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LP7- "A Head Full Of Dreams"

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I agree our discussions may be too much, i.e. too many pages for nothing. But on the other hand, generally, what should we discuss about if there is nothing new ? You may say, we should not post anything and keep the thread silent. But that is not the purpose of a forum either, is it ? It is natural that people enjoy discussing with other Coldplay fans because they love talking to like-minded people, bc it eases the waiting time for AHFOD etc. Obviously the most active thread on here will always be the one whose topic most people are interested in, which at the moment is AHFOD. I also think you should not ignore the term "probability". Yes, we know nothing for sure at the moment, but there is such a thing as probability. The pictures we have seen make some conclusions simply more probable than others. For instance the patches Chris wore on the very first pic that appeared with Indian fans were clearly similar in style to Mylo Xyloto. The similarity is a FACT. The conclusion "AHFOD WILL be similar to MX" is wrong. The conclusion "The clothes style perceived >>>increases the probability<<< that AHFOD will be similar to MX" is, however, correct, and I think it'd be OK for us to discuss that.

Just my 2 cents...

You can gladly discuss your stuff, but make a new thread called "LP7 RAMBLINGS" and keep it in there, not here :)

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I agree our discussions may be too much, i.e. too many pages for nothing. But on the other hand, generally, what should we discuss about if there is nothing new ? You may say, we should not post anything and keep the thread silent. But that is not the purpose of a forum either, is it ?


I might be blowing some minds here but




If there's nothing new to report, then don't report it. Just because you have the option to post doesn't mean you should, especially when there's nothing worth talking about. I have a snowblower but I dont use it in July.

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My God you guys, you have been ranting about the same freaking thing for what felt like 3940834 pages already. This thread is about LP SEVEN, we haven't heard anything new yet, so why are you all talking about the album like you've already listened to it? Stick to the topic and leave the discussions about old songs to the fitting threads please.


And your hoping for any news coming out tomorrow or maybe the day after tomorrow or maybe wednesday or maybe next month or maybe your birthday or perhaps the day after your freaking birthday won't change a damn thing aLRIGHT.


Basically that:




I mean, it's totally fine if you voice your opinion about the new album you don't know crap about, and if you rant about the band's clothes being the new outfit for the new album because that's totally verified since you all are so damn sure about that, and yes it will be MX² because of the colours, it must be, right? So let's start a heated discussion about this theoretical concept and post 320 different views on that on how much you actually hate/like MX.


So, have you any new stuff to contribute, anything we haven't heard yet?


New pictures?


New audio material?




Well damn, that's too bad, maybe you rather wait for actual content to appear to post your opinions to.




Yup. There was a user here a few days ago who proudly boasted how they already knew what the song sounds like, so it was a-okay to judge the music video too, because the future had already been already seen. Why is this a thing on this site? I don't get it. We have so many circlejerk's over Mylo Xyloto and Ghost Stories, that it feels like if you do like either (or both!), you'll be put on a pedestal. I totally get the hype for the upcoming album, but it's beyond disappointing to see ten new pages of people talking shit about old albums and songs, with maybe a few posts of actual discussion. Yes, this is an open forum, but there are dedicated sections for whatever topic is at hand. Don't like Mylo Xyloto? Great! That's your opinion. But don't post it in a thread about A Head Full of fuckin' Dreams.


I love the entertainment this site brings sometimes, but the constant complaining can be too much.




Woah, woah, what? Stop your lies.

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You can gladly discuss your stuff, but make a new thread called "LP7 RAMBLINGS" and keep it in there, not here :)


I thought that is precisely why an LP7 FACTS thread exists, so that the inevitable ramblings that are simply a part of human nature will not pollute that one and rather stay here ! :D

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do i have to point out the obvious? now this thread has become a place to complain about the quality of posts or what are acceptable posts!


i agree that discussions about separate songs or albums should be kept to the relevant threads, but lp7 started when lp6 was officially announced! this thread has never been mainly about substantial news or official information about lp7. more a conversation that often gets off topic, as is the case when we are dealing with yet to be officially announced album. let's just have fun :) this is a large part of the anticipation of an imminent album.



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I thought that is precisely why an LP7 FACTS thread exists, so that the inevitable ramblings that are simply a part of human nature will not pollute that one and rather stay here ! :D


Thanks for the advert lol.


The point of the facts thread is to give a summary of all the topics related to the new era. I, as the OP of the thread have and continue to try and go through the various sources to do so. The principle avenue in which I do this is this thread. It is very time consuming and annoying to wade through 30 pages of "I hope it isn't Mylo Xylotwo" and come out with one post that says something of substance I can poach for my thread.


