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LEMON! :o :o wooo!


The dutch magazine OOR had an interview with thom and colin. With some old pics in it. The reporter came by train' date=' because radiohead asked if they want to come by train. He had been traveling for 6 hours :P[/quote']


wow, thats long! :D

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LEMON! :o :o wooo!


Maraca, i'd say. He and Colin used some for Reckoner on the last webcast.


Speaking about webcasts, I don't know how I'll manage to watch RH's best wishes at midnight, since I won't be at home, but by some people that are not exactly as Radiohead-addicted as I am...


This sucks


P.S. : I heard Jigsaw on French radio Le Mouv' yesterday.

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I just ordered a Radiohead 7 disc boxset thingy for only $50 Australian inc shipping so I'm happy. I know it's evil to want to buy one of these things but I dont actually have any physical releases by Radiohead yet, so that makes me happy.


And on the webcast, nothing beats seeing it live though I'm gonna be at a party that night so I wont be able to watch until the next day :(

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I just ordered a Radiohead 7 disc boxset thingy for only $50 Australian inc shipping so I'm happy. I know it's evil to want to buy one of these things but I dont actually have any physical releases by Radiohead yet.


Yeah if you don't own any of the cds that is a good way to get them all. Even if it is evil, its still good for you.;)

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I just ordered a Radiohead 7 disc boxset thingy for only $50 Australian inc shipping so I'm happy. I know it's evil to want to buy one of these things but I dont actually have any physical releases by Radiohead yet, so that makes me happy.


And on the webcast, nothing beats seeing it live though I'm gonna be at a party that night so I wont be able to watch until the next day :(


But hasn't the webcast already been recorded and will be played on new year's eve?

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Radiohead 'wanted £10m record deal'


"It was to pay for my new hair cut" - Yorke


Band and old label dispute reasons behind download release


Radiohead left original record label EMI because the company would not pay agree to a deal worth £10 million.


According to The Times newspaper the band – who release all their previous albums through EMI imprint Parlophone – were offered £3m to resign with the label which they found unacceptable.


A spokesperson for the label told the paper “Radiohead were demanding an extraordinary amount of money and we did not believe that our other artists should have to subsidise their gains.”


However the band’s management have responded saying that the label did not take their negotiations seriously and it could loose other high profile artists in future.


As part of an agreement, Radiohead asked for the copyright back on part of their back catalogue, which the label would not consider. It is also claimed the group wanted a global marketing budget of £3m, although their management dispute this figure.


One of Radiohead’s managers, Bryce Edge, told the paper: “We couldn’t move ahead with EMI because (label boss) Guy Hands irrevocably refused to discuss the catalogue in any meaningful way. We sold 25 million records and we have the moral rights over those six albums. We wanted a say in how they are exploited in the future. We were not seeking a big advance payment, or a guaranteed marketing spend as discussions never got that far.”


When discussions between and the label and the band stalled, the group decided to release latest album ’In Rainbows’ themselves, initially allowing fans to name their own price for the record, before agreeing a CD release with XL which is due out on Monday (December 31).


Edge added that Radiohead might not be the only big name who will leaving the label, hinting that acts were upset that record companies still deduct “packaging costs” from royalty payments on digital downloads, which require no packaging.


Additionally, Radiohead's original EMI contract also had no facility for digital sales, with Edge explaining, “It’s no surprise that artists are throwing their arms up in the air.”



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Radiohead hit back at claims UK tour is too expensive

Nearly £50 a ticket will ensure 'quality' say band's management


Radiohead’s management have hit back at suggestions their 2008 tour is too expensive.


Tickets for the band’s UK tour are around £42.50, more than some tickets for Prince’s residency at the O2 Arena in London last summer.


However one of the band’s managers Bryce Edge has claimed that the tickets are being sold at a fair price.


“We don’t want to go on tour and lose money,” he told The Times. “It is expensive to put on the quality show people expect. It is a comparable price to artists of a similar stature.”



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so Thom's mad. For a reason.


F Y I_____ if you care

for your information>>>



we did not ask for a load of cash from our old record label EMI to re- sign.

that is a L I E.

The Times in the UK should check its facts before it prints such dirt.


whAT we WANTED WAS some control over OUR WOrK and how it was used in the future by them-

that seemed REASONAblE to us,

as we cared about it a great deal.


Mr Hands was not interested.

So neither were we.


We made the sign of the cross and walked away. Sadly.


We are extremely upset that this crap is being spread about.


To bedigging up such bullshit, or more politely airing yer dirty laundry in public,

seems a very strange way for the head of an international record label to be proceeding.


On a happier note we took no 'BRead-HEAd' advances at all from both independent labels XL and TBD for our new record.


So judge for yourself.


AND we are really excited to be working with them. SHock!


AT least they do not behave like confused bulls in a china shop. (:P)


much love









and here's the Time's article




oh you pathetic EMI

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But still EMI own the copyright for the first 6 albums plus the other various releases, so they are within their rights to put out a greatest hits.


The band have made more from In Rainbows than any other album due to cutting out the middle man


The thing is this has gone way beyond being about the possibility of a crappy greatest hits album.


This is about EMI giving false or at least misleading information to the press about the band in an attempt to hurt their reputation. That's playing awfully dirty in my book. I hope Coldplay can get out of there asap.

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Just depends how many albums coldplay signed for.


In other Radiohead related news, I think the new issue of Mojo magazine has a largish article on Radiohead, and a free CD (I think) of unknown artists attempting to cover the album OK Computer, so if it's like previous cover-mounts most of the covers wouldn't be new.

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Dom has praised Radiohead for releasing 'In Rainbows' in the way they have.


Dominic Howard, drummer with the Devon trio, praised Thom Yorke and co for daring to be different, declaring that the move could spell big changes for the music industry.


“They’re (Radiohead) unsigned which means they are in a different position to us, so they can do whatever the hell they want it’s cool they did,” he told The Mirror.


“Bands are constantly thinking of the best ways to release music and a band like that doing it on their own shakes up the record companies and helps them realise that they are gradually becoming more and more useless,” added Howard.


“It’s a great time for music and a great time for bands, but not for the record companies.”


Dominic Howard - Muse

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^ I agree, I think we'll see this shift to with bands with a bigger fan base.

It seems to me everybody is happier. The fans are happier that the band are in control, and the band is happy because they are in control and seem to get more money as well.


One thing that is cool about U2 is that right from the beginning they have owned the rights to all their music, even though it cost them at the beginning of their career.

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