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Noel Gallagher

Guest howyousawtheworld

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Melwen - Thanks for the Coachella concert. Great concert. Little By Little was so good.



You're welcome! ;) First I uploaded it on Youtube but they blocked all the videos from Coachella. :rolleyes: I hope they don't erase it on Vimeo.

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^ Yes, I noticed that when I went back to watch, and was so happy to see you loaded it on vimeo. I had actually grabbed songs 11 and 12 on youtube before they disappeared, which I was glad I did :) Hope that's ok. Your youtube videos are geat!

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I just missed him over break. I had the money but the tickets were so damn expensive. and it seemed that everywhere else tickets were like $50 but they were mostly over $100 in Atlanta :cry:


oh well. NEXT TIME :lol:


Wow, that is expensive! I can't see him making a tour for the AA album, but maybe for the next one.


The Songs From the Great White North EP is truly beautiful.


Who else got it?


Unfortunely for me I live in Argentina, so no record store day here. :cry: My sister lives in Ireland, but she is pregnant so I can't ask her to queue all morning. She bought Dream On for me, she is going to send it next month to complete my collection of singles. :happy:



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Wow, that is expensive! I can't see him making a tour for the AA album, but maybe for the next one.




Unfortunely for me I live in Argentina, so no record store day here. :cry: My sister lives in Ireland, but she is pregnant so I can't ask her to queue all morning. She bought Dream On for me, she is going to send it next month to complete my collection of singles. :happy:




I have Dream On and What A Life. I need the other two baaad.

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I have Dream On and What A Life. I need the other two baaad.


They are available on Noel Gallagher's page, at least the vinyls. The CD of The Death of You And Me is sold out, and it's so expensive to buy on ebay.


When I bought the singles, they took too long to arrived here, in Argentina. After 28 days of waiting, I send a complaint and they resended the CD's and vinyls. Five months later, I received the original shipment. So now, I have all the singles twice. :P

I gave the CD's as a present to a fan that I know. He was so happy! I could have sell them and make some good money, but I prefer to make someone happy. The vinyls, I'm going to frame them.

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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere






Where were we? San Diego? Strange place. Nice place. Very hot. Not much else to say about it really. It was an in and out job. The gig was a bit . . . a bit . . . a bit . . . I'm searching for a word here and I can't find it . . . a bit meh? That's what you young people say innit? Not earth shattering. Not shit. Just dull. Now that could be due to the crowd seemingly being a visibly older crowd than what we're being used to dunno . . . any way I've said too much we should move on.




Before I forget though I must give a shout out to the girls with the "jesters of malice” sign. It does give me a little chuckle that gear . . . and the Dalai Lama who was in town but sadly never came to the show (miserable little Buddhist monkey man!!!!) . . . anyway ENOUGH!!!!!!




Over-nighted it to Phoenix, Arizona after that. Now that place is fucking HOT,HOT,HOT!!! 95°F . . . lovely. Gig was pretty much the same as the night before. Uneventful in the extreme . . . apart from one fucking guy who kept shouting out at the top of his voice . . . "YOU'VE MADE IT MAN . . . YOU'VE CRACKED AMERICA MAAAAN!!!!" A quick glance up at the smattering of empty seats in the balcony would suggest otherwise I thought . . . but thanks anyway MAAAAN!!!




Legged it double early the next a.m. back to L.A. Iree Nancy, the Mighty I and Bunny Dread are on holiday there see? Had a nice day off at the funfair yesterday. I won a Smurf (not a real one) for the Mighty I by smashing fuck out of some frogs on the head with a mallet (again not real one's).




You currently find me at LAX waiting to board a flight to one of my most favourite places . . . . . . .













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How much did you pay in Washington? Just curious. Here it was 285 pesos, so 65 dollars or 49 euros.


I was seriously thinking to go to Cordoba but it's too far. If it was Rosario, I would definitely (maybe :P) go.


I think it was around that too! :lol:

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Mischa is believed to be the star of Noel Gallagher's new music video, although Mail Online is currently waiting for confirmation from both her and his representatives.




In the photos we can see the groom from If I Had A Gun and the second waitress from The Death Of You And Me!





Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds score highest-selling vinyl single of Record Store Day 2012 Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds Tickets



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Someone on Live4ever found this interview with Mike Bruce, the director of all the videos from Noel. The article is from March

Currently we’re scheduled to shoot the fifth video at the end of April. I submitted my treatment yesterday and I’m waiting on pins and needles to see if they like it. I’m sure everything will work out in the way it should….



So, the fifth video was planned. Interesting :nod:

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Bonkers, from of Live4ever, lead an investigation about the video of Noel.


"New Video is Everybody's On The Run. The first clue to solve this little puzzle was where this was actually filmed, the picture below gives this away as the address on the board gave the street (East 3rd Street)




now a quick glance at this website which is rather handy if you know something is going on gave what was filmed on that date and at that location and TA DA!!!!!! Theres a title!!!!




Everybody’s On The Run is filming at E 3rd St & Traction Ave, Los Angeles (7:00 AM – 10:00 PM)."



We have a new Sherlock! :laugh3:

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Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:

Yes comrades, it’s been a while eh? Lots to tell so let's go all the way back to Vegas.




