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My perception of Coldplay fans


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It's been quite a long time since I first listened to Coldplay, as my daughter used to listen to (maybe she still listens), and the first thing I noticed about the songs was the idea of happiness, peace and love, which I automatically associated with the hippie culture from back on my days (mostly from Janis Joplin fans), which is interesting. Then I've noticed on this website that some of the members seem to be into drugs, and they also share very similar social-political views with those we called 'hippies', such as the legalization of marijuana/gay marriage and other ultra-liberal ideas of society.


It's quite how I perceive the fans although I'm not sure if it's entirely true; thought it would be interesting to share my views and read other opinions.

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This is an interesting perception right here. You're the first person I've seen to mention "Coldplay" and "hippie" in the same point addressed.


Now that I think about it, it kinda does make sense... One of my friends occasionally smokes weed and just LOVES Coldplay as much as I do. I consider her to be a "neo-hippie" in that sense... but that's just one of my friends, and not everyone I know is a "hippie". :P


It's always interesting to see a person's unique perception of Coldplay fans, as this one mentioned above, mentions nothing of the stereotype that only girls listen to Coldplay.

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I'm not sure. I don't know any hippies, but I know Coldplay fans, and is someone a hippy because they do drugs and they believe in peace and love? I'm a Coldplay fan and a socialist, but I wouldn't label myself a hippy.


I think the only trait we come close to sharing as one, is that we want to be loved, by someone or something, or even lots of people. It's what drives humanity. Coldplay simply expose that in their music, but then so do a lot of bands.


Basically, I don't think you can generalise. Saying Coldplay fans are hippies is like saying that black people like hip-hop.

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Coldplay and hippies is a pretty tedious link (I think I've read you writing about hippies before is this like some weird compulsion? Do you just want them to be like hippies?) you will find this is a messageboard with mainly young members (Most under 20, rarely over 30) and the "internet generation" is definitely more open minded and liberal on a wider scale. This is, in my opinion, a self-awareness and realisation of our own discriminating thoughts, which of course isn't a bad thing. If someone on Twitter says something racist, you're shocked by it, they get shamed etc. If you overhear a racist joke in real life, not as big a deal, and previously it wasn't a big deal at all, that attitude is now changing because of things such as social media. Even posting on an open forum such as this one, you are always constantly aware of what you say and how it could possibly impact one of the many people who will read it and you need to be able to stand by what you say, that does teach certain attitudes that you begin to adopt, whereas before we could make our thoughts so public we could stay in our own little world, with our small group of sympathists around us.


Also, the open use of drugs has changed a lot since past decades (Or 'hippies') whereas it used to somewhat represent certain political stances, now the free spirited meditating yoga enthusiast who takes DMT has nothing in common with the ruthless businessman cokehead type. Also pretty much any type of person can smoke weed in a society where it's becoming increasingly acceptable, Rihanna openly smokes it, can you imagine Spears or Aguilera doing that a decade ago? Un-thinkable.


I realise this post went a bit all over the place but the subject matter is open to a lot of different interpretations.

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I'm a teenager, when people find out that I listen to Coldplay they automatically think I'm some suicidal person... I got asked if I was "some depressed chick" once.... :| because of listening to them. I don't think these people have seen a MX or Viva concert....

I know quite a few people who smoke/have smoked weed.

My political views: I do NOT like the Conservative party, all they do is make the rich richer and the poor poorer, that's just my opinion though. I don't think any politician fully understands what it's like to have to go to work everyday and earn a living, struggling, whilst looking after children and providing for a family. They obviously work but they have a decent wedge of money in the bank to fall back on.


I have been called a hippie before, because I'm a vegetarian and I'm against nuclear stuff and fight for animal rights. I wouldn't say I'm a hippie though.

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I'm 50 yrs old, prefer my 2 feet firmly planted on the ground, live a very safe life, no one can mistake me for a hippie. The closest I've ever gotten to drugs was smoking a cigarette at a party when I was 19. Coldplay music is sincere and real. It takes me 30 yrs back to the point I had to contact my 1st love and got some of my issues resolved.

No, Coldplay and hippies don't go together in my mind.

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I'm a teenager, when people find out that I listen to Coldplay they automatically think I'm some suicidal person... I got asked if I was "some depressed chick" once.... :| because of listening to them. I don't think these people have seen a MX or Viva concert....

I know quite a few people who smoke/have smoked weed.

My political views: I do NOT like the Conservative party, all they do is make the rich richer and the poor poorer, that's just my opinion though. I don't think any politician fully understands what it's like to have to go to work everyday and earn a living, struggling, whilst looking after children and providing for a family. They obviously work but they have a decent wedge of money in the bank to fall back on.


I have been called a hippie before, because I'm a vegetarian and I'm against nuclear stuff and fight for animal rights. I wouldn't say I'm a hippie though.


Same. :nod:

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I think that the fact of dividing people has always been one of our biggest faults :embarrassed:

No matter what we think , what we are , the way we live ... We love Coldplay ! And that's what matters in this forum , isn't it ? :D

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^ thank you!!


I'm sure if you took some type of poll of Coldplay fans, you would find a vast array of people. I think it's ludicrous to try to lump all Coldplay fans into some type of category. Just from this forum, there is a vast age difference of members and many, many countries represented with different social/political atmospheres.


What it all boils down to is music. Plain and simple.

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I wouldn't say we're hippies. I know that there are lots of Coldplayers who are very liberal like me, but not all of us are like that. And I wouldn't call myself a hippie, despite my strongly liberal political beliefs and lifestyle.


As Eskapist said, we all love Coldplay, and that's what it's all about : )

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The internet's written in ink.


I'm not 100% sure what you're getting at but if it is what I think it is, well there's next to nothing on the internet that can't be traced back, deleting a twitter account doesn't mean someone can't find what you wrote.

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I'm a 47 year old mother of 4, and I am a huge Coldplay fan. While I have some beliefs that some consider liberal, I'm about as far from being a "hippie" as you can get. My husband and my 2 still-teenage children are also huge Coldplay fans and they definitely do not use drugs. I don't think it's fair or correct to generalize or label Coldplay fans, or any other music fans, in any case.

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