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The 6th Mixtape Exchange (closed for entries)

Black Rose

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new order ceremony :)


Whoever made my tape put that track on it. (I know cos I read the songtitles :rolleyes:) not heard it before but I kinda like it. I should really get on an' put my review up soon...:dozey:


HEY! :D :D

13. Song For No One - Miike Snow


Ah, I fuckin love that song. I used it on ME4 and had to stop myself using it again this time :lol:

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Whoever made my tape put that track on it. (I know cos I read the songtitles :rolleyes:) not heard it before but I kinda like it. I should really get on an' put my review up soon...:dozey:


well it wasn't me

but i wish i had put it on now

would have fit into the playlist too

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That's my mixtape! Wow, I'm so glad you liked almost all the songs :D So here's the tracklist:



1. "I sold my hands for food so please feed me" - Get Well Soon [Rest Now Weary Head...You Will Get Well Soon, 2008]


2. "Sylvia" - The Antlers [Hospice, 2009]


3. "I stand corrected" - Vampire Weekend [Vampire Weekend, 2008]


4. "Rio" - Hey Marseilles [To Travel and Trunks, 2010]


5. "Cliquot" - Beirut [The Flying Club Cup, 2007]


6. "Close your eyes, we are blind" - Alaska in Winter feat. Zach Condon of Beirut [Dance Party in the Balkans, 2007]


7. "Squalor victoria" - The National [boxer, 2007]


8. "The snow leopard" - Shearwater [Rook, 2008]


9. "They are night zombies!! They are neighbors!! They have come back from the dead!! Ahhhh! - Sufjan Stevens [illinois, 2005]


10. "Graceland" - Casiotone for the Painfully Alone [Graceland EP, 2006]


11. "Scythian empire" - Andrew Bird [Armchair Apocrypha, 2007]


12. "Against me" - Why? [Eskimo Snow, 2009]


13. "My body's a zombie for you" - Dead Man's Bones [Dead Man's Bones, 2009]


14. "Unwind" - Julian Plenti [Julian Plenti is Skyscraper, 2009]





1. Get Well Soon is one of the best underrated bands I've come across :) I recommend listening to its albums!

5. Vocals by Owen Pallett and not by Zach Condon

8. Some claimed that the instrumentation sounds similar to Radiohead's Pyramid Song. Being a Radiohead fan, did you hear any similarity? :)

10. A cover of Paul Simon's Graceland

13. Dead Man's Bones lead singer is actor Ryan Gosling :heart:

14. Julian Plenti is Paul Banks (Interpol) :D



Two Zombie songs! LOL. I didn't realize.


Thanks for enjoying the mix! :D I'm very happy.


I actually remember a few of these tracks from the mixtape you made me for the last exchange (which, BTW, I really, really enjoyed). :D

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I actually remember a few of these tracks from the mixtape you made me for the last exchange (which, BTW, I really, really enjoyed). :D


yes! haha. i tried to put entirely new songs in my mix, but i ended up including some old favorites. some of them really goes well with the theme and tone of my mix! :D

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Wow, those reviews are great and the mixtapes sound really good!!


So, here goes my review! First of all, I’d like to apologize for my english mistakes and some of my sentences which may sounds weird to you, it’s hard to express myself in english to describe music and feelings sometimes :D

Most of the artworks weren’t removed but I managed not to see them so I wasn’t spoiled!

As usual, I wrote my review during my first listening, putting everything that came to my head and then listened it again to see if I missed something.


Review time!! (Sorry if it’s too long…)


Track 1 : Drums, man’s voice… Great opening, really fast ( I mean, there’s no intro). Love the voice, melancholic… Then comes an acoustic guitar and an electric one with a little riff. And a bass line. The song turns up to a more happy mood, it started in a sad way with this voice… Really like it ! The voice is really really good !

Pop song, really pleasant, dreamy mood… Those 2 acoustic guitarsreally fits well together… A romantic song in a way. Really like it cause it’s not too mellow, or too cliché despite the lyrics.


