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Jonny Interview in Irish Sunday Tribune.


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What a great interview! I like the fact its' full of small but interesting details. Also it's good to really getting something from one of the boys other than Chris. Usually it's just a quote here and there. Jonny always comes across as smart but funny :) I can't believe about the pain he was in on the last tour. You never would have known watching him play... :cry:

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Aww...I didn't know Jonny was in pain either! Wow. This article was great. It was nice to hear some insight on them about their last album X&Y.


I didn't know, Viva La Vida was inspired by Frida Kahlo!


I love when they say they don't want any more "self-plagiarism." That's too funny!


Jonny probably thinks chicks always dig the bassists!

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Wow, I have new-found respect for Jonny. Tendinitis? Cortisone shots every day? Takes some guts. Most other guitarists would've thrown up their arms and want to cancel a tour. Fair play to him.


Thanks for posting this, I must buy the Tribune in future!

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aww, thanks for the article! i like that it was jonny-focused and not chris-focused for once. i know that they like staying out of the spotlight and leaving that to chris, but still, it's nice to hear from him :nice:


and that's just awful about the tendonitis! i would never subject myself to that much pain and daily injections, but the fact that jonny did makes me love him all the more.

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