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Major Minus: Studio v Live?


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Um I like studio... The guitar is the same (except crisper cause it's recorded in a studio...), I love the bass sections that we can hear more clearly now (:40 and such are AWESOME), and I actually don't mind the vocal distortion. It seems to fit the song well. I just really like the studio version, and I wasn't really loving the live version just yet. I think having a studio version helps get a feel for what the song is all about.

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Why did they use that effect on Chris' voice in the studio? Why hide/distort something that shouldn't be hidden/distorted?





Chris "Angel Voice" Martin is NOT Ke$ha or Britney Spears. His voice should not be touched by any means. And this should be a law!

I rest my case.

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I'm definitely in the minority but I like the recorded version better. I find it more sonically interesting, as if they are using effects as instruments. I love that they aren't playing it safe. Good for them.

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Chris "Angel Voice" Martin is NOT Ke$ha or Britney Spears. His voice should not be touched by any means. And this should be a law!

I rest my case.


Do not insult the holy spearit :angry:

Plus, his voice isn't that good. He doesn't even sing with emotion anymore.

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Guest Osaka Sun

Can someone direct me to a high quality audio file of Major Minus at Rock am Ring?


Sorry, I don't have enough time to scourge the Multimedia section. :P

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Do not insult the holy spearit :angry:

Plus, his voice isn't that good. He doesn't even sing with emotion anymore.


You can't feel the emotion because it's not raw anymore. It's full of effects and not the good ones. Chris voice is unique and amazing and still think that angels sound just like him :P

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This might be one of the only songs in the world where I drastically, drastically prefer the live version. Usually I don't care for live versions much unless I'm physically at the concert, but this live version...God, it saves us from the horrible vocal distortion. Why did they decide to do that? Not even Will's backup vocals can help out. It's so drenched in filters that I actually flinched when the vocals came in on first listen.


I'd be a hypocrite if I said I was categorically anti vocal distortion on records, since my other favorite band relied heavily on vocal filters for two straight albums. But I think vocal effects can be used constructively, and this is not one of those times. This just sounds like they were bored so they threw it on, and I can't see where it adds anything. I feel like vocal distortion shouldn't stare you in the face and make you wince, and this definitely did that (and I don't think it was just because I'd heard the clean vocals of the live version before). There's the line on "Life in Technicolor ii," where he sings "every road is a ray of light," which I think is one of the few other times Coldplay's done vocal distortion, and even though that's a very obvious use of a filter, it seems more subtle to me, it seems to fit and add something. Not so with this song.


I agree so much, the vocals didn't sit well with me at first. I 100% agree with the comment about the life in techincolour ii distortion. I felt that the instrumentation in this song was wonderful, however they went over the top with the vocal distortions. I fell in love with Coldplay because of Chris's voice, I don't want it hidden! Jonny's part is brilliant, and I LOVE that they have Will singing.

The one thing I've noticed most about the new songs is that (to me at least) the lyrics haven't been as great as they have been in the past, I think that's what bothers me most about the whole "New Era" thing.

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Vocals live > vocals studio

Instrumental and chorous studio > Instrumental and chorous live


It's funny because for me:


Studio Vocals > Live Vocals

Live Instrumental > Studio Instrumental



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Can someone direct me to a high quality audio file of Major Minus at Rock am Ring?


Sorry, I don't have enough time to scourge the Multimedia section. :P

Not that hard to find. Shouldn't have taken you longer than typing your post. :P

Messageboard > Coldplay: The Band. The Music. > Coldplay Multimedia > Live concerts > LP5-era tour (2011- )


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The filtered voice might have worked had it only been present for the intro to the song, but keeping it for the whole thing...like Chelsea said it doesn't add anything at all. I also hate Chris' screeching under Jonny's guitar solo.

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LIVE. The live version has so much raw energy its ridiculous. The studio version is missing so many things...Jonny's harmonics on the interludes & Will's crashes and rimshots are just to name a few. Also, I absolutely hate whatever filter they put on Chris' voice. I'm so disappointed that they overproduced quite possibly what was going to be my favorite song on LP5. Sigh.

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