Track 2 : great drums again and an acoustic guitar. Electric one also, reminds me a Coldplay song in a way. A man’s singing. Reminds me Patrick Watson, great voice, melancholic. Lyrics are too (« I still care for you… ») Love the rhythm which switches. The transition is really well done ! We move from a dreamy song to another one in the same mood which is slower. It moves me less than the previous one though. But I really enjoy it. And the strumming pattern of the guitar is awesome, powerful but simple, so as the drums. It really fits well !


Track 3 : Great beginning, folk guitars with reverb… Love guitars, so great there are that much in this mixtape. Here comes the voice. Or should I say the voices ! Sounds like choirs, with several voices singing at the same time, women and men… Really moving… The strumming pattern is really good again, there’s no drums, no bass line, so the guitar have the power, it leads the song… Like the electric guitar I think, with this little effect coming sometimes. Yeah, the voices are really awesome ! Oh and here comes a banjo I think, it’s great, it gives this lil bit dark song some light… But keeps it moving, it’s like it brought some hope… Really disturbing track, in a good way ! Really like it ! Here comes the banjo again at the end…


Track 4 : Piano beginning, electric guitar too with this little riff and effect. And the drums… Wow, disturbing ! That was slow but the drums took the song to a faster rhythm. And the piano follows, increases its rhythm. And the voice’s coming, woman, really brutaly, didn’t expect that ! That’s great, the drums keep on increasing, leading the track. I really love the switches of the rhythm, that’s brilliant ! I’m not a big fan of these kind of voices but I admit that it fits perfectly with this kind of songs, pop-rock. The transition was again really clever, it’s like this song wanted to prepare us to the takeoff of the mixtape cause it starts slowly, like the other ones, but then the rhythm increases. Wow, love that bridge, with the drums and piano in foreground and the guitar on background… And the voice coming again ! A powerful track I’d say ! It grabs you til the end ! I think it’s cause of the association of the voice and this rhythm that keeps on changing, really brilliant !


Track 5 : Oh, electro beginning ! With synth and drums. Here comes the electric guitar, an electro effect backwards too. Rhythm is fast ! transition’s good again, it confirms what I thought, the previous one was the takeoff. The voice’s coming, little dark, with a little effect on the sound. Oh chorus is coming, weird, didn’t expect that. Some distortion guitar is in too. Don’t know why but there are a few chords that doesn’t fit well together in my ears. It’s kinda psychelic or mystic, don’t know. Oh, acoustic guitar’s coming. A really disturbing track. Don’t like it that much, maybe this dark, psychedlic side…


Track 6 : Acoustic guitar picking beginning, sounds a lil bit latino. The other instruments come together, so as this man’s voice. Like it, reminds me Liam Gallagher in a softer way! Some violins backwards, that’s great. Love the drums, slow rhythm. A powerful song again, melancholic. Like the guitar riff at the end of the chorus. The bridge’s coming, some horn I think, really fits well with the instru ! A really cool song, quiet, great to think about your life when you need to.


Track 7 : Folk guitar beginning, nice chords and strumming pattern ! Sounds dreamy, an electric guitar riff is coming, then a bass and drums… Really great intro ! Voice! Really like it !A soothing voice, a man. It sounds as if he doesn’t want to disturb the instruments, that’s funny ! Love the way of singing, the passion but this lil bit shyness also. That’s really moving ! Rhythm increases, but not that much, drums are taking a bigger part now ! They kinda let their place to the voice when it comes, really sweet ! An other disturbing track, in a great way ! Really like it ! The power increases, the voice becomes even more passionate, the instru becomes richer. Really clever way to put all these instrumental parts together ! This is a pretty long song. It ends kinda brutally. Really liked this one !


Track 8 : Drums begin the track ! And then a man’s voice, sounds kinda retro ! But the voice is modern. Really nice mix ! A good pop rock song, all the ingredients are there, drums, guitars, bass, rock voice. Like the choirs background that are coming sometimes. The voice reminds me Noel Gallagher !

Haha like the end ! With this broken violin sounding (synth I think) ! Great pop rock song, more classical than the previous ones but really great !


Track 9 : acoustic guitar, starting with almost no silence with the previous one. I like the voice, pretty common though, and the bass backwards. A man’s singing. Some synth effects are backwards too, it adds to the song a mystic part. An instru part starts, lead by a synth, that gives a electro dimension to this track, really strange cause this song is almost only acoustic but it fits well ! Piano comes here. I admit I find the song a bit long, maybe cause the strumming pattern stays the same all along. An another melancholic song. Fading out at the end, as if we were falling asleep… Pleasant !


