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The Worst That Could Happen.

The Mad Hatter

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So, in your current situation, whatever it may be, what's the worst that could happen?


Well, I could spend all night importing songs to my laptop because my other computer broke and I need to make a working compy my new primary computer so I can unlock my iPod because I accidentally locked it and I don't know the code.



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I could not be able to get out of my current situation and it would ruin my life. It's kind of serious, maybe I should say something a little lighter.




I might forget to check into Coldplaying tomorrow and my countdown will stay at the same number of days and look ridiculous.


There that's nice and humorous:D

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The very worst that could happen?


There's been a terrible mistake and VLVODAAHF will be out on June 12th *2009*


That would SUCK. It'd make having to wait til June 17th look like small potatoes for our American cousins:D


(I say that cos of the thread started on the same topic - man, having to wait an extra 6 days...)

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having to have to do works in a record time (5 in less than a week) to evaluate my studies here and have to do the exams too, here and again once i'll be at my 'hometown' (note: period exams is almost the same in both countries :confused:), so it will mean no trips on my 'last' week here... and that it is like a nightmare and it is becoming true right now.. :\ so bad...


the worst that could happen is that it will come true and that even after get to succed to do those tasks, get less marks as i deserve... :(


why do i have so many subjects in my town that semester? :cry:


so if i fail in all this, it'll be the worst that really could happen, as it will cause me a lot of problems, have to fill in even more documents, and stuff, and have to study for september exams too :bigcry: and so the worst is that my 'self confidence' would be damaged when i needed it to be stronger than ever to can go on with many other projects that i have. :confused:

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-coldplay doing/releasing something super exciting and amazing (*cough* like all the non-album tracks *cough*) between june 28th and august 4th, because i'm going to be out of the country without much time to devote to coldplay related things :sad:


-not winning tickets to MSG (i guess i'm still going to the today show, though)

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I can't manage to write my final project, which won't allow me to graduate, which will lead to the cancellation of starting my post grad in sept which means I won't be moving to Oxford this year.


No, I don't like the idea of that happening...

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