That day was a fucking nightmare. Iree Nancy and our 2 princes had arrived in Los Angeles for a little holiday so I decided to fly to Vegas on the day of the gig. Not something one would ordinarily do as it can be fraught with danger. So . . . got to the airport on time, checked in and all that, sat around for 2 bastard hours until some **** announced that the flight had been cancelled!! Not to worry though thought I, we still have plenty of time. We'll just get the next one . . . can't we?? Nah . . . the next one was fully booked leaving me stranded!! Had to negotiate trying to get my bags OFF the airplane that had been cancelled only to be told that they'd already been booked on to the flight after that!!! So . . . had to leave my bags at LAX and hire a car to drive me 6 BASTARD HOURS through the desert to try and make the gig! The scenery was incredible and I did get to stop at a Burger King (I ain't been in one of those joints for YEARS!) which was nice . . . on't tell the wife though! Was supposed to be onstage at 9pm. Didn't arrive until 9:35. Walked straight in and onstage at 9:40!! Felt like Elvis . . . that may have been the burger though?!?! Great gig. Lot's of Brits, so it was a good laugh. There was a few roly-poly's in from Yorkshire. I know that because they kept chanting "YORKSHIRE,YORKSHIRE.." at every available opportunity. I bet their ex-wives would've been most proud!!!




Up early the next morning to drive 6 hours the other way back to the Coachella Festival again.They have it on twice now see? By the time we got there it was 114 degrees!!!!!! ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN DEGREES!!!!!!! Holy fucking shit balls?




The gig went pretty much the same as the previous weekend. The night itself followed pretty much the same pattern. Not as chaotic but right up there all the same.




Drove back to LA the next day not feeling great. Spent the day discussing what we could remember about the night before which in my case was virtually nothing. Good job Nancy had her shit together or it could well have been consigned to the dustbin.




The next day I had a video shoot for my new single. That'll be the 5th off this album which is unprecedented in all my time making records. This album is fast becoming my "Thriller"!! I played the part of a slightly hungover grumpy northern taxi driver which is just as well as that's exactly what I felt like. I feel it's some of my best work and most definitely worthy of at least one Bafta. That actress Mischa Barton was in it too. Nice girl. City fan would you believe!?!?




You currently find me in Sao Paolo in the great nation of Brazil. Been on holiday the last week. In a place called Laguna beach. Paradise. Home of the most over-rated band in all of music . . . "The Beach Boys". Nice gaff though.









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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Yes comrades . . . so, Sao Paolo.




Had a press conference early doors. Bit awkward to start with. It livened up though. It actually ended with my interpreter and a journalist just having a chat down their respective mic's!!




The show was fucking mega. What a spectacle. The crowd (or some of them at least) were waving yellow and green balloons as we took to the stage. Looked mega. Great atmosphere. Too much atmosphere as a matter of fact. Not sure if anyone was actually listening . . . they was sure feeling it though. Could barely hear myself sing. I don't mind telling you I lost it in a couple of places. Think it was being broadcast live on the Internet and all!! Lots of very amusing banners, signs, placards etc . . . here's but a few examples:




NOEL..WILL YOU MARRY ME? (this kind of thing has now become standard)




WE LOVE SARA!! (aww..so do I and she'd have been most pleased by that one)




FIRE TIM SMITH AND HIRE ME!! (very funny . . . if you're not Tim Smith . . . whoever that is?)




And my personal favourite . . . and this is not a joke . . .




NOEL..I AM PREGNANT BY YOU!!!!! (???????and it was held up by a boy!! Reminds me of a similar sign my wife held up over breakfast a couple of years ago!!)




Strange cat's these Brazilians . . . anyway onto Rio!!




See you there or maybe not.











And yesterday, there was a surprise on the setlist... Let The Lord Shine A Light On Me!




He dropped The Importance Of Being Idle.

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You know, I never shared my NG Coachella photos from last month. I'd seen High Flying Birds twice before so I was content hanging farther back this time (hence no super close-up shots like I got before), but enjoyable show regardless. Lots of Oasis goodies, and hearing everyone afterwards complain about the lack of Wonderwall was fucking hilarious.





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^Great photos! Here in Argentina, I see a lot of people complain because he doesn't play Wonderwall anymore too. Someone even said that he has to drop Freaky Teeth for Wonderwall. :laugh3:

At the beginning of the tour, all the fans bitched because he was playing so many Oasis songs. And now that he dropped The Importance Of Being Idle and Wonderwall, they bitch again. :dozey:

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New Tales From The Middle Of Nowhere:


Yes comrades.




So . . . Rio? Fuck me! What an unbelievable night. A truly special gig. Not because of anything I did I hasten to add - I played AND sang like shit!! But them kids man!?!? it was just a privilege to have been there never mind on the stage AND I got in for free(I know the bass player innit?)!!!!!!




The green and gold balloons were out in force, More weird and wonderful banners (there was even a "Noel or die" one . . . which was nice!. Tthose kids were singing the guitar solos and lost Oasis classics in-between the songs . . . they were even doing "the Poznan" at one point!! Now I'd like to think I've done a fair few momentous gigs down the years but that one goes straight into the top 10 . . . no question.




Stopped quite by chance at a random bar on the way back to the hotel and fuck me if we didn't have one of the funniest, bestest nights out in a long time. Not sure what the bar was called but it was on the Copacabana. A waiter in shades kept putting down these bowls of nuts and shouting "these Viagra!!" They were in fact just nuts. A comrade of mine who shall remain nameless but you can refer to as "truffles" was convinced that everyone in there was either a prostitute or a pickpocket or in some cases both!! Top, top night though. Didn't even feel too bad the next day either, which made it even better.




Brazil . . . you NEVER, EVER disappoint.













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