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Tell us how you feel about the 40/20/20/20 $ split


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I've come to realize they were referring to writing credits. It's only fair that Chris gets more b/c of the insane amount of work he puts in. All the other band members recognize it and seem ok with it. In fact, I actually feel Jonny should get a little more than Guy and Will. Many Coldplay songs wouldn't be the same without his guitar riffs. My only conflicting issue is that perhaps Chris shouldn't have made it public. I sincerely hope this doesn't tear the band apart.

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I don't mind. They do whatever they want with their money, I don't care.

I don't know why we would feel bad though, because it seems pretty normal to me : Chris does most of the interviews, takes all the shit, writes all the lyrics so he gets more than others.

Oh and I was happy to learn he gives 10% of his income to charity, such a great gesture.

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I don't mind. They do whatever they want with their money, I don't care.

I don't know why we would feel bad though, because it seems pretty normal to me : Chris does most of the interviews, takes all the shit, writes all the lyrics so he gets more than others.

Oh and I was happy to learn he gives 10% of his income to charity, such a great gesture.


Also, are we really going to feel sorry for the guys who's fortune is estimated at 32,000 million pounds each? Hell no! Jonny recently said they have good lawyers, so I trust they're really getting their fair share.

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I'm a little surprised by the 20 20 20 40 thing. Don't get me wrong, I do think it's fair since Chris seems to be doing most of the work. Still, I really liked that they all got 25%. It meant that they (or at least Chris) didn't care about money. And it meant that they're a real four-piece band instead of a frontman-plus-band band.


I edited this because it was the start of a second thread.

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Chris really does a lot of advertisement, he goes to all those interviews and answers stupid questions about his personal life. He deserves to be distinguished, of course. But I'm disappointed a little that they do not share everything equally - because I thought it was somewhat noble of him to put great effort and not to ask any privileges.

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Chris really does a lot of advertisement, he goes to all those interviews and answers stupid questions about his personal life. He deserves to be distinguished, of course. But I'm disappointed a little that they do not share everything equally - because I thought it was somewhat noble of him to put great effort and not to ask any privileges.


He's not asking for privileges. He works more, he gets more, that's it. I don't feel like it's a privilege.

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I´m pretty sure that´s not true, and I don´t think Chris works more than the rest of them, ok he´s Coldplay´s image , but he would be nothing without his bandmates. He shouldn´t talk about that things in this way. I´m really dissapointed :\

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I´m pretty sure that´s not true, and I don´t think Chris works more than the rest of them, ok he´s Coldplay´s image , but he would be nothing without his bandmates. He shouldn´t talk about that things in this way. I´m really dissapointed :\


what exactly do you mean by, "He shouldn´t talk about that things in this way"?

do you mean that he shouldn't have mentioned it at all, or do you mean to suggest that Chris acts like it's his right to earn more? because in the interview with Howard Stern, it sounded more like Howard was implying that Chris deserves to earn more, while Chris was defending the others and saying they do just as much work as he does...



obviously, and this is assuming that the 40 is going to Chris, all four of them have agreed to this and so no one here should have any problem with it. Chris isn't demanding that he get more, as far as i can see, especially since, like i said, he sounded like he was defending his bandmates' in that interview, and in another recent interview he mentioned that money issues are what he thinks tear bands apart.

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