Track 10 : Starting with piano, synth effects. A man’s voice, with some« broken » thing, starts the track. Drums come ! really like the voice, I’m pretty sure I heard it before but where ??? … Or maybe cause it sounds a bit like Kings of Leon… There, the song takes off, thanks to the drums and the bass line which came. Really love the voice, especially the way he hits the high notes, always with this broken thing, it makes me melt ! Power increases, with the bridge which is well done ! The chorus is great too, melody stays in the head, I’m starting to sing along :D

Really loved this one !!


Track 11 : Starts fastly, with drums at a high rhythm. Voice and piano come. Broken voice again, like it ! Less than the previous one though. Sounds a bit dark, as the lyrics. Seems like the guy is desperate. Oh, chorus comes and the rhythm switches, it sounds less dark. And then we’re back at the verse. Like the piano riff. But that change of rhythm and mood in the chorus kinda disturbs me…

Some violins are coming during the bridge, a great instrumental part. This bridge is good. But then comes the chorus… I don’t know why it disturbs me… That’s too bad cause I like the rest of the song although it’s a bit dark but the chorus disturbs me too much to enjoy it.


Track12 : Drums, bass, piano. All in low notes, electric guitar riff. Transition is good cause it’s another dark track. The voice is great, man’s one. Chorus is great too, less dark, love the electric guitar strumming on background. This piano riff during the verses is dark, it gives all the dimension to this song in my opinion. Really enjoying this one. Electric guitar riff with some little bends during bridge following the piano notes sometimes is awesome ! Reminds me the previous one, with this dark side that disappears a bit during the chorus in a better well done way in my opinion. Really liked this one ! I was a bit frustrated beacause of the previous track but this one definetly erase this feeling :)


Track 13 : Piano starting, we’re leaving the dark side ! Sweet piano riff, like it ! Voice is coming, sounds retro, like it too ! A bit melancholic but not dark. Bass comes. Then drums, electric guitars, that starts brutally ! Great ! The singer becomes more passionate, less melancholic, as if he woke up to fight for what was disturbing him at first ! The chorus is great too ! Wow, after a little quiet moment, rhythm switches again to become really fast, really rock ! Didn’t expect that ! Well done ! Head is shaking and foot is tapping ! Easily imagine that during a gig, really powerful ! Ends brutally !


Track 14 : Folk guitar is begining the track with reverb effect, some effects on the back ground. Voice is coming, sounds like Joshua Radin. Yeah now I’m sure it’s him ! Really like his voice and his work although I think it’s a bit too mellow for me if I listen an entire album. Violin is here, which makes the song even more melancholic. This song is sad, like a goodbye… Don’t listen to it if you just broke up LOL ! Good song in this genre, I like it ! Although, as I said, it’s a bit too mellow for me.


Track 15 : Acoustic guitar at the beginning ! Reminds me « kiss me », maybe the strumming pattern at the beginning lol ! The voice is coming, a young man I assume. The song really starts, drums, bass line, electric guitars, piano. A pop « easy listening » song, sounds pretty good to me. Can easily be heard on a tv show ! The bridge is good, like the way it’s brought. Haha yeah, I have lots of images coming from various tv shows ! Ends with a last strum on guitar, as a lot of songs of this genre do. Good one, appreciated it !


Track 16 : Starts with an acoustic guitar and drums. Drums stop. An electric guitar comes. And then the drums come back. The voice is coming… OH YEAH, Bon Iver’s singer ! LOVE JUSTIN VERNON’S VOICE ! Just outstanding ! Really like this song, sounds like a great ending. Really dreamy one, not melancholic or sad, just dreamy, maybe a bit nostalgic. But really dreamy, as if you were laying on the grass, watching the sky… Don’t have anything to say anymore, love this one, tells us that the mixtape is ending… Oh and love the xylophone or something ending the track :)

Great, great, great job with this track !!


