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The Muse Thread - Hate This & I'll Hate You


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Gonna be honest - Prague is my least favorite thing I've ever heard from Muse. :P


I still need to hear B&H live. Dang thing never got played once in North America the entire Resistance tour.


I haven't listened to Prague, ever. :uhoh:


I know, that annoyed me. :|


They played Citizen Erased (:awesome:), Ruled by Secrecy, and I think that's it, right? :thinking:

Did we get an MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection as well? :thinking:

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Gonna be honest - Prague is my least favorite thing I've ever heard from Muse. :P


I still need to hear B&H live. Dang thing never got played once in North America the entire Resistance tour.


Same! (to both points)

B&H is the one song I really want to hear. I was 24 hours away to hearing it. :bomb:


^^ About the headphones, You should demand a compensation to Muse! "I hate you! Because of your amazing music my headphones exploded!" :P


^ I want to listen to New Born, Bliss and The Small Print live :awesome:


Haha yeah! :lol: Maybe in return they will give me a free gig so I can hear the music properly and not through broken earphones. :awesome:


I haven't listened to Prague, ever. :uhoh:


You're not missing much from not listening to Prague. :P

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Whoa, you didn't get New Born at your show? I did notice they didn't play it at some shows this tour, though. Some people have complained because it's been slowed down, and also because Morgan does the piano intro, but it's always a reliable rocker.


Bliss is five minutes of face-melting and pogo-ing. I had to go to several shows before I finally got to hear it, though.


I'd love to hear The Small Print one day. Those videos I've seen with Chris's vocals are awesome.


I'd hate to not get NB. :\


Although I have to agree with the complainers, Matt should really play the piano. :shifty: Part of the fun of that song is Matt + piano, then Matt + fumbling for guitar on back while getting up from piano. And all he does when he isn't playing is clap along. :|


I'm not complaining too much though, it's one of my favorite Muse songs. :wacky:


I really need to hear Bliss. Like REALLY need to hear it. :lol:

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I haven't listened to Prague, ever. :uhoh:


I know, that annoyed me. :|


They played Citizen Erased (:awesome:), Ruled by Secrecy, and I think that's it, right? :thinking:

Did we get an MK Ultra and Unnatural Selection as well? :thinking:

For the U.S.:

CE got played at just two shows. You're definitely lucky!

RBS got played at just a few shows. (My friends still mock me for how emotional I got during it.)

MK Ultra got played a lot in the spring and basically disappeared in the fall (didn't get to hear it :()

Unnatural Selection got played at practically every show until the last few U.S. ones, for whatever odd reason. I got it all 3 times.

Bliss and Take a Bow were the other rarities. Bliss got played once (my show, yay!) and TAB only got played a few times.

NSC also only got played at one show. That was also mine, but I obviously wasn't as thrilled with that one as I was with Bliss. :laugh3:

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Whoa, you didn't get New Born at your show? I did notice they didn't play it at some shows this tour, though. Some people have complained because it's been slowed down, and also because Morgan does the piano intro, but it's always a reliable rocker.


Bliss is five minutes of face-melting and pogo-ing. I had to go to several shows before I finally got to hear it, though.


I'd love to hear The Small Print one day. Those videos I've seen with Chris's vocals are awesome.


We didn't :shifty: I saw New Born on youtube being played 2-3 years ago, and it was brilliant! Matt just changed from piano to guitar during the song, it looked EPIC :dead: I thought I was going to see that...but no... :shifty: But ok...we got Citizen Erased instead :P


Bliss must be so beautiful live! :awesome:

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For the U.S.:

CE got played at just two shows. You're definitely lucky!

RBS got played at just a few shows. (My friends still mock me for how emotional I got during it.)

MK Ultra got played a lot in the spring and basically disappeared in the fall (didn't get to hear it :()

Unnatural Selection got played at practically every show until the last few U.S. ones, for whatever odd reason. I got it all 3 times.

Bliss and Take a Bow were the other rarities. Bliss got played once (my show, yay!) and TAB only got played a few times.

NSC also only got played at one show. That was also mine, but I obviously wasn't as thrilled with that one as I was with Bliss. :laugh3:


Thanks for that! :wacko:


I know, and I was glad because our crowd handled it very well. Like, most of the people recognized it and went crazy. :awesome: As opposed to the Voodoo people who I heard barely reacted. :surprised:


Ignore your friends then, I'd probably get all weepy during RBS. :lol:

You're lucky too then! :wacko:

I'd have liked to have heard MK Ultra as well. :\


What up with that? I thought Unnatural Selection seemed to be getting a good reception too. :\


Again, you're so lucky! :P You went to LA2 right? :thinking:

TAB is another one I need to hear. So epic! :bomb:


But NSC is pretty rare! How many times have they played that live, like 5 tops? :P

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What up with that? I thought Unnatural Selection seemed to be getting a good reception too. :\

Best live track off The Resistance by far, so I dunno why either. And looking at some of the later setlists, it doesn't seem like they found a replacement for it. Really odd.

Again, you're so lucky! :P You went to LA2 right? :thinking:

Yep. I wasn't able to get a ticket for LA1 (had tickets for Anaheim and LA2), but I think I picked the right night. :awesome:

But NSC is pretty rare! How many times have they played that live, like 5 tops? :P

Not as few as IBTY, but not many at all.

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First of all, congrats Chrissy! :D


I'll get back to you fellow musers but first i have to post this xD




I have to go now but i'll see you guys later :lips:


Thanks Ren! :blush:


Hahaha! :lol: Where do you find these? :lol:

See you later! :wacko:


Best live track off The Resistance by far, so I dunno why either. And looking at some of the later setlists, it doesn't seem like they found a replacement for it. Really odd.


Yep. I wasn't able to get a ticket for LA1 (had tickets for Anaheim and LA2), but I think I picked the right night. :awesome:


Not as few as IBTY, but not many at all.


They just keep shortening the setlists. :ninja:


I'd say you did! :laugh4:


That's true. :thinking:

I love IBTY because of the bass clarinet solo. :wacky:

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Ohohoho, I went to the Grammys website and the first thing I saw was a picture of Matt. :awesome:


I am SO taking over my floormate's TV.


Really? :awesome: Wonder what they'll perform :thinking: Probably Uprising or Resistance as I think they're nominated for that.


I think you're right; it's most likely going to be Resistance.


They wouldn't play NSC, would they? :blank:

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Ohohoho, I went to the Grammys website and the first thing I saw was a picture of Matt. :awesome:


I am SO taking over my floormate's TV.




I think you're right; it's most likely going to be Resistance.


They wouldn't play NSC, would they? :blank:


I know, I saw that too. :heart:

I love those glasses. Who am I kidding, I love Matt. :wacky:


No, I don't think they would. :anxious: I hope not. :uhoh:


I'm putting my money on Uprising. :D

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OH MY GOD I'M SO FREAKIN EXCITED! :freak: I just looked on grammy.com and you're right. :wideeyed:


This is amazing news! More good publicity for them in the US. :wacky:


Oh yes. :awesome:


I'm so excited too! The first thing I'm gonna think when I wake up on that Sunday is, "MUSE. GRAMMYS." :P

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