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Post piccies of the sexy Mr Berryman..


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NO! i cant! :bigcry:

i always have the worst luck with stuff.

proof: the one thing i was most scared would happen to me on the SAT happened. i got an essay prompt that i couldnt think of anything to right about. basically, i didnt finish my essay because i ran out of time. YOU KNOW HOW MANY POINTS THAT PROBABLY COST ME?! :o :disappointed:


Lauren :hug::hug:

I know there probably any words that I can say that will make you feel better about today. but maybe they'll give you partial points for at least starting the essay you never know.


You can tell me to shut up anytime if this didn't work :)

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Lauren :hug::hug:

I know there probably any words that I can say that will make you feel better about today. but maybe they'll give you partial points for at least starting the essay you never know.


You can tell me to shut up anytime if this didn't work :)


eh, i got through more than half of it. you have to have at least 2 examples and i got to where i had about 2 sentences written on my second example. so basically i dont have most of my second example and i dont have a conclusion. :confused: so my score on that wont be too good.

but thanks for trying to comfort me jenn! :hug:

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Wowwwww Liz!!! You took the best piccies I've ever seen, really!!! :o:o:o


First I watched the politik vid.....this was one of my several reactions! e8l641.gif

He plays his bass in an extraordinary way...he's too good in his job!


Then I analized your 1885758403030 wonderful pics...he's amazing, maybe just a little bit sad or maybe he was just tired! :\ poor baby! But, never mind...he's in perfect shape!


Thanks so much Liz :) :kiss:


from the last R#42



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Hey everyone! :smiley:


^^still your presence shall make him happy :wink3:


haha and NO! this time better!!! :bomb: :dead: i got to be buddies with Rick the Roadie who holds down the curtain on GUy's side and then releases it b4 VH ! and i talked to him for like 20 min. maybe.....and he was AWESOME!! Ill have to talk more about him when i post my full long ass review again....but - :curtain: he told me some secrets too! :lipsaresealed2: and handed me Guy's setlist and pic after the show, even tho this one girl was trying to grab it from me....(she didnt even know Guy's name :dozey: she kept calling him "guitar dude" stupid....i finally told her his name was "guy") but anyway, she tried to take it from me at the end and Rick said, "NO! this is for her!" hahahamemememehwaowioehgtiorhgf :freak: i love u roadie Rick :love:


i would have been like 'bitch' get off of me! :P but if she was referring to him as "guitar dude" she definitely doesn't deserve it :angry: glad Roadie Rick realized that!! :)


NO! i cant! :bigcry:

i always have the worst luck with stuff.

proof: the one thing i was most scared would happen to me on the SAT happened. i got an essay prompt that i couldnt think of anything to right about. basically, i didnt finish my essay because i ran out of time. YOU KNOW HOW MANY POINTS THAT PROBABLY COST ME?! :o :disappointed:


aww Lauren! :hug::kiss: i feel that way at times too. but i really am keeping my fingers crossed for u at ur concert...i have a feeling coldplaying karma will come ur way!


but i agree with what Jenn said, i think partial points are given regardless of how much u put down, and plus you can always take it again...take it from me i took it 4 times!! :)


from the last R#42




helllooo :sneaky: but that pic is so cute! Guy must have said or done something funny because Jonny is looking toward his direction and cracking up :lol:

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^^still your presence shall make him happy :wink3:




haha and NO! this time better!!! :bomb: :dead: i got to be buddies with Rick the Roadie who holds down the curtain on GUy's side and then releases it b4 VH ! and i talked to him for like 20 min. maybe.....and he was AWESOME!! Ill have to talk more about him when i post my full long ass review again....but - :curtain: he told me some secrets too! :lipsaresealed2: and handed me Guy's setlist and pic after the show, even tho this one girl was trying to grab it from me....(she didnt even know Guy's name :dozey: she kept calling him "guitar dude" stupid....i finally told her his name was "guy") but anyway, she tried to take it from me at the end and Rick said, "NO! this is for her!" hahahamemememehwaowioehgtiorhgf :freak: i love u roadie Rick :love:


LOL omg as if she called him "guitar dude" I agree with Laura she definitely didn't deserve it. What a poser!! You tell her Roadie Rick! :P I'm happy to hear he gave you Guy's pic and setlist! :D


^ I love that picture, as well as the blog that accompanied it. Coldplay & Crew are so amazingly down to earth. Love it. :)


Ooh cool avi Aemilea!! And yeah the pic is amazing :nice:

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:bigcry: awww Lauren!! :( it will be ok!! SATs are SO lame anyway....... can u take it again this coming year?




and yeah thanks guys!!! i really LOVE Roadie Rick, he was SO nice and funny! I still cant believe he gave me both of them, the setlist and the pic....:o i was so happy! :wacky:

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Wowwwww Liz!!! You took the best piccies I've ever seen, really!!! :o:o:o


First I watched the politik vid.....this was one of my several reactions! e8l641.gif

He plays his bass in an extraordinary way...he's too good in his job!


Then I analized your 1885758403030 wonderful pics...he's amazing, maybe just a little bit sad or maybe he was just tired! :\ poor baby! But, never mind...he's in perfect shape!


Thanks so much Liz :) :kiss:


from the last R#42




this pic makes me really happy! :wacky: they do all have this weird lil chemistry thing going on together like Chris has said b4!

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eh, i got through more than half of it. you have to have at least 2 examples and i got to where i had about 2 sentences written on my second example. so basically i dont have most of my second example and i dont have a conclusion. :confused: so my score on that wont be too good.

but thanks for trying to comfort me jenn! :hug:


Anytime chicky :kiss:



from the last R#42




Aww this picture kind of sums them up, no words just being together, even if you can't see Will's face you can tell they really do love each other :D




I took this from the live thread but not sure who's it is tho :uhoh:



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whewww......... this pic eases my fears about Jonny feeling a bit jealous of the Chris and Guy connection.......seems that he's just fine with Guy stealing a bit of his attention............ :laugh4:





well if u ask me i would say sometimes Guy and Jonny have a lil connection of their own! :wink3: all the inside jokes and laughing during In My Place ppl?! :rolleyes:

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^ I completely agree with you, Liz. Those smiles and laughs they share:) So adorable!

And I do remember reading on this forum an interview where Guy says the Jonny was his soulmate inside the band:love: So....


For me, that's the reason why they have stayed so good as people and as musicians throughout the years. They do love and care about the other members of the band.

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:bigcry: awww Lauren!! :( it will be ok!! SATs are SO lame anyway....... can u take it again this coming year?




and yeah thanks guys!!! i really LOVE Roadie Rick, he was SO nice and funny! I still cant believe he gave me both of them, the setlist and the pic....:o i was so happy! :wacky:


yah i'll be taking it again in october.


Anytime chicky :kiss:




Aww this picture kind of sums them up, no words just being together, even if you can't see Will's face you can tell they really do love each other :D




I took this from the live thread but not sure who's it is tho :uhoh:






WHOA WHOA WHOA!! :dizzy2:




I think Angie said her friend Todd took this pic at our Indy show! :dead:




EEEEK! :wacky::heart:

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^^ :pleased: :surprised:



i expect to see pics of the shirts ASAP when they are finished :whip: :whip:


oh dont worry you'll see!

but we decided not to put pictures on them because it was going to be too much work and we didnt want to look like we were ripping them off by trying to make our shirts look official or something. so we're just going to write and paint on them. :D


Can't wait to see these Lauren !

OMG 3 days ! :dance:


:dance: AHHH I KNOW!!! squeeeeeee! my first cp concert :wideeyed:

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