So, I have to say a big thank you for my mixtape maker ! Most of the songs are quiet, some music I love to listen too ! What I liked was the originality of the tracks. One more time, this has pushed away the musical bounds I have, made me explore and dig some new ways to this kind of quiet music I always loved. I easily imagine myself listening it again and again, by night, to calm down or simply to think…

Another great thing is that I didn’t know any of the songs, although I recognized 2 artist. I’m really looking forward to discover more of these bands !

Thank you again, unknown mixtape maker ! Impatient to know who you are :p

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have you heard the joy division version of ceremony from before new order did it?


Yeah I have! I think Joy Division would've mastered that song! I could see why you'd choose it as a funeral song since Ian Curtis committed suicide soon after writing it.


I wonder what funeral song I'll use :lol: what a gloomy subject haha! but I think I'd pick ... The Funeral - Band of Horses (obvious pick :P )

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HEY! :D :D


This is the first mixtape I exchange on here and I was nervous that you wouldn't like it but I guess it's not that bad eh? :) Thank you for listening to it and I had to add in a Phoenix song just in case it was DISASTEROUS :P :lol:


Here's the tracklisting:

1. Intro - The XX

2. Heart Skipped A Beat - The XX

3. Wonder - Dan Black

4. Love Lost - The Temper Trap

5. Fader - The Temper Trap

6. Electric Bloom - Foals

7. Come with Me - CEO

8. Olympic Airways - Foals

9. Ceremony - New Order

10. Swimming In the Flood - Passion Pit

11. Starfucker - Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

12. Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes

13. Song For No One - Miike Snow

14. Ballad of Hugo Chavez - Arkells

15. Armistice - Phoenix


Hope you enjoyed it :)


I have to say, this has to be the best mix tape by far that I've listened to! I'll probably have to buy some of these albums! :smiley: Thanks for making a brilliant one!

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Track 1:


Instrumental; mellow guitars then a driving, marching drum kicks in only to fade away again. The whole track builds and fades nicely. Very chilled track, lovely instrumentation. It's just the sort of thing I would listen to, tho it feels a tad overlong. It works well as an instrumental, not missing the vocal at all. Nice track.


Track 2:


Nice, deep vocal, almost sultry. Solid drumming and ethereal instrumentation. Clever lyrics.

It's been a bit of a grower, but now I really like this one. Couldn't help but notice the track/artist info - The National - interesting, cos I was checking these out t'other week.

This album is already on my to-buy list, but now it's been bumped higher up the list in terms of priority. Pretty ending.


Track 3:


This one got me hooked right from the off, mostly cos that driving guitar riff sounds a lot like

Tame Impala (altho minus the heavy TI reverb) Then the vocal comes in and it sounds like something from the 90s, kinda britpoppy. Catchy. The guitar, hmmm I love the guitars in this.

I'd be interested to learn more about this band.


Track 4:


Change of pace now, slightly more dull than previous tracks, but still quite good. The guy's vocal kind of drones a little. This has a pre-Britpop feel to it, like a Joy Division feel, that sort of era. Not a bad track, but not really great either.


Track 5:


The Kooks, yes? I have both their albums but have barely played them, so I don't know this track. Nice, short, harmless little acoustic number about the seaside. Sweet.


Track 6:


Starts mellow, but builds and adds layers as it grows. I like the changes throughout this track.

Interesting lyrics. Nice use of xylaphone. Pace picks up and another vocal pops up. Boy and girl. It's cute. "So, we will become a happy ending". Whoa sudden ending.


Track 7:


Hmmmm spoken vocal at the beginning and I'm worried it's a rap song, but then a cool guitar kicks in and it's gone all indie. Bit of an unusual one. Not bad, I kinda like it.


Track 8:


I confess I saw the artwork for this just after d/loading, but I think I'd have clocked Jack White even without the spoiler. White Stripes, no? Again, I have this album but never pay it much attention, so I don't know this song but the piano sounds almost exactely like My Doorbell, so I'm left with that song stuck in my head rather than this one ("I'm thinking about my doorbell, an' when ya gonna ring it, when ya gonna ring it"). It's a decent enough track. I'm not a big fan of his voice tho.


