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Two Coldplay questions i have....


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I was wondering if anyone would be able to answer me regarding two topics that have been making me really curious....im hearing different answers from coldplay fans and its really making me confused...


I noticed for in alot of the ablum 'Viva la Vida' there is a ton of violin...Who plays the violin? Or is this from a keyboard? Do they play the violin on the stage for their live performances? If so who does?





Is Viva la Vida based off the French Revolutionary War or the 'todays' war? What inspired Chris to be compose about the war?

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I believe that they had violinists come in to record for the album. I remember Chris saying somewhere that he hummed what he wanted it to sound like and they had a proffesional violinist play it. Although Will does know how to play it, that wasn't him on the album.

For the live performance they have a television on the stage that shows a video of all four of them playing violins & something else (a cello maybe?)

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The guy's name was Davide Rossi. I think he is Italian and usually plays for Goldfrapp. I think he did an interview a while back when the album came out and it was posted on here. Do a search and you may find it. Otherwise he has a myspace page :)

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The guy's name was Davide Rossi. I think he is Italian and usually plays for Goldfrapp. I think he did an interview a while back when the album came out and it was posted on here. Do a search and you may find it. Otherwise he has a myspace page :)


Is he the guy Chris wrote "Bucket for a Crown" with, or was that a different violinist?

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Sorry - no idea :confused:


WHAT?! You're supposed to know these things! Hahaha. ;)


All the wiki has is


"At a charity gig on 27th November 2006, Chris Martin performed a four-song set, including two Bob Dylan covers, a song by The Killers and a brand new Coldplay song titled 'Bucket For A Crown'.


Chris claimed that he had written the new song just the night before with the help of a violin player who also joined him on stage."


I'm kind of curious now. Who is this mysterious violin player? Probably not the same guy if it was back in 2006. :)

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Yes, Davide was the same violinist who did 'Bucket for a Crown' with Chris at that Charity gig. It was mentioned in the interview. They were working on some early ideas for the 4th album.. I think he mentioned Leftrightleftrightleft and Rainy Day, if I remember correctly. haha.

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Thanks for the responces. So its more about todays war, but them dressing up as revolutionary war solders....thats a bit confusing...



I cant say i like the idea of no1 even knowing who the violinist is, meanwhile whoever he is hes a huge chunk of the ablum or that no1 is playing the violin on the stage but is playing off a speaker...ahhh thats not cool at all.....Whats next lip syncing or no more guitar...Think of bands who use recordings instead of the real deal....all im thinking of is pop groups.....Im going to see them live soon, but i highly doubt its going to compare to their live performances between the 2003-2006 era



ok im really putting down coldplay, im kinda depressed now. Damn the manager for changing their 'original sound' found in parachutes and arobtth

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I cant say i like the idea of no1 even knowing who the violinist is, meanwhile whoever he is hes a huge chunk of the ablum or that no1 is playing the violin on the stage but is playing off a speaker...ahhh thats not cool at all.....Whats next lip syncing or no more guitar...Think of bands who use recordings instead of the real deal....all im thinking of is pop groups.....Im going to see them live soon, but i highly doubt its going to compare to their live performances between the 2003-2006 era



ok im really putting down coldplay, im kinda depressed now. Damn the manager for changing their 'original sound' found in parachutes and arobtth



relax, most major bands use backtracks to some extent. They even used some back in 2003, they're just more apparent now because songs like VLV demand an instrumentation that exceeds the capabilities of 4 people. To my knowledge only 2 songs on VLV featured solo violins. But they're not even playing yes anymore, (but when they did, Jonny transposed the riff onto his guitar). Considering the circumstances they do a surprisingly good job of playing as much of the original song live as they can. As I said, half the strings are played by guy and the rythm by Jonny on the keyboard.


And there will be no more of those "next's" you mention. Chris vocals have always been,and will always be 100% live. Same goes for Jonny's guitar playing. And there's as much guitar playing on VLV as there was on AROBTTH. The only noticeable backtracks they use are the result of adding too many extra things to boost the album versions. Even U2 uses them. But believe me they're as awesome live now as they ever were before...


:edit: and the only people that changed coldplay's "original" sound was Jonny, Guy, Will and Chris.

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:edit: and the only people that changed coldplay's "original" sound was Jonny, Guy, Will and Chris.


What you said did made me feel better about them compared to how i felt before , there are only 4 group members and i do understand that it is difficult to put an extra instrument in the hands of Will...however i would like to see someone in the background playing the violin live than hearing a recording, it doesnt have to be any of coldplays band members but someone(preferably the original composer) playing the violin.........but then again kinda look at bands like radiohead(4 members bass, guitar, vocals, keyboards/sound effects, drums) or even Rush(3 band members with bass, guitar, vocals, keyboards and drums)and see that they do all everything with what members they have and if you would ask either band(or even most bands) now adays that you would play a tape in the background while they play that they will probably laught at you...but you cant really compare bands like radiohead or rush to coldplay though...


And about your 'changing the sound quote' i totally dis-agree, if you read quotes from Chris when Viva first came out Chris says specifically that they listened to their manager before producing the viva album on how they wanted to sound as a group from then on out and took their managers advise. I feel their manager didn't like the old sound and wanted some what of a new sound, this is how bands 'sell out' or get 'trendy'.....which you can obviously hear the 'new' sound from an album like parachutes to viva...they sound completely different...vivas got more of a techno type of sound to it, where as in parachutes there is not 1 techno backround sound on the entire album...Think of it like this, would you ever imagine Chris asking Jay-Z to make a remix off any songs from parachutes or AROBTTH? ......Hmmmm,, Shiver with Jay-Z....NOW THATS A THOUGHT.

