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Travelling alone


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Lore, I've traveled to England a few times by myself, although I met up with some people when I was there. I'll go into some more detail about the experience as a whole a little later when I have time.


One time I was "homeless" for the night and I had to improvise... it's fun to pretend like you know what you're doing. :charming:

Looking forward to read that


So as I mentioned, I've traveled alone a few times, and each of those times were to England.


This turned out to be a little longer than I anticipated, so I'll put these in spoilers.


First time:

My first experience travelling alone was last summer for the London meet-up that was organized here. I was simultaneously excited and freaked out. Although I've flown a couple of times, I had never flown that far. I remember it was so cool looking out the window and seeing Ireland, the realization that I was on a completely different continent really settled in.


Upon arrival at Heathrow, I just kind of followed the crowd to customs and to my luggage, and after that I was kind of clueless. I knew where I need to go in London, but I wasn't sure what the best way would be to get there. I went down the tunnel to the Underground, took a look at the map, and thought WHOA this is too complicated for having never been on it before. I had 2 things of small-medium sized luggage plus my bag from the plane, and I didn't know how far the walk would be from the tube station to the place I was staying (or which direction I would have to go), so I just opted for a taxi ride to be on the safe side. It was kind of expensive, but it was worth it for the peace of mind and not dealing with the potential stress of getting lost. And I still think it was a good decision, because the tube station near the place has 5 different roads to choose from. :freak: I would have easily went in the wrong direction.


After I met up with some of the other people, I quickly got accustomed to the London Underground, it's actually pretty easy to get used to; and we were walking around everywhere in London, it's actually kind of hard to get lost there. The only other time I was alone on that trip was when I left to go home, and I just took the Underground back to the airport.



Second time:

My second trip to London was last November for the Christmas Lights video shoot... that was an extremely last-minute decision. It's amazing how quickly/efficiently you can pack when you have no other choice. :| Actually since I was leaving straight from work, I almost didn't make it because my boss kept asking me to do stuff, and then I hit bad traffic on the way to the airport... I boarded the plane 5 minutes before it took off. :freak: That was a little stressful thinking I wasn't going to make it. After becoming so familiar with getting to/around London in the summer, it was really easy to know where I was going. It's kind of weird, it almost feels like a second home. :anxious: I had originally booked two nights at a hotel near where I stayed in the summer; I wasn't going to stay at the first place, because I knew that a few people were staying there and I wanted to surprise them on the night of the shoot. :nice: But, I needed to stay a third night; but when I asked the motel, they were already booked. So I walked down the street to the place from the summer, and they were booked too. So then I looked online, and there was NOTHING available in London! How is that possible? Well, there was one place for $1000, but there was no way I was going to do that! So what did I do?... I went back to the place I stayed in the summer, knowing they had a computer lounge and TV/pool/etc. lounge that was open 24 hours. I casually strolled in like I knew what I was doing, hid my luggage behind the couch, then alternated between reading/computer/sleeping all night. Hence... I was a "homeless video ho". :charming: I can't believe that none of the employees noticed!



Third time:

The third trip by myself was the following month for the Liverpool/Newcastle Crisis gigs. Flew into London, went on the Underground to Paddington station to meet up with a few other people I knew from here (but hadn't met in person), and we all took the train to Liverpool; so from that point forward for two days I wasn't alone. But the night that we all separated, and I departed alone from Newcastle back to London... that was probably one of the most stressful times I've ever had (but I didn't know it would be that way when I departed). This was during the big winter snow "storm" in England last December. Keep in mind, it was nothing compared to what I deal with in winter in Michigan, so I was perplexed as to why a country that is even further north would have such problems dealing with such a relatively small amount of snow. I allowed 8+ hours to get to London, but even that wasn't enough. The train broke down shortly after leaving Newcastle, and for the next several hours passengers were re-routed on various trains throughout the English countryside. I had no idea where I was going, but just kind of followed people on and off trains that were also headed toward London and eventually made it there (but at that point my plane had already taken off). The rest of that day/night was so stressful, trying to figure out how to get home (Heathrow was essentially incapacitated), but finally found a flight to get home (that actually took off... one of the few to do so). Went through Atlanta airport which I had never been to, etc., but finally made it back to Detroit.



