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Street Spirit is the weakest on the album I think. Dosent mean its bad, just a brilliant album!!


nah, i think the general consensus is that Sulk is the weakest one on the album. also, High and Dry is a controversial one...people either love it or completely hate and despise it. :rolleyes3:

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EDIT: How can you say Street Spirit is the weakest?!?! Its such a brilliant end to the record.


yep, i totally agree. :happy:


^ I'd agree with your Pony. And High + Dry is one of the best tracks on that album IMO!

thanks! :wacko: for some reason i've never really been a big fan of High and Dry though. even before i found out that Thom Yorke doesn't like the song i had always used to skip it. i don't even know why...it's a good song, i love the lyrics, but the instrumentation just seemed kind of too poppish and sugary sweet to me. mind you, i don't skip it any more, and i really enjoy watching live performances of it on YouTube, but still it's not one of my favourite tracks on the album

two tracks that have grown on me tremendously though are (Nice Dream) and Bones. wasn't a big fan of those at first, but now i love them. :)

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^ I'd agree with your Pony. And High + Dry is one of the best tracks on that album IMO!


EDIT: How can you say Street Spirit is the weakest?!?! Its such a brilliant end to the record.


i know right! gah, Street Spirt (Fade Out) againnnnnnnnnnnnnn is a really well made song.

And I definitely love High + Dry. It reminds me of a beach song. :lol:

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^ I'd agree with your Pony. And High + Dry is one of the best tracks on that album IMO!


EDIT: How can you say Street Spirit is the weakest?!?! Its such a brilliant end to the record.


Its not the worst, I think it is just not strong musically enough, And it s a great closure, I know but let me remind you, this is a great album so the worst song on this album dosent mean its a crap song at all.

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i've been listening to '8 Outtakes from Amnesiac' a lot recently. OMG, ssssssso good!! they should have released those as an EP...sadly it's just a promo CD, really hard to find a hard copy of it.

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^ very true.


Speaking of the worst song on an album...


HOUSE OF CARDS!!! I think its a great song, but the weakest on the album. But anyway, here's the video in glorious non-compressed quality...






that was my first impression of the song but now it's actually in my top 3 of IR

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yeah you're right, here's the page: Crowd Getting Ready


i think that's the shirt!! I remember during Bangers & Mash I bumped into you and I thought "wow that guy looks oddly familiar, but how can i know anyone from london?" :lol: only later did i realize..


That's me

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I'm starting to warm up to Radiohead a bit more...I'm absolutely loving The Bends and OK Computer, Kid A is growing I guess (talk about a difficult album to get into), but is it me or is Pablo Honey a bit crap?


I still need to get Amnesiac through In Rainbows.

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