Track 9:


Slight change of genre, on one hand feels like an Owl City-esque radio-friendly pop song, on the other hand it has shades of Michael Buble in places. Young sounding vocal. Nice, little pop song, I like it, but not sure I'm that bothered to hear more from this artist.


Track 10:


Style and vocal sounds familar. Is this Hot Chip?? Reminds me of that One Life Stand song. Quite dance-y but has nice piano/strings. Not sure I care much for the guy's vocal, but it's quite a good track. Not something I'd usually go for. Feels like it'd make a good workout track.


Track 11:


Another nice upbeat track. Great plinky, plonky Jools Holland style piano. Again, not sure I care much for the vocal, his voice seems a bit weak/dull compared to the upbeat music. Good track tho, not bad.


Faves: 3, 2 & 6 in that order :D


Overall, nice and guitar heavy; a very alternative vibe but with some acoustic and electronic-y stuff in too. Good, interesting mix. I liked it. Thank you mixtape maker, whoever you are :thumbsup:

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HEY! :D :D


This is the first mixtape I exchange on here and I was nervous that you wouldn't like it but I guess it's not that bad eh? :) Thank you for listening to it and I had to add in a Phoenix song just in case it was DISASTEROUS :P :lol:


Here's the tracklisting:

1. Intro - The XX

2. Heart Skipped A Beat - The XX

3. Wonder - Dan Black

4. Love Lost - The Temper Trap

5. Fader - The Temper Trap

6. Electric Bloom - Foals

7. Come with Me - CEO

8. Olympic Airways - Foals

9. Ceremony - New Order

10. Swimming In the Flood - Passion Pit

11. Starfucker - Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second

12. Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes

13. Song For No One - Miike Snow

14. Ballad of Hugo Chavez - Arkells

15. Armistice - Phoenix


Hope you enjoyed it :)


Here's the link to download my mixtape if anyone's interested (the tracklisting is above)



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To Twisted mind:

Thanks for the BRILLIANT review! I am absolutely ecstatic that you liked it so much, as this was my first go!!

I listened to the mixtape you made for the last exchange, but was a bit worried because the songs were very different to what I had planned to put in the mixtape! But I'm glad it turned out well.



My review:

Track 1)

Nice, electronical sounding intro that builds itself up and a great sounding male singer. Strong guitar at the end of this song. I also like the synths in the background. A new song for me, but it will go directly into my music folder!

I love the way this song builds up. I love whole album by these guys, if you really like this song then you probably will too!


Track 2)

Starts with a subtle guitar and followed by powerful drums. Again a calm male voice, very relaxing. Some synths in the background, also some spacey sounding stuff. I really like the beat of this song.

This is by a pretty much unknown band from Melbourne, I was introduced to them by a friend and can't wait to hear more from them!


Track 3)

Whoop that song already starts with some strong bass and a nice sounding piano. The beat is very uplifting. The singer’s voice (again male) sounds calm but determining. There’s also clapping, electronic beats, and some choir, which goes like “uuoohohohooo” :lol: I like this!

Haha, I only heard this song a couple of days before I made the mixtape, but I had to add it! It makes me feel happy :lol: Another one by an Australian band.


Track 4)

The song starts with fast drums and a nice fast played guitar. There’s some strange “wooohoo” sound in the background, maybe choir or something else? Anyway, fits perfectly to the song. There are again some synths and a nice sounding male voice singing. The refrain goes straight into my braiiinn, haaanaaaaanaaaaa-na-nanaaaaaa :laugh3:

One of The Drums' finest, imo :awesome:


Track 5)

Woah many instruments! Violins, guitars, rattles, even some cowbells? The guitar sounds strong and goes through the whole song. I find the singers voice very funny, he always goes from a low voice into a high, creates a very dynamic atmosphere.

Haha, another Aussie band, Surfer Blood. I never really noticed the bells, but yeah I think that's what they are! :awesome: Another great debut album, you'd probably like it if you like this song.

Track 6)

The Middle East – Blood! I love this song! Well the whole album is great. What a nice surprise to listen to it again! Everybody who doesn’t know them… check this song out on youtube, it’s great!

It really is :awesome:


Track 7)

A female singer, a calm guitar, a violin and other string instruments at the beginning. Later a powerful drum comes in, the guitar gets louder, there’s also some quiet choir, oh how I love this!