Here's a little advice for travelling alone:

  • Pack as light as you can. Keep in mind you'll likely be brining souveneirs back with you.
  • Check with your cell phone company to make sure your phone will work at your destination. If not, you will need to rent a "global phone" before you leave. (And even that's not guaranteed to work completely as it should, as I learned first-hand on my third trip.)
  • Exchange your currency BEFORE you leave. Otherwise you'll get crappy exchange rates at the airport. Bring more money than you think you'll actually need, in case you run into some weird unexpected situation. Keep the money in a few different places (keep some with you, some with your passport, a little stuffed in a pants pocket in your luggage, etc.).
  • Let your bank / credit card companies know that you will be in a different country, and give them the dates. That way they won't question/decline purchases that you make while you are there.
  • Try to familiarize yourself with local maps before you leave.
  • Don't be afraid to ask people for help/directions.
  • Find out whether your appliances (hair dryer, etc.) will work in the outlets at your destination. If not, get an adapter/converter before you leave.
  • Get to the airport early.


Hopefully this helps a little.


And yes, it is such a liberating experience to travel alone, especially when it is to such a far-away place.

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It was great! :awesome:


Google maps are really useful, the street map with the "street view" option is kinda stalkerish but it helps to see how certain places look like. You don't want to end up in a desolated or dangerous place, especially alone.


Stretview is very good when looking as it allows you to view what the building looks like, any landmarks on the way to the building. I've used it a few times now when in London to plan a route from the underground station to the building

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I never went on holiday alone but I've travelled by myself many times because my family live in a different country. It can be difficult to carry all your luggage if you're going away for awhile, other than that I've never really had any problems. Try to avoid the underground (loads of escalators or even worse stairs if the escalator's broke) and use buses instead if you're carrying all your luggage with you.

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I went back to the place I stayed in the summer, knowing they had a computer lounge and TV/pool/etc. lounge that was open 24 hours. I casually strolled in like I knew what I was doing, hid my luggage behind the couch, then alternated between reading/computer/sleeping all night. Hence... I was a "homeless video ho". :charming: I can't believe that none of the employees noticed!


so badass :charming:


haha I love how all the trips are coldplaying related :P thanks for the advice!


Stretview is very good when looking as it allows you to view what the building looks like, any landmarks on the way to the building. I've used it a few times now when in London to plan a route from the underground station to the building


I've been using street view a lot when looking for hostels, I feel like a creeper but it works


A few weeks ago I flew on a plane by myself for the first time. Usually I am with my family, but this time I was meeting them there. It was kind of fun, but I was so nervous that I would get on the wrong flight. It all worked out though, so it ended up being fine.


that'd be like the Home Alone scene :lol:


I never went on holiday alone but I've travelled by myself many times because my family live in a different country. It can be difficult to carry all your luggage if you're going away for awhile, other than that I've never really had any problems. Try to avoid the underground (loads of escalators or even worse stairs if the escalator's broke) and use buses instead if you're carrying all your luggage with you.


I have this luggage, is almost bigger than me :lol: thanks for the advice

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Just remember, wherever you go, there you are. :sultan:

..and drink plenty of water, it's easy to get dehydrated, especially in those airplanes. BTW, have you ever seen any hare krishnas in airports? I feel like I missed out in not ever seeing one.. with their green tambourines!

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NYC isnt too scary. :P don't worry too much about fitting in, as it's so diverse there isnt really any specific way to dress/act etc when there. And there are TONS of tourists so it's not like you're in some little village that's never had an outsider step foot there.


My suggestions for NYC are dress comfortably, don't be an obvious tourist (more at risk for pick pockets and like) and enjoy yourself!


For flying, the best thing you can do is read all the rules (like the US FAA only allows liquids in bottles less than 7 oz in your carry on, or something like that) and get there EARLY! Better to wait for a while than miss your flight!

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  • 4 months later...

I've traveled alone to San Francisco and San Diego and both trips were amazing. My best advice is to just be aware of your surroundings. NYC is an amazing city and I found it to be pretty safe in the area that my hotel was in, but you can never be too careful. Also I noticed that cabs tend to still turn into the crosswalk even though it is the pedestrian's turn to cross so be careful with that as well. When I was there last February, it rained and was really windy and cold. So my advice is to bring waterproof boots that are comfortable to walk in :) Also bring a heavy jacket, scarf, gloves, and ear muffs.


I also recommend that you research and find out what things you would like to see because there is so much to see there! Also you can figure out how to get there. For example, when I went to New York, I researched eating places that were near my hotel and all the sites I wanted to see and luckily, I was able to see everything that I wanted.



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