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Coldplay End of Decade Clearout Sale (catalogue discussion pg43 onwards, winning item pics pg151 onw


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I got my email notification today. Even though the auction said I would have to wait until after the tour finished, they aid my payment was processed and they will ship in the next 7 days. :dance:



WOW!!! You must be soooo excited! :dance:

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^ Cute Afeather, you are too funny!


I received the exact same banking info also. I just contacted my bank to verify how the transfer would work. Apparently the receiving bank (Natwest) would calculate the pound/dollar exchange equivalent. So, I'll either go today after work, or sometime tomorrow...


I'm so glad the payment debacle is finally getting resolved!


EDIT: BTW, I just received my passport a couple of weeks ago... :D

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Top of the whatever time of day it is for you, wherever you live ~


Though -- not sure why I'd want to pay for shipping on the coat, when I've convinced my best friend to go with me to the Mexico City shows for a little girls trip (twisting her arm of course). :dance: Woohoo!


Why not just rip it off Guy, (or doing the thing that would least likely get me sent to a Mexican jail), ask for it politely when the shows are finished & just take it home with me? :devilish: I could totally make my money back and then some from the some of the Berrygirls on this board! If my cloning project doesn't work, I could always rely on manufacturing some sort of cologne containing some of his bottled sweat, a la Drakkar Noir (contains human pheromones) to sell. Talk about helping Kid & Co close the gap with their 8 Million deficit! ;)


So yes, unfortunately it will be months before I get to post pictures of any of my items on here; but, I do look forward to seeing the others when the arrive to their respective new homes. :)


Happy New Year, everyone!


OMG! Are we best friends already?!?! ;)

Is this to make up for ending my 8 hours of bliss?! :laugh3:


Oh and dibs on first Berrygirl in line! :wink3:

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Yyaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy! I went to my bank this morning to do the wire transfer... I just e-mailed Gemma to let her know, and she replied that they will check their account tomorrow and give me an estimated delivery date. Yyaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy! :dance:


Well, I haven't heard back from them today like they said they would to let me know the money is in their account, and it's already about 8pm their time. Hopefully they'll let me know tomorrow. That's a lot of money to be stuck in bank-wire-transfer limbo... :thinking:

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I was told by my stepfather (works in international business) that anything over $10K gets held up for a day or two just to make sure that it's legitimate & non-terrorist related. I'm sure that you'll hear something tomorrow!


PS: Just sent my passport renewal off ~ you & your husband should think about a little trip south because I mean come on, you haven't made any other big purchases lately have you? :wink3:


Yes Afeather, I just received an e-mail a little while ago that they received the transfer, and they will give me a tracking number once it has shipped. Yay! :awesome:


:lol: If anybody is thinking about a little trip south, it would just be me becuase 1) my husband gags at Coldplay and 2) he doesn't have a passport. Which is kind of nice, because if he ever does something to really tick me off, I could just take a trip to a foreign country on a whim and he couldn't follow me. :D Of course, that probably wouldn't ever happen anyway, because I'm a very laid back person so it would take a lot to tick me off that much.

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Excuse me for being a little late telling this,


I won Jonny's black jerry donahue telecaster. The final bid was 2800 pounds.


I have already paid, but could someone please send me gemma's email address?


Congratulations! :dance:

I'll send you a pm with Gemma's e-mail address shortly...

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Excuse me for being a little late telling this,


I won Jonny's black jerry donahue telecaster. The final bid was 2800 pounds.


I have already paid, but could someone please send me gemma's email address?



I have a feeling Coldplayers got a lot more than we know about - which is great! :dance:

Yes Afeather, I just received an e-mail a little while ago that they received the transfer, and they will give me a tracking number once it has shipped. Yay! :awesome:


:lol: If anybody is thinking about a little trip south, it would just be me becuase 1) my husband gags at Coldplay and 2) he doesn't have a passport. Which is kind of nice, because if he ever does something to really tick me off, I could just take a trip to a foreign country on a whim and he couldn't follow me. :D Of course, that probably wouldn't ever happen anyway, because I'm a very laid back person so it would take a lot to tick me off that much.


And you still married him?!?! ;)


I bet you can't wait! :dance: :dance:

I'll go with yooouuu! Just let me win lotto first :laugh3:

I bet hubby REALLY hates Coldplay now that you actually bought THE GLOBE :freak:

And now he'll have to look at it everyday :laugh3:


Oh, and if your husband ever pisses you off that much come to Tasmania! :D

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