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Coldplay End of Decade Clearout Sale (catalogue discussion pg43 onwards, winning item pics pg151 onw


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I would say maybe a couple hundred

But then again, just the other day they had a postcard signed by Chris from the grammys. And that was just a postcard... and it sold for $650.


So I mean, I know the chances might be greater since there are so many things... but since it is Coldplay (we're talking the biggest band in the world right now).... prices might not be as low as some people are expecting.


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they only thing that's even close to my price range would be a lithograph, I would love the Don't Panic or AROBTTH one!


but did someone say that they're putting those on as Buy it Now at random times? that's impossible! :( Oh well, at least I still have Chris' autograph already even if I don't get anything from the clearout sale :)


the pictures are absolutely HILARIOUS, by the way, they made my day! especially the one with Chris' teardrop guitar.... hahahaha :lol:

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Just a prediction, and I could be crazy, but I think there may be a few great items that go for a song. For example, one of Jonny's telecasters, as there are six (!) of them. They are great guitars to begin with, but none of them have quite the same sentimental value as Chris' first guitar or Jonny's practice amp from the early days. Now if they did this in the height of the VLV frenzy, I'd think that anything with their signature would go for thousands, but this hasn't gotten too much press and its been quiet on the Coldplay front recently. If I had the cash I'd definitely bid on one, but seeing as the Telecasters cost around $500 dollars (at least) for a retail one that has nothing to do with the band I'm sure they will be well out of my range. However I can't really see all of them going for more than a grand or two each, so for those with that kind of money it would certainly be worth it. Oh how cool would it be if you had to prove you can play the instruments and your Coldplay fandom to bid?!!

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they only thing that's even close to my price range would be a lithograph, I would love the Don't Panic or AROBTTH one!


but did someone say that they're putting those on as Buy it Now at random times? that's impossible! :( Oh well, at least I still have Chris' autograph already even if I don't get anything from the clearout sale :)


the pictures are absolutely HILARIOUS, by the way, they made my day! especially the one with Chris' teardrop guitar.... hahahaha :lol:


haha! I know Zoe!

My favorite was the one wit Jonny and his viva guitar! I love how Will is in the corner waving goodbye to it.







oh... and I wonder how much the stinky wellington boots will go for.


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haha! I know Zoe!

My favorite was the one wit Jonny and his viva guitar! I love how Will is in the corner waving goodbye to it.







oh... and I wonder how much the stinky wellington boots will go for.



psh, the best one is THIS:






but all of the pictures made me laugh out loud... they're so ridiculous :heart:


hey, if no one else is bidding on them, I'll take them! :P

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Guest kmm1482
If we (by some miracle!) got an item, do we have to pay shipping? :uhoh:


I believe so. Since the signed certificates are £10 plus shipping. I would gather that the rest of the lot are too.

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I know :( and that's the prob... I'm afraid I won't be able to ge one :cry:


Well there's 7 different lithographs right? and there's 9/10 of each one being sold so hopefully that gives a fair few people on here a chance!


I'd love one but I'm broke and I've a feeling all this stuff will go for way more than what I was originally thinking :shocked2:

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