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23-Mar-09: Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore - Tickets, Previews, Meetups, Reviews, Setlists, Phot

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Oasis was alright, a bit disappointed that they no longer play songs that i would love to hear, still had way more fun at Coldplay though.


eh...so maybe it's just as well i didn't go. i'm more into their older stuff from the Definitely, Maybe + What's the Story (Morning Glory) era. not too into their new album other than Falling Down.

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ack i am ashamed to say my butterflies are still in a bag on my table. i took out a few and pasted them on my computer here at work though. happy memories (:




your colleague is bonkers! my wallpaper was that of the gig too, then i changed it to one of their promo photos. everytime i turn on my com i swoon.. yet at the same time i feel so shy cos its really big and people are looking. hahaha.

heh...i'd probably do that too, if i had any butterflies. but then my company's rather strict about our cubicles' deco. so maybe not. :\


i just left mine as the concert gig. i've got a 19" screen at work & my boss can actually see my screen from his cubicle wall when he stands...cos he's taaaaaaaall. but my screen at home's a Coldplay wallpaper using images from the Apple ad for Viva La Vida. :D

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heh...i'd probably do that too, if i had any butterflies. but then my company's rather strict about our cubicles' deco. so maybe not. :\


i just left mine as the concert gig. i've got a 19" screen at work & my boss can actually see my screen from his cubicle wall when he stands...cos he's taaaaaaaall. but my screen at home's a Coldplay wallpaper using images from the Apple ad for Viva La Vida. :D


how can companies be strict about cubicle deco!? your cubicle's your own wadddd. haha you want? i mail you some butterflies cos i got a bunch.


oooh mine at home is of the gig. my work com is 20" and its of the band in full glory and ppl walk past and give inquisitive looks. haha. so i'm damn paiseh and faster open up a window or something.

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I don't work in a cubicle, so I don't have a computer @ work :disappointed:


The wallpaper on my laptop @ home is a picture of Chris and me :uhoh:

was oasis a sell out gig?

Don't think so. The fact that I got an amazing seat still when I bought the ticket just 3 hours before the show is probably proof.

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I don't work in a cubicle, so I don't have a computer @ work :disappointed:


The wallpaper on my laptop @ home is a picture of Chris and me :uhoh:


Don't think so. The fact that I got an amazing seat still when I bought the ticket just 3 hours before the show is probably proof.


eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chris and you envious envious! are you having another off day again? how did you manage to get a picture with him anyway? in aussie?

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That's what you get for reminding me of the Killers Rudz :P

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chris and you envious envious! are you having another off day again? how did you manage to get a picture with him anyway? in aussie?

I'm actually on annual leave, since I was supposed to fly to Australia again to watch V fest but couldn't go at the very last minute :bigcry:


Yes the picture was taken in Sydney :nice: Best days of my life.

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:laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:

:laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:

:laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:

:laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:

:laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3: :laugh3:

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That's what you get for reminding me of the Killers Rudz :P


I'm actually on annual leave, since I was supposed to fly to Australia again to watch V fest but couldn't go at the very last minute :bigcry:


Yes the picture was taken in Sydney :nice: Best days of my life.


oooh i see. awww. :hug: its okay i'm sure there will be other opportunities!


haha okay i can imagine. i miss them.

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how can companies be strict about cubicle deco!? your cubicle's your own wadddd. haha you want? i mail you some butterflies cos i got a bunch.


oooh mine at home is of the gig. my work com is 20" and its of the band in full glory and ppl walk past and give inquisitive looks. haha. so i'm damn paiseh and faster open up a window or something.


haha...can can. send some over pls! :D

slightly more relaxed now on the cubicle deco. there was a time when i was on leave & i got recalled....of all things, it was to come back to the office to remove some stuff like small soft toys & a small (1/2 A4 size only) poster of Linkin Park's Singapore gig! pfffttt...


paiseh cos ppl are wondering who's the 4 Englishmen staring out at them from your screen? :laugh3:

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haha...can can. send some over pls! :D

slightly more relaxed now on the cubicle deco. there was a time when i was on leave & i got recalled....of all things, it was to come back to the office to remove some stuff like small soft toys & a small (1/2 A4 size only) poster of Linkin Park's Singapore gig! pfffttt...


paiseh cos ppl are wondering who's the 4 Englishmen staring out at them from your screen? :laugh3:


haha leave me your address somewhere then (:


seriously?! that's like some nazi company lor. no offense but i can't imagine having cubicle rules. haha. guess i work in a really relaxed environment. i've got tons of junk here.


yea something along those lines, 4 very cool englishman in all black and sunglasses staring out with a background of lalang. sighs. so handsome. aye.

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haha leave me your address somewhere then (:


seriously?! that's like some nazi company lor. no offense but i can't imagine having cubicle rules. haha. guess i work in a really relaxed environment. i've got tons of junk here.


yea something along those lines, 4 very cool englishman in all black and sunglasses staring out with a background of lalang. sighs. so handsome. aye.


haha...no offense at all. not to me anyway. won't be with the company for much longer. :smug:


oooh, that's a cool wallpaper...with lalangs. lol

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^ That was my last year's wallpaper! :lol:


hahaha yah i know i'm so outdated,its from x&y promo... but its just SO COOL




That picture is :cool:


Although Guy is so skinny :\


I wish September will come by now!!!


i think its just cos its a black shirt that's why he seems skinny... but he's really short, as compared to the others.


haha...no offense at all. not to me anyway. won't be with the company for much longer. :smug:


oooh, that's a cool wallpaper...with lalangs. lol


Macs are good...'cept i've changed over to an eeePC now. if only i could stuff a Mac OSX in it & have it running smoothly...


MACS ARE THE BESTEST IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! haha. i love lalang. i don't know why but i get excited everytime i see lalang.

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I wish I had the money for a Mac :P

i think its just cos its a black shirt that's why he seems skinny... but he's really short, as compared to the others.

He's short, or the rest are really tall :stunned:


But he's rather skinny really. Must be all that training for marathons he does :D

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I wish I had the money for a Mac :P


He's short, or the rest are really tall :stunned:


But he's rather skinny really. Must be all that training for marathons he does :D


hrms its actually a lot more affordable to get one now. the specs are at least 3 times better at the same price as the time i got mine when it first launched. that was 3 years ago. hah. but technology is like that.


anyways chris is like 1.87.. and he says jonny is taller. so i think its more the case of the rest are tall. they did declare themselves one of the "tallest bands (not greatest or biggest) bands in the world"


he trains for marathons? oooh no wonder. sexy sexy. drools. :wink:

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