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22-Jul-08: Chicago - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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The show was AWESOME!!! Even with seats at the 300 level I had a great time. I brought my binoculars so I could experience the whole stadium and effects and then look through my binoculars at times to see what the band was doing. I am so glad they mixed it up so much with songs from many of their different albums and some accoustic stuff and some very danceable stuff. Even though I was in the 300s, the people behind me stood up for most of the concert. So, that was cool. At least the people around me were into it.


All the Viva la Vida songs that were played sounded great and Chris's voice was spot on yesterday. In comparison to some of the performances on tv...he made all the notes- I was so happy for him! And you could hear that he made them, because the microphone sounded like it was right next to him. You could hear voice very clearly in a lot of the songs.


They played In my place....which I love!!! and he and everyone else got into it. Yeaahhhhh....how long can you wait for it....yeah....


The effects were really cool...lasers, the balls, butterflies and them rocking on the catwalks. We had tickets in the 300 level so you could see all the people and the stage was directly across from us. This was great. I felt like I experienced the show as a whole and I was able to see all of the guys. Usually when you are too close to the stage, you end up only getting to see one or two of the band members. This time I was able to see all of them as a whole group, a whole band.


I am glad that there were many times where the band got closer to other parts of the audience. It is cool that they are making this effort. And I think they are really doing it for the benefit of all the fans. This time around I was not able to pay for closer tickets, but that they make an effort to sing closer to all the people in the arena makes me happy. Since they can't or don't play in smaller venues anymore, this is a nice touch that they are doing. It also brings more variety to the show itself which is nice.


All in all it was a great show. I was happy with everything that they played. I didn't read any other shows setlists or reviews as to be satisfied with what I got. I felt like they played a variety of stuff and was happy when they kept playing more and more songs. I wasn't sure how long they were going to play for.


Btw...Chris, if you see this you can play a two-three hour show if you want to. :) He mentioned something about playing 1 1/2hours... I don't ever mind more :) ...althought it did feel substantial.


I saw the sign that the coldplayers made....with my binoculars...and I thought to myself...hmmm I wonder it that was made by anyone here. It was! That is pretty cool! You know Chris is Jonny's self esteem booster! Kind of cute.


That was so awesome that they taped "Lost!" I love that song. It sounded so great in concert! I was dancing, waving, singing and clapping throughout both times that they played it. For some reasone I was thinking they were going to tape Yellow when they mentioned the taping...but I guess that was just to pump us up. I thought it was cool when Chris said that we all did a great job...more than he expected.


Hopefully they will use that video.


On one last note... do they usually play Green Eyes or an encore?


I would like to thank Coldplay, especially Chris and Will, if they ever read this. It may just be a total coincidence...but they played Green Eyes for an encore and I asked the oracle to play that song instead of Fix You yesterday. I have no idea if they read those things...but if they do... You made my day yesterday. Again it is probably a total coincidence...but Thank You. Chris and Will's vocal harmonies on that song were awesome...really sounded great in one part. That is also cool that Will plays piano. And I love that song, because it is so acoustic and Chris sings it from the heart. It also reminded me of the time that they sang at the UIC pavillion. I hadn't gotten the AROBTH album yet, but heard that song in concert and loved it...it felt personal...Chris was very chatty back then...


I yelled Thank You throughout the song...but I don't know if they heard me...I was all the way in the 300s. Chris also mentioned Kanye West in his lyrics and that was weird and probably coincidental again...because I also asked for Chris to sing with Kanye West....





Anyways, thanks Coldplay for the great concert. Can't wait to see you guys again...hopefully in the near future. Come back to Chicago or its surroundings...it is always welcome to you! Too bad the band has gotten so popular that I haven't gotten to meet all of them yet. Hopefully one day I can. :)

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The concert was magnificent :D As gvargas mentioned Chris' voice was absolute perfection last night! I also snuck in my camera and took quite a few videos (Only two have been uploaded as of right now). They're not nearly as good as melanieau's, but they're at least from another perspective, haha. I tried to get the entire songs as well...


