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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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good idea and more will require the address of my hometown, I think it's the only one to visit in this little corner of nowhere lost. :nod: (whatever my parents live and my parents great fans of the Beatles)

miss my hometown now I live in the middle of richs people is sad.. stupid sister grr..





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I guess you're looking at the same as me? :charming: :lol:


^Yes I am :nod::charming:


I like this era's clothing. I like it very much :charming:






I've really missed you all.. I haven't listened to Coldplay in two weeks... I'm not listening to them again until I'm done with a gift I'm doing for my friend who's leaving for college.


I all really really need your help PLEASE... You all know how much Coldplay means to me...

I could cry right now... there's a contest going on for their Philadelphia show.. all you have to do is click on the link to help me win please...




THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO DOES IT. Words will never be able to express my gratitude if I win.


Hey Ariel! I clicked ;) if you win you have to hug Jonny for me! :lol:


I know, its been two weeks, yes.. it wasn't too bad at first but the past couple days I've been really "craving" their music...


But.. this friend of mine, I really like him a lot, actually I think I like him more than a lot... which I don't know if its wrong too or not because he's going for two years and he doesn't want to be in a relationship until he's done, he also doesn't anyone to start liking him or he start liking anyone before he goes.. so I'm kind of in a bit of a pickle here... I'm still not sure what to tell him before he goes.


I'm putting him before Coldplay because I love and care about him more and want what's best for him. And also why I haven't been on here in a while.



Oh well...it's really complicated :confused:




A mini picspam:



"Stop it, Jonny, enough compliments for now" :blush: :blush: Chris



"Shit I forgot my umbrella" Chris



Hypnotizing look Chris



"My bum hurts I can't 'rock' my stool today":disappointed: Chris



"Where is my rope??" Chris :wink3: :wink3: (...)



"Na, I don't want you to sell me anything...unless it's cake :dozey:" Chris



Last one. :dazzled:


Cute Chris




Just one word: ROPE.


Picspam.............. :dazzled:

















ahahahha I am "single Ladies" badaba..... :wacky::lips::escaping2:

Maria Magdalena cilice. was almost a sacred kind of life almost love Chrissy .




All this X&Y era pics you post all the time Lory... :dazzled: :dead:

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Just one word: ROPE.




All this X&Y era pics you post all the time Lory... :dazzled: :dead:


I thought that too.. I think our Lory has a 'thing' for X&Y too K.. :lol: Oh we all do, lets face it.. :laugh3: ANY era..




Lovely photo of Chris, but I think Beyonce forgot to get dressed.. :inquisitive: and just put her coat on..? :thinking: :laugh3:





and yeah Rope.. :laugh3:

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I thought that too.. I think our Lory has a 'thing' for X&Y too K.. :lol: Oh we all do, lets face it.. :laugh3: ANY era..




Lovely photo of Chris, but I think Beyonce forgot to get dressed.. :inquisitive: and just put her coat on..? :thinking: :laugh3:





and yeah Rope.. :laugh3:


LOL beyonce... she forgot to put some buttons on her dress :P

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Good day Girls ;)



I do not see how Gwyneth Paltrow has not even arranged in 24 hours here :shrug:


Gwyneth is arranging a meeting and also has ideas about a mini-movie for an upcoming music video

a source told British newspaper The Sun ?




but arranging here a tryst with editor is a title maybe :thinking:


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I think my reaction to this pic is best described by this....whisd1m8dkebypfsdad8.gif


If I go like everyone else see The Avengers and with a friend. he fell asleep my friend is an idiot.


Scared me lot with its space and candy. because when I jumped from my chair frightened. it's not as if I was raped :| maybe I will not put these 3D glasses. (you double in 6 dimensions)

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:nod::nod::nod::nod::nod: 'Like' is a bit of an understatement tho :lol:




To make up for discussing RDJ in this thread, here's a pretty man being pretty :angel:



I like you. RDJ is awesome. :awesome:


Yes, I shouldn't bring it up here.. But there is another handsome man. :cheesy:


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