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What drugs have you tried?

Matter-Eater Lad

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I was just joking about you making me do drugs though


Well yeah I got that, but my explanation of how heroin's destructive nature is blown out of proportion wasn't attempting to give the impression that just because its not that soul destroying, there are still many reasons not to do it.

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people have the choice to take drugs or not. but when the doctors poison patients with drugs = medecine like xanax, (gives liver problems. problems falling asleep, always tired, memory loss, disturbed the saw, headache. loss of appetite)

Demetrin, (ludiomyl it was removed from the sale much dangerous) or other derivative, just dangerous hard drugs heroin and others.

I've seen people lose memory due to drugs medecine or have problems organics because of these substances. is criminal. there are other ways to care. a minimum of humanity, for example.


yes, not understand when people want to poison themselves with drugs.

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Modafinil is my drug :D Works better than any other drugs I have taken. Side effect: Less hallucinations :sad:

people have the choice to take drugs or not. but when the doctors poison patients with drugs = medecine like xanax, (gives liver problems. problems falling asleep, always tired, memory loss, disturbed the saw, headache. loss of appetite)

Demetrin, (ludiomyl it was removed from the sale much dangerous) or other derivative, just dangerous hard drugs heroin and others.

I've seen people lose memory due to drugs medecine or have problems organics because of these substances. is criminal. there are other ways to care. a minimum of humanity, for example.


yes, not understand when people want to poison themselves with drugs.

Even if a doctor advices a drug you still have the choice to take it or not. A doctor cannot force you to take it, only persuade/convince you. Usually a doctor knows what’s good for you, mind, usually. Also, when drugs are used they should monitor if side effects show up. If Xanax gives side effects such as numbness, tiredness and liver problems you should tell the doctor and then both can decide if the side effects are worse than the positive effect of the drug (eg. reducing panic attacks). If the side effects are worse, then you can simply decide to stop and try something else. This also applies to demetrin, etc. When you know someone suffering from some memory loss by taking these pills, then keep in mind that maybe the person takes this gladly for granted because life without the pills is less bearable.

Ludiomil, btw, is as far as I know not abandoned from sale. You can even order it without a doctor’s prescription! (but I don’t know if it’s illegal in Swiss though)


So according to you there’s better ways to treat people with anxiety and/or depression than stuffing them up with pills. For example a minimum of humanity ... what does that mean? What is a minimum of humanity? Are you talking about Kant, that people should look at a person not as a mean/random person but as an autonomous individual? Are you meaning for example Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?

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Yes of course I've done it, and I still do if I feel in that mood. But coke I don't really understand why its so apparently addictive, it is no different then taking too many energy drinks or putting too much sugar in your coffee. It doesn't get you out of your head, it just increases your heart-beat. I prefer amphetamines for that but coke is more common, so sometimes I still take it.

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No actual drugs, I'm one of those goody-two-shoes sorts of people. :|



I've had caffeine though. Does that count? :thinking:


Oh, and laughing gas at the dentist. THAT is one strange feeling, and I don't find it funny at all. :| More scary because I feel like I can't do anything.

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Yes of course I've done it, and I still do if I feel in that mood. But coke I don't really understand why its so apparently addictive, it is no different then taking too many energy drinks or putting too much sugar in your coffee. It doesn't get you out of your head, it just increases your heart-beat. I prefer amphetamines for that but coke is more common, so sometimes I still take it.


Do you ever drink on it? I read alcohol and coke can create a chemical that is a toxin and in high enough doses is lethal.

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I haven't not drank alcohol while taking coke in a long time, its since been a drug you take when you drink for a night out. But this question reminds me of when I once read that taking coke and ecstasy is lethal, and I said this to a friend who was older then me, and he said he only takes coke when hes on ecstasy. lul

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Nothing, really.


Although the anti-epileptic medicine I took when I was in elementary school was technically classified as a barbiturate.


And a combination of laughing gas and some sort of IV sedation when I had my wisdom teeth out. I find it intriguing the effect the IV sedation has on you. I was "asleep" yet still aware of what was happening, but I just... didn't care. "Oh, you're yanking my teeth out now? Sweet!" And they gave me a bottle of Vicodin to take for a week afterward, but I didn't bother (cuz the bad-arse that I am can handle loads of pain).

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I don't do any drugs. I find most weed smokers very lazy, and I am around a lot of them. I wish I could attract people in my life who don't do drugs.

The only high I have gotten was from going on spinning rides at the amusment park. I feel very strange and in a different world after getting off of them.

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It's only worth doing if you're drinking too.


Haha exactly. Because it's so expensive, most people have to take it in small doses, if you want it to really fuck you up in a night the same way as a lot of alcohol would, then you'd be looking at hundreds of quid to waste away on one night.

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Haha exactly. Because it's so expensive, most people have to take it in small doses, if you want it to really fuck you up in a night the same way as a lot of alcohol would, then you'd be looking at hundreds of quid to waste away on one night.


I didn't like the feeling of doing it on it's own much, but if you've been drinking and then do some it makes you less drunk and have more energy and be more talkative, so I've always prefered the two together, or I did in my mis spent youth anyway:P.

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