Viva La Vida



Fix You



You just have to excuse my horrible voice singing along...^^;


melanieau - I remember that banner moment! That was priceless :D It must've been so thrilling to get a shout out like that!

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^My skirt actually had a pocket which I placed my camera in carefully (I wore a long, loose shirt so they couldn't see the outline of it), so I managed to skip past security (Who only checked my purse) without trouble :D


I also recorded the second performance of Lost! (When the video was being shot) connected with the band skipping to the back of the arena to perform The Scientist. It's a long 10-minute video, though, so it'll take a bit to upload...

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[Oxfam Blog] From the casinos to the Windy City...


Time for a breather.. time I caught up with the world.


I am in the production office at the United Center, Chicago. Home of the Bulls and the Blackhawks! Banners marking their history of success hangs from one of the highest ceilings on the tour. This venue is apparently one of the ‘big 3′ (in terms of height at least). Got a bit of vertigo on the ‘noseblead’ seats when I took a wander earlier. There is history everywhere. I met tonight’s Oxfam volunteers a couple of hours ago, by a statue of Michael Jordan leaping for the basket. I think Coldplay would have slightly different statues, but who knows, they may get one someday. The tour seems to be the biggest on the planet right now.. selling out shows in hours and minutes, rather than days and weeks. Every venue they hit (with those hand-painted drums), goes nuts for the band, as soon as they launch into ‘Clocks’, or even set foot on the stage for that matter. When they took a run around to the balcony at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas, for ‘Green Eyes’, it was just crazy up there. I got some good pictures, but plenty of blurred ones with it, when my arms got knocked by other arms held up for that special photo (of that time when they were a couple of feet away from Will, Guy, Chris, and Johnny).


The show is on film tonight. This huge crowd will get a special treat of a couple of songs twice, and a longer set. They’ve been setting up the ‘dolly’s’, cables, ‘risers’ & cameras strategically all day.. I think it’s gonna be special.


Another awesome group of volunteers, all on time and full of energy for our work here. It’s great for them all to be able to say that Coldplay invited them here to talk about Oxfam. What a perfect chance to link up a great concert experience, with doing something right here and now, to get involved with making big change.


Just before I go for now, I wanted to say.. Vegas was crazy. The trip over the mountains from San Jose, was longer than expected. The crew all got in late to the venue. I was so impressed to see the show up and running in time. Especially working in that desert heat! It’s an experience that place. They’ve got an Eiffel Tower and a Statue of Liberty! I was used to Blackpool’s Golden Mile and Yarmouth.. not the Vegas strip. Now i’ve seen it, and now i’m a long way away from those casinos.



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I also recorded the second performance of Lost! (When the video was being shot) connected with the band skipping to the back of the arena to perform The Scientist. It's a long 10-minute video, though, so it'll take a bit to upload...


This is GREAT news! I can't wait to see it. Thank you! :D

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So I assume a lot of you went to shows for the X&Y album correct? Well which tour did you like better?


I thought last nights show was a let down compared to last year honestly.


First off Coldplay has always really only played for an hour and half so that complaint has been around for years now, but they still continue to do it. I mean for $120 each ticket (incl fees) one would at least expect 2 hours worth or some crowd interaction! I know this isnt VH1 Storytellers, but come on, a guy can only ask "Are you guys feeling ok?" so many times.


I just thought this whole show lacked excitement. Last years show with the Square one opening, the new version of clocks, accoustic set-up, yellow balloons, etc was far better in my opinion than orbs with video played on them, lasers (which were used on the previous 3 tours), and paper butterflies.


Another thing I dont like is that most of this new album uses instruments that the guys arent even playing! I was hoping for someone playing the violin (but I guess they arent adding a 5th member to Coldplay) or something during this show, but no, just computers playing recorded instruments.