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Brian Eno, their producer, not manager, helped them explore different sounds and methods to making music. This is how musicians progress. If VLV was like X&Y, Coldplay might be on their way out of the music business. They have to keep reinventing themselves to stay interesting. They will always sound like Coldplay, but with a new twist, that allows them to express themselves.

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but then again kinda look at bands like radiohead(4 members bass, guitar, vocals, keyboards/sound effects, drums)



Umm...Radiohead has 5 members.



And about your 'changing the sound quote' i totally dis-agree, if you read quotes from Chris when Viva first came out Chris says specifically that they listened to their manager before producing the viva album on how they wanted to sound as a group from then on out and took their managers advise. I feel their manager didn't like the old sound and wanted some what of a new sound, this is how bands 'sell out' or get 'trendy'.....which you can obviously hear the 'new' sound from an album like parachutes to viva...they sound completely different...vivas got more of a techno type of sound to it, where as in parachutes there is not 1 techno backround sound on the entire album...Think of it like this, would you ever imagine Chris asking Jay-Z to make a remix off any songs from parachutes or AROBTTH? ......Hmmmm,, Shiver with Jay-Z....NOW THATS A THOUGHT.



Well of course they listened to Brian Eno while recording, but its note like they did anything against their will. The decisions were entirely theirs. All Eno does is offer advice every and then. And in terms of VLV, this is the one album where Chris said they felt the most musical freedom and bravery. In any case, I'd argue their sound changed equally from album to album. AROBTTH was radically different from Parachutes just as X&Y was radically different from AROBTTH. And Viva doesn't have anyone one specific "sound". Compare Chinese Sleep Chant to Lost! to Viva la Vida to violet Hill Death and all his Friends...Its not like some manager wrote all these interesting new songs.


If you look at bands like U2 and Radiohead, their influences change with each album. Thats why they weren't inspired by kraftwerk in Parachutes. And do I really have to explain why Shiver wouldn't work as a remix?

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Oops mistype on radiohaed, But my point still stands still. Play live with a violin would be far better than having a tape play it in the background...lol i still find it funny that no1 even knows who this violinist even is


That and Rap music and coldplay in my opinion do not mix, no matter who raps with them.


...what im saying about 'change' is its getting kinda extreme. I dont like the Techno sound as much as i liked the classic sound as from parachutes or arobtth.

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I agree that live strings would probably be much better as well. I also really dislike lost+, but its all in moderation. Coldplay doesn't have any "rap" songs, that was just one collab between friends tacked onto an E.P., its not like they went out of their way to write a rap song. Its just Jay-Z singing on top of a preexisting coldplay song.


And I realize not everybody will like the changes the band undergoes. I personal prefer AROBTTH to X&Y, but they progress in order to survive. If they just kept what you call the "classic" sound these past two albums, they would've disappeared from the scene a long time ago as one-hit wonders. Each album they do the most that they can with the influences and style they enjoy at that given time.


If after Parachutes, they just said..."Okay, lets make another album like that" it wouldn't have been half as good because they've already used up those inspirations. Bands need to move on to realize their potential, they need to get inspired by something fresh and new, and thats illustrated by the way their music has evolved.


and BTW, VLV is not the least bit "techno". If anything was inspired by electronica and dance it was X&Y, and they've come a long way from that.

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see that they do all everything with what members they have and if you would ask either band(or even most bands) now adays that you would play a tape in the background while they play that they will probably laught at you...but you cant really compare bands like radiohead or rush to coldplay though...




im just confused about what you are saying..Are you saying that other bands dont use any backtracks???


And what do you mean that you cant compare radiohead or rush to Coldplay??Just curious what you're saying


Also read this thread... Interview with the violinisthttp://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?t=45521&page=2

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And I realize not everybody will like the changes the band undergoes. I personal prefer AROBTTH to X&Y, but they progress in order to survive. If they just kept what you call the "classic" sound these past two albums, they would've disappeared from the scene a long time ago as one-hit wonders.


If after Parachutes, they just said..."Okay, lets make another album like that" it wouldn't have been half as good because they've already used up those inspirations. Bands need to move on to realize their potential, they need to get inspired by something fresh and new, and thats illustrated by the way their music has evolved.


and BTW, VLV is not the least bit "techno". If anything was inspired by electronica and dance it was X&Y, and they've come a long way from that.




I hope you realize you pretty much in your own words right there called Coldplay sellouts, You might not understand the definetion of a sell out so i decided to look it up for you....


sell out :

when a band/singer/rapper changes their music/style in order to sell records


sell out:

Anyone who sacrifices artistic integrity in an effort to become more successful or popular (generally in music); someone who forgets their roots.



i hate to say this put i think you just made me come to the conclusion that yes they are becoming sellouts....I missing my Parachutes and AROBTTH sound...Im sure if you'de ask the fans the majority like their 'old' music to their 'new' music

im not saying anything else regarding this because i feel i am putting coldplay down..


To answer roche714's questions...


Of coarse other bands use backtracks, however i dont agree with the use of them. It to me takes away from the live on stage experience. I hope you take no offence to this but if you think using a backtracks for live performances is a positive thing then i really dont find you too musically intelligent.


You cant compare Radiohead or rush to coldplay when it comes to using backtracks because neither radiohead or rush have backtracks. I was told by Tnspieler that "songs like VLV demand an instrumentation that exceeds the capabilities of 4 people." My point to him was Rush has 3 band members and they play multiple instruments. Same as radiohead playing multiple instruments but with 5 members. Hell even Chris puts Radiohead as an uncomparable band...and chris at one time requested them to play with them/compose a song and Thom refused to because he personally hates coldplay and feels how i do now that they have become sellouts..


BTW thanks for the Interview with the violinist.

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