Laura Marling - I don't really know much by her but this was one of the standouts from her new album so I decided to include it.


Track 8)

Crazy distorted guitar! Sounds spacy. Same for the vocals. The easy intro turns into a lively and strong song. The drums also give this song a certain touch. There’s a little instrumental part in the middle of the song (I like instrumental pieces :wideeyed:), and suddenly the voice becomes louder. At the end the songs get a little bit messy, hehe. Nice!

The original of this song is by Aussie band Midnight Juggernauts. I love it, but I thought that Tame Impala (another Aussie band) covered it brilliantly, which is what you hear here. If you like the instrumentals you might like some more of the songs from their debut, Innerspeaker.


Track 9)

Synthesisers and strong bassline, combined with fresh, young sounding female voice. Towards the end there’s a funny “woooooooooo” in the background. Amazing!

You guessed it, another Aussie artist (Sarah Blasko). This is a remix of the original song (remixed by another aussie band, the Presets :rolleyes:, but I like it better, it's much more lively.


Track 10)

Subtle guitar and “click” noise in the beginning. Followed by a heavy drum. Some interesting instrument I can't decipher. It’s a short song that builds up an incredible atmosphere… I really want to know the artist!

It's by Florence and the Machine! This song is off the bonus CD of Lungs. I absolutely loved it from the first listen, it just has so much feeling and atmosphere to it!


Track 11)

Oh this is nice. An upbeat song with funky guitars and drums. A perfect song when you’re walking along the beach or having a bad day. The singers voice is friendly. Bahaha and there’s even some cheering and background talking in this piece! Awesome!

This is a song from one of my favourite albums of the year so far - Two Door Cinema Club's "Tourist History". I've listened to this album so many times but don't tire of it - if you really like this song then I strongly suggest you check out this album.


Track 12)

Damn, that’s some heavy bass :lol: Interesting guitar play. Again lots of instruments, synths, drums and many other things. I really like the heavy drum. And a very nice beat, great for humming along. At the end he’s repeating a word I can’t understand but he sings it with a very great sounding voice, and even with some choir. The song ends with the epic bass that was also in the intro.

I like a bit of bass :awesome: This is by the Foals, from their album Total Life Forever - I'd highly recommend this album to everyone as well!


Track 13)

Great guitar-ish intro! Followed by clapping, quick drumming and a nice calmly bass.

Synths again! Someone really discovered my weakness for synthesiser! Great strong ending, too.

I found this band through Two Door Cinema Club - they're both Irish. I suppose I have a weakness for synths too!


Track 14)

Songs starts with choir and sounds rather dark. The guitar playing follows. Clear male voice, and the song turns from dark to bright to epic. Again some “Oooh oohh oohh” at the end of the song. Very atmospheric. I love songs like this.

Another Aussie band, Boy & Bear, that I first heard as a support band for someone earlier this year. This is from their debut release, an EP, that I'm in love with.


Track 15)

Funny guitar playing and singing in the beginning. There’s a male and female singer,

They create an interesting dynamic. And some crazy “Ohwayhowayhowayo”! Strong/dirty bass and mad clapping with mad singer and even an organ! What a combination, geez! :laugh3:

Funny, this is another band that I discovered only by seeing them support Vampire Weekend a few months back. They released their debut a few weeks after the gig and I haven't stopped listening to them since!


Track 16)

Epic intro! Strong bass/guitar/drums. Great voice. Great lyrics. Builds up a very good mood and has a perfect outro. Awesome song.

This is by Powderfinger, probably one of the biggest modern-day bands in Aus. This is my favourite song from their latest (and last) album.


Track 17)

Again some epic song with powerful guitars, drums and male voice!

Another highly-acclaimed Aussie band (most of the others I've included in here are relatively unknown), Eskimo Joe. One of my favourite songs by the band.


Track 18)

Cute male singing voice! :blush: Perfect slow and calming voice and piano playing for the end of this great mixtape.

This is by Australian Duo Angus and Julia Stone. I absolutely adore this song and thought it finished off their album perfectly, so thought it would do the same for the mixtape.