And so Chris said something about them doing something special for the fans if they could play Lost twice? What exactly was this special treat? They played Green Eyes already on the tour so that couldnt have been it. No special encore, becuase they've played one on every show this tour thus far. They played Lost twice and that was the only thing that was unique about last night and I personally didnt thats that big a deal. Whoa the same song twice in a row becuase you want to make a DVD? Cool dude!


Before last nights show, I was actually thinking about going two nights in a row, but now its out of the question. I also dont think I'll be going to another show on their tour this year (this after seeing 5 shows last year).


Did anyone else see it this way???

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^I agree about the instruments...I was also hoping for there to be a string quartet -- even a full-fledged orchestra like CSO serving as accompaniment. But that was just wishful thinking!


While Lost/The Scientist is uploading here's the second verse and onward of Speed of Sound -- I wasn't going to record it at first, but the globes were so mesmerizing, haha.



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When I first saw them perform Viva La Vida...I thought that they should have a full orchestra or at least a set of strings for their MTV performance at least. It would have been more impressive. But, almost all of the tv performances that I have seen have been with their backing track. I was kind of dissapointed with that at the beginning. But, I am kind of used to it. It sounded great yesterday and I have been to other concerts of theirs too. I wouldn't say that the X&Y tour was any better though.


I bought the 300 tickets on purpose though at around 60 per ticket with all of the ticketmaster charges. I thought that was kind of steep already, but wasn't willing to pay over 100 if I wasn't going to see them pretty upclose. So I did what I could. It is expensive...but I don't think any amount of effects would justify pricey tickets.


I didn't know that they played Green Eyes already. Well, I am glad that they did it on this tour at least. They didn't play it on the X&Y tour, at least the shows I went to.


We were wondering why only one song encore...but what can you do. Like I said, I wouldn't mind if they played longer...but all in all, I still thought it was an awesome show.


My question...do the band members play the violin parts on the actual record or did they hire someone else to do that? Who plays?

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Alright. So that was pretty awesome huh?!


I got to the United Center and got in at about 5 with Oxfam, and I heard Coldplay doing their soundcheck, and I wanted to run out to the stage and yell, "I love you," but that was against the rules.


Oxfam was great, all the people were amazing.

Oh and btw, I talked to someone on the tour with Coldplay and he said that Coldplay will stay in the city that tthey are playing in until like the night before the next show or something, so they won't leave chicago right after.


I will put up my pics, we were row 1 for the GPASUYF and Sleep chant!

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^Chris giving Johnny's butt a squeeze? That's exactly what he did :laugh3: Their backs were facing us, too, and the entire section burst out laughing.


ETA: I guess that wasn't what you were talking about (Since I didn't see it on the video), but that's another thing that happened :D


No no it is! I saw it. :D

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Alright. So that was pretty awesome huh?!


I got to the United Center and got in at about 5 with Oxfam, and I heard Coldplay doing their soundcheck, and I wanted to run out to the stage and yell, "I love you," but that was against the rules.


Oxfam was great, all the people were amazing.

Oh and btw, I talked to someone on the tour with Coldplay and he said that Coldplay will stay in the city that tthey are playing in until like the night before the next show or something, so they won't leave chicago right after.


I will put up my pics, we were row 1 for the GPASUYF and Sleep chant!


Cool, thanks. Will look forward to it :D

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So I assume a lot of you went to shows for the X&Y album correct? Well which tour did you like better?


I thought last nights show was a let down compared to last year honestly.


... Did anyone else see it this way???


I'm sorry to say it, but I agree with you. :cry:

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Butt squeeze? I did not see that! :) Hahaha!


They will be here in Chicago for a while! Cool! I wonder where Chris will get his hair cut?


Chris go to Big Hair on Roscoe for a cheap cut or Twisted Scissors on Armitage! He mentioned he needed to cut his fringe.

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