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Anyone else attack the internet drunk one night and from them make the concious decision to never use the internet when drunk?

uuummmm ... welll I was drunk once or twice and was using the internet at the same time ... but nothing bad happened, ha! :D

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You'll probably like In Rainbows better than Kid A or Amnesiac (Kid A is excellent, but a very challenging record...Amnesiac is equally puzzling but has "Pyramid Song", "I Might Be Wrong", and "Knives Out", three excellent songs). HTTT you might like, especially "2 + 2 = 5" and "There There"...and IR is simply excellent all the way through.

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Oh yeah ... headphones can totally fuck up the whole cd and the music experience! :angry:


If you haven't bought them yet, I advise you to buy a Sony model ... I have Sony headphones for CD players and they're 8 years old and still working! :D

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Oh yeah ... headphones can totally fuck up the whole cd and the music experience! :angry:


If you haven't bought them yet, I advise you to buy a Sony model ... I have Sony headphones for CD players and they're 8 years old and still working! :D


Okay, A Sony Model. Thanks, lets hope they can keep going for eight years!

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Why Radiohead is the past


Radiohead, what have you done for me lately? Oh, right, you released “In Rainbows”- one of the coolest albums of last year. Yet it’s not the coolest.


There was a time when a Radiohead release was a shoo-in for album of the year. But lately the band isn’t as exciting as it once was. Compare anything off “In Rainbows” to “Airbag,” “I Might Be Wrong” or even Coldplay-template “Fake Plastic Trees.”


Radiohead has entered its “Zooropa” phase, while Coldplay’s firmly in its “Unforgettable Fire” growth spurt.


Let’s not go crazy. Creatively, melodically and lyrically, any Radiohead album stomps any Coldplay album. But that may change. Bands in decline rarely rebound - still holding out hope the theme song from “Armageddon” didn’t signal Aerosmith’s artistic Armageddon?


Radiohead became post-grunge’s first, maybe only, epic rock band, then banished the guitar crescendos that made it epic. But they still managed to make amazing, tech-y minor masterpieces.


Now the band’s filling in the spaces between epic and slight, organic and synthetic, guitar-fueled rock and Mac-made sonicscapes. Soon all those spaces will be filled in. Then what?



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Radiohead was supposed to play the Chicago Theater last night, but they called it off so that Thom Yorke can get better before tonight's Lollapalooza show. I work in downtown Chicago, so I did my daily run around the festival grounds and the stage that they're going to perform at tonight was already starting to fill up around 1:00 p.m. They sold out all 75,000 tickets for today. I was hoping to catch a live stream of the show, but they're only showing The Raconteurs.

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