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Making ANOTHER new thread: Favorite British Radio?


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I personally enjoy Absolute Radio. They play Coldplay every night at 1AM here. Hahaha! :lol: NOT BBC 6 though, after what they did to Coldplaying members... :|


(As general as this thread is, I apologize to anyone who might have already started a thread similar to this one. I always worry what people have posted over the years. I'm not gonna look through all 1000000000000000 threads Coldplaying has. Ok, maybe one less zero on that figure.)

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You can always search if you're that worried


And I don't have a favorite American radio, let alone a favorite British one. . . But I guess Absolute always has some good interviews so I'll go with them.


And what exactly did BBC6 do to coldplayers??

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And what exactly did BBC6 do to coldplayers??


Oh, remember how everyone was expecting Chris Martin to come in for a live interview on BBC 6 after storming out in 2009? Well, they got everyones hopes up (and people here even started a thread) and they only replayed the interview from 2009. (I think it was 2009 :thinking:) Other than that, nothing. But, I don't really enjoy their comedy shows much so I guess thats the only "valid" reason to dislike BBC Radio 6.

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I listened to BBC Radio 1 quite a lot but some of the DJ's are annoying. And they play the same music over and over again

BBC Radio 2 for Jo Whiley's show


I think thats to be expected from a radio station with so many different channels. Well, maybe thats not the reason.

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Guest howyousawtheworld
I used to listen to a lot of TalkSport but recetly they've fucked up with the broadcasters, sacked James Whale and forced Mike Parry to resign. Then brought Gray and Keys in. Bollocks to that. I'm a BBC5Live listener now :)


Been a 5 Live listener for years now mainly for sports coverage. Sadly they've brought in Colin Murray and Mark Chapman. They used to have the likes of Henry Winter, Patrick Barclay as pundits on weekday nights now they have Perry Groves (what does this guy know) and the alright but dull Pat Nevin as well as sleazy tabloid sports journalists chatting to Murray or Chapman. We hardly hear of Mark Pougatch these days and Mark Saggers went off to Talksport. Good that Alan Green's still on though. So yeah - it's gone down hill over the past few years but I still listen to it as it's better than Talksport which I never listen to because I find the coverage so opinionated and macho. But 5 live's the only radio station I listen to.

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95% of my radio listening is done with 2 local stations which play a good mix of music and that's only in the car (useful for any traffic announcements saying road such and such has been closed due to accident) and the DJs are not full of themselves.


Heart is horrible

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Y'see what I did was take what you said, and say the opposite, except similarly concisely writing the sentence in 3 words, so that for people reading through the thread they come across your post and think "Well she must not like radio" and then read my post and think "Wait what-.... OH! He's just being silly! Hahahaha!" and yes basically it reads well and seems sharp and witty which equals major LOLS.


I just thought I'd explain it.

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