Again, you are right, we as more long-time posters cannot stop what you're doing. But we can also voice our opinions and tell you how counter productive and needless those posts are.

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I might be blowing some minds here but




If there's nothing new to report, then don't report it. Just because you have the option to post doesn't mean you should, especially when there's nothing worth talking about. I have a snowblower but I dont use it in July.


I know it is. We all know it is. But this is a discussion thread for god's sake, it's clear that people will post opinions and feelings too that are not based on hard facts. Nowhere does it say, only post your opinion on CONFIRMED stuff, so people also give their opinions on unconfirmed stuff. And even if there is no news, people seem to think a lot about AHFOD, hell they even seem to dream about AHFOD as far as I've noticed. It's because of this that we have a "LP7 FACTS" thread, right ?

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I definitely don't mean to come across as someone who wants any discussion at all to be stifled. It just seems to me that it would be more productive to keep it relevant and not repetitive. If it's been said more than two or three times, it's probably time to either move on or wait for something new to come along. And as jc90 said above, minus the all-caps, it's okay not to post sometimes. It never hurts to just reflect upon what has been said to yourself and then report when there is something new to report. There isn't anything wrong with commentary concerning what has been reported, but does it not make sense to hope for calculated, well thought out commentary rather than irrational, reaction-driven remarks?


I like a proper discussion as much as anyone, but there comes a point when the same thing can be said so many times before it becomes mundane. Perhaps the most difficult part of interacting in a news, speculation, and facts thread is being patient enough for there to be news to report, solid details to form rational speculations, and facts to be discussed. :P

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do i have to point out the obvious? now this thread has become a place to complain about the quality of posts or what are acceptable posts!


i agree that discussions about separate songs or albums should be kept to the relevant threads, but lp7 started when lp6 was officially announced! this thread has never been mainly about substantial news or official information about lp7. more a conversation that often gets off topic, as is the case when we are dealing with yet to be officially announced album. let's just have fun :) this is a large part of the anticipation of an imminent album.



You literally took the words out of my mouth. This is just a forum hypocrites. Calm down.

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do i have to point out the obvious? now this thread has become a place to complain about the quality of posts or what are acceptable posts!


i agree that discussions about separate songs or albums should be kept to the relevant threads, but lp7 started when lp6 was officially announced! this thread has never been mainly about substantial news or official information about lp7. more a conversation that often gets off topic, as is the case when we are dealing with yet to be officially announced album. let's just have fun :) this is a large part of the anticipation of an imminent album.




I think that is a good point, and coming from a mod makes it more legit than coming from one of us ;)


And most importantly, PEACE everyone. In the end, yeah, this place is for having fun whilst waiting for AHFOD, not for cutting it off. :)

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I think that is a good point, and coming from a mod makes it more legit than coming from one of us ;)


And most importantly, PEACE everyone. In the end, yeah, this place is for having fun whilst waiting for AHFOD, not for cutting it off. :)


Appeal to authority, really now....


Anywho, it seems everyone is growing tired of our efforts. But again, i've tried the spiel era after era so I know the deal.


There was nothing malicious about our intent. It was for the benefit of everyone. We were simply trying to increase the quality of posts as opposed to the quantity. But in the end you are free to choose how and when you post.

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Appeal to authority, really now....


Anywho, it seems everyone is growing tired of our efforts. But again, i've tried the schpiel era after era so I know the deal. There was nothing malicious about our intent. It was for the benefit of everyone. But in the end you are free to choose how and when you post.


Because when we "normal" posters say that, people like you who have been around longer say no, that's not the purpose of the thread....!


And I'm glad you changed your wording there !


Once again, peace. I don't wanna quarrel over something like that.

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Don't want to add on to anything here , but you guys have kinda been spamming the thread about not spamming the thread.  Sorry, just thought that was funny. Continue while I hide again. 


guilty as charged, but should I have PM-ed every single person in this thread, or just post it here where the other spamming was happening?


Anywho, rant over as of 2 posts ago. Continue on your normal business I suppose....


Alright I'm just gonna chill here and eat popcorn, you guys keep going.


O hai, youre a mod too, look at that....

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Im just gonna say this, but you guys are arguing that the thread is off-topic even though you guys have done no help in supporting that except complain which does nothing whatsoever to get this thread back to AHFOD.


Screw it, nevermind...keep doing what you're doing....

Hey, so that person I knew in mumbai ended up meeting chris martin on saturday night at last..he said he'll definitely come back to mumbai next year..


Not too surprising, at this point its more of what places WONT Coldplay visit for the next tour!

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