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Should I go to a nightclub? Advice needed!

Technicolor Sparks

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Ok, so I have never been to a nightclub before, but a group of my friends here at school are renting a limo and going to a club tonight. When they asked me to go with them last week, I made up an excuse so that I wouldn't have to go. But now I'm starting to feel left out because everyone is so excited about it. This morning they were trying to convince me to cancel my (fake) plans, and I told them that I would think about it.


Well, I'm thinking about it and I just can't decide! I've been to one social at my university, and it wasn't very fun. Mind you, I went with only one friend and she is a bitch so it was bound to be a bad night. But she told me that I "seemed awkward", so now I'm terrified that I will be awkward if I go tonight.


I'm a terrible dancer, I could definitely be more attractive, and I'm so self-conscious that I know I'm going to be worried about seeming ugly and awkward all night. Also I'm prone to anxiety so it intensifies everything.


Anyways if you are still reading, could you give me some advice? Should I just try to overcome my fears and go? Or should I be safe and stay in my dorm tonight.



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Only if you have some lsd or acid to take before going.


I hate clubs, too noisy and too many idiots. Mostly because my voice is so quiet I yell as loud as I can and still no one hears me. And I don't like dancing to rap or techno shit. I'd rather ballroom dance or something like that. BUT you should go just so you can experience it and maybe you'll enjoy it, who knows. But you have to at least find out what it's like. And it's probably something your friends will want to do a lot.

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Are all your friends experienced nightclub-goers? If they are then I can see how you would feel like a newbie, and probably won't have as much fun :\ However, if you have a friend who also hasn't been before then you would both be in the same boat so you wouldn't be alone at least.

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I don't really drink alcohol and I don't really like the type of music they play in clubs, but I guess you're all right - I should probably go for the experience.


Aaah I'm super nervous now! :uhoh:

It's a good release from feeling tense in life, it's invigorating! But if the music isn't to your liking, I can relate to that - but you could go and just enjoy the liveliness of it, enjoy the company!


To paraphrase, YES!!

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Look you can always try, it doesn't hurt to try and if you feel uncomfortable you can always say you're tired and go back home, who knows? Maybe you could have a very fun night. Just do whatever you feel like doing, whatever makes you feel comfortable, don't go if you feel forced cos then you will suffer every minute of it. I'm an introvert too, the very few times I accepted to go to a party/club it was annoying for me cos I practically felt like I had to go and I didn't have fun. Plus I don't really like the "OMGIMDRUNK" part of it.


But if you decide to go just enjoy yourself and don't drink too much :nice: Plus you could meet new people, which is always exciting.

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I find the most uncomfortable part of being in a nightclub is the stupidly loud music, so loud that you have to try and shout if you want to have a conversation with someone, and when it comes to ordering drinks. I've been on both sides of the bar in that way, and it's very hard to try and hear what the person is trying to order. (ok it's not in a nightclub, but in a mess with a band playing near you)

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only go if you love dance and technos, and the people like fun party



my experience when I was young. just because I set myself to find a husband in a nightclub. :lol:

around me everyone said to me in this time "in these places nightclub need to meet people"


I hated dance music, but people said that I could dance like Madonna. but me not think.


I'm totally bored, in all the nightclubs . I preferred to listen and dance in my room with the songs of my favorite singers and bands at the time it was the best musics, not know U2 Pop


So go only if you have a good mood :)


Good experiance

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