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13-Jul-09: Shoreline Amphitheater, San Francisco, CA - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews, Setlists

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fuck. heres my links instead...



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqvTBSyYCKM]YouTube - Coldplay - Violet Hill live at the Shoreline july 13 2009[/ame]



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4da31802l-o]YouTube - Coldplay - Yellow live at the Shoreline, July 13th, 2009[/ame]



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kbaabyiwvs]YouTube - Coldplay plays BILLIE JEAN live!! 13 july 2009[/ame]



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWFbjg6l7RI]YouTube - Coldplay - Politick live at the Shoreline, 13 July 2009[/ame]

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danke for all the vid clips, especially the billie jean one, that one had my fav line of the night and the audio recording would be totally appreciated...cementaries of london would be nice to hear live again


still uploading the few video clips I taped...

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFz7jwYB1Rs]YouTube - Coldplay -- God Put A Smile Upon Your Face -- (Shoreline 7/13)[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFCxaHhM7Dg]YouTube - Coldplay Roadie Breakdancing @ Shoreline[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWEPCFnDZ0I]YouTube - Roadie dancing @ Shoreline[/ame]

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Ok, I'm more calm now than I was last night, but everything still seems all surreal and crazy. You could say Coldplaying Karma was with me and wasn't with me last night. My friend and I got to Shoreline at about 6:15, and immediatley went and bought shirts. I originally picked the LiT one and my friend got a tour shirt, but when we went to the bathroom to change we both stupidly dropped them in the sink. :lol: So we took them back just to see if we could trade them in, and the merchandise lady was totally nice about it. Instead of an LiT one I got a DAAHF shirt, though, which I love!!!!


Anyway, we were handing our tickets to the agents, when a huge security guy came up and asked to see my sign. He then asked what seats we had, and I told him we were the 14th row, and he said he'd have to take my sign away. I got really upset and asked him why, and he claimed it was too big and would block everyone's views. I tried telling him I just wanted to show it to the roadies and have it after the show, but he wouldn't let me in and took it away. :bigcry:!


We then went to our seats, which were in section 101 (on the very edge of the amphitheatre), but we had seats in row N, the 14th row. We were kind of off to the side, but very close to the catwalk, and the view was still incredible! The opening acts were both nice, but I wasn't paying too much attention because of excitement. We spent the time after Amadou & Mariam and before Coldplay playing "I Spy" with the roadies, and I found Miller, Franksy, and Hoppy, among others. No Phil though!


And then Coldplay came on. The entire show was amazing (way better than San Jose last summer!), and Chris was his usual entertaining self. I don't remmeber exactly everything he said, but he had some pretty funny quotes. :P He seemed to think San Francisco was the best place to play at and had the best fans (which is true! :nice:). Yellow was incredible with the giant balloons, and Chris was hilarious trying to head-butt them and pop them with the neck of his guitar.


My Coldplaying Karma arrived right before Coldplay went up to the B-stage for GPASUYF. My friend noticed that security had put caution tape between all the seats and the aisle. We figured out just in time that that meant the guys were coming up this way on their way to play in the crowd, so she got the camera set up and let me lean over the caution tape. Security kept yelling at me for leaning too far, but it was worth it! Jonny, Guy, and Will came running up and I was able to slap Jonny's hand! Guy and Will ran by, but a moment later Chris came up. I was prepared and reached out, and grabbed on to his bicep!!!! :dance: The B-Stage setlist was awesome as well, and our seats were about equidistant from the regular stage and the B-Stage. I was prepared for the boys on the way down, and although I didn't touch Guy or Chris again, I gave Jonny a second hand slap and got one from Will too! :cheesy:


The rest of the night was amazing. The crowd went crazy during the Viva chanting, and I had to pour a bottle of water on myself after jumping around so much during Viva. :P Our seats were really incredible, and Chris went crazy on the little catwalk which was only a few rows in front of me. The crowd seemed to love Chris's humor, and the Mexican Cell Phone Wave/Billie Jean, both up on the lawn, were awesome!


I also got two copies of LRLRL, and at the end of the show security gave my sign back.

It was a nightmare getting out of Shoreline though, the parking lot/road there sucks!


I have tons of videos and a bunch of pretty decent pics. I'll upload them ASAP (which means like, tomorrow).



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At 2:08 in the Death Will Never Conquer video when Chris drinks that water bottle and then tosses it on the ground.....THAT IS NOW MINE!!!!!!

It was just out of my reach because just after the guys went back down to the main stage, alot of people shifted and I was pressed right up to the gate by the C stage (I was about 3 feet back during the performance) and I asked a security guard if I could have it and he said no :cry: and then gave me some crap about how I was pretty......ANYWAY I asked a second guy and he gave it to MEE!!!!!


