'll take away with me, is the smell. Apparently, the land we are on was once a tip. No, really, I mean a proper dump - a landfill. Now that the ground has been stomped and churned and the rain has permeated deeply, we're left with a stench that is a little beyond unpleasant.


Hats off to the crowd though, they're well up for it and they play a blinder. They're in no way subdued or defeated. The trench out to the C-stage is pretty well trampled and is essentially one long puddle by the mid point in the set. There are four folding chairs set up stage left with four pairs of boots ready for the band, but in solidarity with the punters, they wade out there without.




It's testament to both the band's audience and the fact that the tour now has pretty much unstoppable momentum, that the show was the success that it was. It had all the makings of a washout and yet it was still a celebration.


We leave for Manhattan by boat - not so much a runner as a rudder (I know, I know, I'm sorry...) The boat is pretty fancy, but has some pretty horrific vibraphone jazz on the entertainment system. Mr. Berryman steams in with the iPod and the universe's rightful groove balance is restored.


Chris remarks from the B-stage at the Comcast Center the following night that you can always tell when it's time for a Coldplay tour to be over, because his haircut has reached a stage where he really shouldn't be seen in public any more. Now, I'm not going to comment on the boss's haircut, but I will take his quote as a link into the fact that, for me at least, it really is starting to feel like time for a break.


The shows, as I say, are unstoppably potent and the audiences remarkable. The time away from the gig though, is time when your body and mind begin to remind you that it's maybe time you were doing something else for a while. Something like sleeping in, like spending time with loved ones (that's if they let you back in the house).


We're at the tail end of a very long and very intense touring cycle. It's been the most enjoyable tour of my life, don't get me wrong, but exhaustion is exhaustion. To be honest, I've no idea how the band do it. Myself, I'm all thousand yard stares and a disconnected lack of anything to say. They, on the other hand, are still buoyant and cheery and delivering a knockout punch every night.


Still, we leave Massachusetts heading into two very precious days off in a row. I'm planning on one hell of a lot of sleeping. I realise too, that I'm one of the lucky ones. I've been swanning about in the band party, arriving after all the hard work is done. The crew have shown themselves to be built of truly the sternest stuff - pulling the miracle that is the show out of the bag day after day after day - a feat for which there is no magic wand, only a hell of a lot of effort. My hat, if I wore one, would be well and truly off to each and every one of them.


I'm sure that 48 hours of recuperation will give me the energy to make it to the end of the leg. Doubtless the change of scenery and production that the European stadiums will provide, along with the thrill that those shows will no doubt be, shall bring renewed enthusiasm.


So too will the sight of the finish line. Surely there will be much celebration at all that's been achieved when the last show is finally in the trucks and waved away. Some days the road is more uphill than others, I guess.


Anyway, bedtime. Do not disturb......



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"near Montreal" hahaha. It's on the other side of the freaking river.It's still Montreal :D I agree about the mosquitoes but that's Canada for you. I wish we could have had a video of Will's party or something

#42 seems exhausted :(

Also love that Guy is always ready with his ipod

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^ yeah he has mentioned a few times about Guy bustin' out the iPod and playing DJ :laugh3: That's awesome.



Thats so strange how they are at the same place they were for WIll's b day last year! Miller is even in the same hotel room :stunned:


btw. cute cake they have for Will with the little drum kit on it :cheesy:

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Isn't that someone on here's WILL sign?! I thought I saw a post where someone said Will noticed their belated b-day sign?! That's great if it is! More Coldplayer karma :smug:


And the cake is smashing :smash:


That's what I thought, too. I'm too lazy to go back and find the post, but I'm sure we'll hear from them! How cool for us cp'ers - cars, signs. :D They're noticing us!

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Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :wacko:


I knew I'd seen that one before!!!! :dance:

I'm assuming the girls added the () to "belated", as apart from that this:




Is the same as this one




Which btw was in APW, not Canada Mr #42 :P

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