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The Muse Thread - Hate This & I'll Hate You


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I'll be at Lollapalooza. I'm missing Coldplay to see Muse.

Coldplay announced a Los Angeles show for Aug 3rd. I live in Los Angeles. I'm flying out August 3rd in order to be in Chicago for Lollapalooza.


Coldplay section people don't understand why I wouldn't see Coldplay at Lolla if I'll already be there.


P.S. 18 days til Muse.




That's true. :lol:


Always best to be prepared with both gender names though. :nod:




Tell them that they have obviously not experienced the music gods that are Muse (which is kind of funny, since the Muses were gods of music. . . anyways). :phu:


Although that does suck for you. :hug:


But really, don't worry about it too much- you're seeing the last of Muse for a while until they go back to writing new music, finish the album, do European tours, then finally head over to the US. But you're only missing the very, very beginning of a loooooooong Coldplay touring time. You'll most likely be able to see them bunches of times.

:nod: muse really are rock gods


micheal coldplay are starting a tour so u'll see them over the next 2 years but these are going to the last muse gigs for a while


and although i always irritate ppl who make fun of the fangirls on coldplay section but alas half the things are true about them and they don't matter:uhoh:


Yeah, if ETIAW is any indication, I can be a snob and use "I saw Coldplay in their prime" as an excuse for not going. :laugh3:



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Well, reference baby names... I was supposed to be a boy so my parents prepared boy names only and then I ended up being a girl, so I was unnamed for like three days. They didn't make the same mistake with my brother, but they thought my brother didn't 'look like' any of the names they had picked out, so he went nameless for a week.


So we could be waiting FOREVER.


It could be worse. I was almost named Dagmar. :|

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It's not funny! :bigcry:


:thinking: I've never heard of that before... At least it would've been unique?


I was almost named Bart


My dad got it from the movie "I Remember Mama," which is about this Norwegian family. Dagmar is the name of the youngest daughter. :|


It wasn't that big of a deal, and I believe my mother said he was half-joking when he made the suggestion. But only half-joking, not a complete joke. So yeah. :|


Actually, if I were a boy, I'd have my brother's name. They almost named me Paula, but then they found that Violet meant the same thing and sounded much prettier, so they went and named me that instead and saved the name Paul for the first of my two brothers.

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It could be worse. I was almost named Dagmar. :|


I have an aunt in Germany named Dagmar. :wacko:



Although I have to admit I think Violet's a much nicer name :P







Aaaw, poor Grace! :laugh4:


Welcome to Muse Thread, Part 2 *flourishes arms, bows, and steps away* :P







edit: just watched that video, and i laughed! :lol: my guess is someone was crowd surfing and fell on their head when they reached the barrier. :nod:


I think I'd die if Matt laughed at me. :embarrassed:

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:blush: Thank you! Such a gracious welcome! (No pun intended... :|)


Haha, I think I'd die if he laughed at me too, but rather from the awesomeness of having him laugh at me than just embarrassment :P


I once read somewhere why he was laughing, and it was something like that but for some reason I remember it being funnier than someone just landing on their head... :thinking:

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:blush: Thank you! Such a gracious welcome! (No pun intended... :|)


Haha, I think I'd die if he laughed at me too, but rather from the awesomeness of having him laugh at me than just embarrassment :P


I once read somewhere why he was laughing, and it was something like that but for some reason I remember it being funnier than someone just landing on their head... :thinking:


I had to think about that for a second. :facepalm: :lol:


I'd be too embarrassed! :blush: Although yeah, it would be awesome to get pointed at by teh Bellz. :dazzled:


Haha! It must have been hilarious for him to laugh like that- he probably sees a lot of funny things every night at a gig. :P

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Yes, I think he's a little too 'professional' to laugh at silliness like that during gigs these days :snobby:

It's a shame, really :disappointed:


But to be singled out by Bellz... :dazzled:


I hope they give babyBellz a good name... not like poor Harper Seven :sick:

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Did you just read that off wikipedia? :tongue:






Just to double-check, I looked it up in a big book I have at my house. It's indeed a female name.


WHOAH WHOAH WHOAH second Muse thread!!

Holidays have left me so behind!


Grace! :cheesy: Welcome back. :hug:


I have an aunt in Germany named Dagmar. :wacko:



Although I have to admit I think Violet's a much nicer name :P


See, that's acceptable, because Dagmar is a more German name. I live in Texas. That would be just weird. :wreck:


:blush: Fank yew. I always get such lovely compliments on it. :wacky:


As for the name thing, my parents were going to name me Ashley if I was a boy... when I was little I used to wish they'd just kept it as that anyway because I didn't like my name much.


Awww, but Grace is such a beautiful name.


I hope they give babyBellz a good name... not like poor Harper Seven :sick:


Harper's not such a bad name. Harper Lee (author of "To Kill a Mockingbird") wore it well. Seven, though...why? :wtf:

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^Absolution borders on being my favourite Muse album :wacky:


Grace! :cheesy: Welcome back. :hug:


Awww, but Grace is such a beautiful name.


Harper's not such a bad name. Harper Lee (author of "To Kill a Mockingbird") wore it well. Seven, though...why? :wtf:


Aww, thanks :blush:

I like it now, I just didn't when I was really little. I used to think sounded like a name for a really old woman, which I didn't :lol:


And yeah, Harper is fine, it's the Seven part that's a little bit.. weird :freak:

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