I have some good pics from the C-stage....I will see if I can post them.

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You guys should be happy to know that I got everything I wanted!!! Here's my story:


First, we started our 2 hour trip all the way to Shoreline, that part was fine. Then we got there 20 minutes before the parking lot opened, so we had to go to Starbucks. Then when we were there, we had to use the bathroom, but there was a big line so we had to wait for that. But since we had to wait, now there was a huge line of cars ready to go in to the parking lot. But finally we got in, and made our way to the venue. But now, we had to wait 40 minutes in line, so we could get in. While we were in line, two security guards yelled at everyone to have there tickets ready and to know the words to the songs:laugh3:!!! Finally we got in, and I was wondering why I haven't gotten LRLRL??? But anyways, my mom saw the bracelets!!! So I ended up spending $100 on: 2 packs of bracelets, the light blue VLV shirt, the blanket, and pins!!! Then we were just sitting in the lawn for 4 hours. During the first hour, I noticed something strange... two butterflies right in front of me!?! Then I looked around, and I found it...The Butterfly Cannon!!! Luckily, Coldplay's Roadies tested them during soundcheck!!! Since there was no wind, they all fell behind a barrier, and I grabbed a giant clump of like 20 of them. Then we waited for 3 hours, and nothing happened!!! Then at 8:45, these drunk guys came to the lawn, and took over everyone spots that have been there since 5!!! But anyways, least they new all the songs. But during the concert, I noticed something...I HAVE TO PEE!!! The whole concert I was holding it in, but either way I enjoyed the concert. Then finally in the second encore, Chris told us we are getting LRLRL!!! So I got that and we got into the car, and tried to get out!!! We had snacks that were in the car, and I was STARVING!!! So I took the gummy worms, and put my hand in the bag and said,"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" I forgot that they were sitting in the car for 9 hours!!! They were a huge clump of digusting gummyish-things!!! Then I slept for a 45 minutes in the car, then I got to my house at 2!!!


That's it!!!

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i was happy to know that chris must have meant what he said at the show about loving to play there, and that a lot of other people are asses at other shows; he didn't say that again at the show in sacramento :-)


in fact, there were a lot of asses at the sacramento show. i saw some jerk yell at an older hippy looking guy for smoking pot behind him, and even threatened to hit him. i think the guy yelling was a guy from the local air force base, as i was in the military, i can spot those awful haircuts pretty well haha


also, the audience was sitting down for more than half the show!!!! some lady behind me came up and asked me to sit down so she could see! i bought these tickets on the presale, and theres no way i'm going to let someone ruin my time! it was very apparent to me that chris and the band noticed how poorly the audience treated them. i honestly don't think i will ever go to the Sleep Train in Marysville/Wheatland venue again, it left a bad taste in my mouth.

oh, and i was in section 208, row 5




be glad you saw them here at the shoreline!!! thanks to everyone who stood up and sang along!!

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i was happy to know that chris must have meant what he said at the show about loving to play there, and that a lot of other people are asses at other shows; he didn't say that again at the show in sacramento :-)


in fact, there were a lot of asses at the sacramento show. ... it was very apparent to me that chris and the band noticed how poorly the audience treated them. i honestly don't think i will ever go to the Sleep Train in Marysville/Wheatland venue again, it left a bad taste in my mouth.

oh, and i was in section 208, row 5


...be glad you saw them here at the shoreline!!! thanks to everyone who stood up and sang along!!


I thought the same thing. I was glad Chris did not repeat anything he said about the crowds at the two concerts, except that he appreciated whatever people had to sacrifice to be there. I thought that was sincere and sweet.


As for the crowd, it depends on how people are in the area that you sat.


I went to both concerts and I came away with a very different impression from yours. At Wheatland, I sat in sec. 103, row 2, front and center right behind the pit and I thought the crowd in that area was very nice, with many of us dancing and cheering Coldplay on at every opportunity.


At the Shoreline, I was in sec. 202, row P, and I thought the people in that area were not spirited enough, though a friend of mine across from me, in sec. 204 said the crowd was very animated in his area with a lot of dancing and cheering. I also thought that Coldplay's performance at Wheatland was much "on the mark", more spirited and lively, although it might have been that I could see and hear them better with less distortion because of sitting closer to the stage at Wheatland. I found all the people I encountered to be very gentle and nice at both concerts, but the people in my section at Wheatland were especially gentle, with plenty of people dancing in my area to the more upbeat songs. Of course, right in front of me was the pit, which was always cheering with excitement.


I sat down for parts, but could not resist jumping up to dance, clap, wave my arms and give Coldplay the power fist with the crescendos of the music. I will hold the concert in Wheatland as a precious memory forever. Coldplay hit me in the heart.

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