This mixtape is not good, it’s not even great, it’s PERFECT! Whoever made it, a huge “Thank You” to you, because now I’ve got some great new songs to listen to. The mixtape itself has a very nice ‘flow’. The songs itself all fit perfectly into each other. And the unpacked folder named Mixtape for Twisted mind =) made me smile. :D


Thank you, thank you, thank you! I couldn't ask for a better review. And I'm glad I made you smile, and even gladder that I was able to introduce you to a few songs/artists you didn't know!


Anyway, here's the tracklisting:


1. Clarion Call - Delphic

2. Time to Wander - Gypsy & The Cat

3. Rock It - Little Red

4. Forever and Ever Amen - The Drums

5. Take It Easy - Surfer Blood

6. Blood - The Middle East

7. Blackberry Stone - Laura Marling

8. Vital Signs - Tame Impala (Midnight Juggernauts cover)

9. Hold On My Heart (Presets Remix) - Sarah Blasko

10. Bird Song Intro - Florence + The Machine

11. Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club

12. Miami - Foals

13. Navigate November - Kowalski

14. The Storm - Boy & Bear

15. Meditation Song #2 (Why Oh Why) - Cloud Control

16. Burn Your Name - Powderfinger

17. From the Sea - Eskimo Joe

18. Devil's Tears - Angus & Julia Stone


I put a bit of an emphasis on Aussie bands in this mixtape (tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 - actually, more so than I really realised :P)

That was mostly because I really wanted to give you music you hadn't heard before, and I figured that was the safest way to do so!


Oh, and the link:


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Nobody is gonna tracklist my review? (page 44)


Yeah! I'm waiting for that too! I'm waiting for the tracklisting of the mixtape you got.

Although I think I know the first song. It's called Home -Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes. Amirite?

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ha, i'm currently looking through my last fm recommendations and they are one of the bands it suggests me to listen to. i have had their page open for about an hour but i just found blind man's colour!


How do you like it? :)

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That's my mixtape! Wow, I'm so glad you liked almost all the songs :D So here's the tracklist:



1. "I sold my hands for food so please feed me" - Get Well Soon [Rest Now Weary Head...You Will Get Well Soon, 2008]


2. "Sylvia" - The Antlers [Hospice, 2009]


3. "I stand corrected" - Vampire Weekend [Vampire Weekend, 2008]


4. "Rio" - Hey Marseilles [To Travel and Trunks, 2010]


5. "Cliquot" - Beirut [The Flying Club Cup, 2007]


6. "Close your eyes, we are blind" - Alaska in Winter feat. Zach Condon of Beirut [Dance Party in the Balkans, 2007]


7. "Squalor victoria" - The National [boxer, 2007]


8. "The snow leopard" - Shearwater [Rook, 2008]


9. "They are night zombies!! They are neighbors!! They have come back from the dead!! Ahhhh! - Sufjan Stevens [illinois, 2005]


10. "Graceland" - Casiotone for the Painfully Alone [Graceland EP, 2006]


11. "Scythian empire" - Andrew Bird [Armchair Apocrypha, 2007]


12. "Against me" - Why? [Eskimo Snow, 2009]


13. "My body's a zombie for you" - Dead Man's Bones [Dead Man's Bones, 2009]


14. "Unwind" - Julian Plenti [Julian Plenti is Skyscraper, 2009]





1. Get Well Soon is one of the best underrated bands I've come across :) I recommend listening to its albums!

5. Vocals by Owen Pallett and not by Zach Condon

8. Some claimed that the instrumentation sounds similar to Radiohead's Pyramid Song. Being a Radiohead fan, did you hear any similarity? :)

10. A cover of Paul Simon's Graceland

13. Dead Man's Bones lead singer is actor Ryan Gosling :heart:

14. Julian Plenti is Paul Banks (Interpol) :D



Two Zombie songs! LOL. I didn't realize.


Thanks for enjoying the mix! :D I'm very happy.


Once again, thank you for the best mix evaarrrrrr. :awesome:


1. I'll have to listen to more Get Well Soon! I'll check them out as soon as possible.

3. I actually did see a bit of similarity to Pyrmaid song! It's actually one of the reasons I liked it.

13. No way! Ryan Gosling <3

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