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Tired Pony

Black Rose

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was at The Barbican gig last night!! :D


We were in Row E of the stalls, dead centre of the stage, so had a perfect view of Gary and his band of merry men. Had the most wonderful evening. This was my first trip to The Barbican - i don't know what the capacity of the place is, but the whole night had such an intimate feel to it, it was lovely :nice: The support was from Bronagh Gallagher - not really my type of music but she sure has a good pair of lungs on her! We'd not long taken our seats again for Tired Pony after nipping out during the short break after Bronagh's set, when my friend Laura i was with nudged me and said, "OMG, James Corden (British comedian) is behind us!!" - and if that wasn't surreal enough, a couple of minutes later Harry Styles from 1 Direction came and sat down next to him, right behind us!! :o While i'm not a big fan of either of fan (although i don't mind James Corden), it was just so weird to think they were both sitting there within touching distance of us! :lol:


There were a few special guests. To my absolute delight, Tom Smith from Editors was a surprise guest on The Good Book!! :stunned: I've just started getting into Editors & had never seen them/him live before - wow, what a voice! :dead: Mike Mills from REM was another special guest on Point Me At Lost Islands and on the last song, Held In The Arms of Your Words, they were joined on stage by Nathan from Snow Patrol! :D Gary was on top form all night, chatting and joking with the audience between songs and sounding absolutely sublime, as ever. I even managed to nab a Snow Patrol plectrum at the end of the gig! :blush: The whole experience was just incredible and will hold a special place in my heart :heart::nice:


Here's a few of my fave pics...










Mike Mills from REM!







Tom Smith from Editors!! :drunk:





Nathan from Snow Patrol!





My Snow Patrol plectrum! A lot of the snowflake logo has worn off as you can see, but i don't care :D



Not my setlist i'm afraid, but a kind lady let us take a pic of hers lol :P



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Something unbelievable just happened - my friend Laura who i was at the gig with last night just rang me to let me know that Tom Smith tweeted a link to MY YOUTUBE VIDEO of him performing The Good Book with them last night!! :o :dead:




It's the first of the 2 video links he tweeted here


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMfW-41PaDk]Tired Pony @ The Barbican w/ Tom Smith, 14.09.13 - The Good Book[/ame]


The idea that he's actually watched the video THAT I TOOK and decided to tweet it is just :freak::bomb::dead: I.... have no words to describe how i'm feeling right now lol :stunned:

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Thanks shesawsparks for the story and nice pictures.


Shame there're gonna be only 3 gigs for this album


Here's some clip I found on youtube (I didn't took them of cause)


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jbCNWu-mxI]Held in the Arms of Your Words [/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVLFdHPvMTA]That Silver Necklace[/ame]


Gary always does something to our hearts, just like in this clip :P

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYQ6OVfhHqU]The Creak in the Floorboards[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Df3bPQtVtLU]The Beginning of the End[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geKs3unX46o]Point Me At Lost Islands with Mike Mills[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTXzdgEy6ug]All Things All At Once[/ame]


And another Held In clip


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