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Coldplay Dreams

Guest LiquidSky

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thats an awesome dream!:) the one about the bus and the 20year old chris


last night i dreamt that i was at this party, and i realized that coldplay was performing, so of course i was like...:o i saw chris coming my way, since there was no stage he was just going to sing in the middle of the room. so yelled "chris martin!!!" and smiled at me and then when he was close enough i asked "can i give you a hug?!" he could barely hear me but he read my lips and nodded. so i give him a really nice tight hug:hug: :):heart:

and chuckled.


so then i went to sit at a table and they were starting to play clocks. apparantly i was the only one that knew the words, and he noticed cuz he kept smiling and looking at me.:)

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HEY, I DONT HAVE PERV DREAMS WITH THEM :disappointed: (I wish I could :uhoh: )


My friend dreamed that we were in the concert day and she forgot the ticket, so she asked her dad to go back home (400 kilometres away), and he did that! the, he came back and the dream ends so

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I haz a dreamz. Its very long... weird and it has Brooke.And Hugh Laurie.And Chris in a washing machine.



I was in a concert, but a really crappy one with some boy band, so i was thinking ¨Mann i wish this was Coldplay!¨ and since the concert was kind of small, and the room was like a movie theatre, ontop of the stairs was a door where you could leave, and it twas open.

There i saw Chris, again with his blue jacket, talking to somebody and i wuz like :wideeyed:

I ran up the stairs and i wuz ¨HI CHRIS! CHRIS! HEY CHRIS! HI!... I LOVE YOU!¨ :stunned:

But he ignored me or something :\

So he went to some room and i tried to follow him and this short bald black guy wuz like ¨No, you can´t get in..¨ And i wuz like, ¨I´M GUNNA GET IN!¨ :angry:

He didn´t even try that hard for me not to get in.

So.. i got in.

There i saw Brooke and she wuz like ¨Zomg! It´s Hugh Laurie!¨

And yes, there he wuz.

So then i told Brooke, ¨Yo! Chris just walked into that room!¨

Then she ignored me :\

So i got inside the other room, and i found out it was a laundry room.

Then i saw Chris inside a washing machine, he said he was going to take a ride or something llike that.

But then he said ¨Nah, just kidding¨

So then he got ontop of his bed.. :wink3:

After that we talked about some random shit.. i don´t remember much of it.

Then some people came in to wash they´re clothing.

I asked Chris if he knew about CPing, I couldn´t hear his answer, because of the loud noise of the washing machines.

Then i told him about how Nicky got her shirt, so i asked him if he could give me a shirt or his jacket.. i wantz jacket.

Then he got his blanket over his head and fell asleep.



And then i woke up.

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I just had a dream with Coldplay in it, but it might be considered more of a bad dream.


You see, I just moved to college this year, and I had a dream that they held a concert at my hometown's high school gym. So all of my friends got to go see them, but I didn't. When I heard about it, I rushed home, but at the exact moment I arrived, the Escapist began playing and everyone began to exit.

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@PlayinWithColdFingers; Thats an awesome dream!


I had a very surreal, random dream last night:

I was in a desert somewhere and there were a few random people there walking around but Guy was there too! :o And then he came up to me and said he was priminister but I couldn't tell anyone because it was a secret......:confused: What's this supposed to mean??

(And I spent the whole dream thinking wow Guy looks hot! haha!)

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My dream was pretty weird..


I come home from school, and a friend of mine (he's a Coldplayer too, just for the record :P) is waiting for me in front of the door. He doesn't say much, except for: Hey.. There's a limo in front of your house." I run to the limo, but there's no one in there.. A bit disappointed and wondering why there's a limo in front of my house, I open the door and get in. I hear someone talking and get scared.. So I ask my friend if he wants to check if there's someone in the living room. After a few seconds, he comes back and says I have to follow him. The door to the garden is opened and I hear people talking.. I see that someone with curly hair (:wink3:) stands up, followed by two other guys. My friend seems relaxed, but I'm freaking out.. Until I see who they are :D A few seconds later I get a hug from Chris, Jonny says he has to go back to the barbeque to help Will and Guy says he likes my house. Chris and Guy take my friend and me to the garden and we have the best afternoon of our lives (and Jonny makes tasty hamburgers :D).


I was pretty hungry when I woke up :P

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I didn't read all the posts in this thread, so I don't know if it's okay to include sex dreams or not (although I'm sure it's very common for us Coldplayers :laugh3:). I dreamt the other night that I was having sex with Chris - there was no beginning, my dream started when we were in the middle of it - and I just remember trying to get him to make eye contact with me. He was so hyper and all over the place (kind of like he is on stage, I guess). He looked so strong and fit and beautiful:charming:, but he just wasn't 'there' in the moment. Sigh. :sad2:


The strange thing is, it's Jonny I loves :shocked3:

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I dreamed I was in a concert of them, almost in first row in the center just in front of Chris where I can see all the band perfectly... oh no wait a second that wasn't a dream that actually happened 1 week ago... :D lol sorry I couldn't resist it but I have dreamed so many times to be in a concert close to the stage that I can't believe that finally happen

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I dreamed I was in a concert of them, almost in first row in the center just in front of Chris where I can see all the band perfectly... oh no wait a second that wasn't a dream that actually happened 1 week ago... :D lol sorry I couldn't resist it but I have dreamed so many times to be in a concert close to the stage that I can't believe that finally happen




Sometimes , when I'm day-dreaming at school :rolleyes: I dream someone

nocks on the door ( in the class) and suddely Chris and Jonny walk in ...

Then I'm freaking out (fcourse:dozey: ) and They say I've won a meet and greet with

Coldplay :stunned:

And when I walk out the class , Noel Gallagher is waiting too !

*Freaking even harder *....


Thos dreams are soo :cool: :P , maybe one day ..... :P

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