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Coldplay Quotes


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Sings: Hate journalists. Hate journalists. Hate journalists. Hate journalists. Hate journalists. Hate journalists. Hate journalists. Hate journalists.

I feel like throwing bricks..



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You can find the interview here...




On the right site, click "Interview mit Will Champion (Drums), Guy Berryman (Bass)". :)


By the way, Guy is talking about "Döner Kebab". It's a Turkish fast food and many Germans here are eating it regularly, especially in Berlin. ;)




Can someone maybe upload this? :kiss: Please:D

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You automatically download it, when you click on one of the two files (interview with Chris and with Will&Guy) on this site. ;) When it doesn't work on your computer I will upload it for you this evening. :)

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lot of the time there is a lot of melancholy in the lyrics.

Will Champion


A lot of times when we play in countries where English isn't the first language we get accused of being melancholy and miserable.

Will Champion


As soon as we played together, it was much better than anything else we'd ever heard.

Will Champion


At the end of the day, we're just trying to prevent each other from going mad.

Will Champion




Coldplay are just four friends trying to make great music.

Will Champion


I can't do all that riddly diddly stuff. I'm not good enough. It's all about not playing.

Will Champion


I don't think it's changed a great deal.

Will Champion


I think hopefully we've got enough brain cells left to decide if our music is really worth something.

Will Champion


I think I'm the best non-playing drummer in the world. No one not-plays like me.

Will Champion


I think people have difficulty judging and being self-critical and being honest about how good they think their music is.

Will Champion


It is worrying, but we feel as though our first album is a representation of our musical career of the first years up to this point.

Will Champion


Optimism is the key.

Will Champion


So, if we're happy playing the songs we have written, for as long as we can, then that is sort of the proof that they're good songs as well.

Will Champion


Some of the really early songs we don't enjoy playing anymore because they haven't stood the test of time to us.

Will Champion


The first time we all played as a band, I think it was in January 1998, in Jonny's bedroom.

Will Champion


Two weeks later, we played our first concert and had 100 people there. It was pretty cool.

Will Champion


We started with 20 songs, enough for two albums basically, but we knew that there were no second chances-you don't get a second chance to do a debut album-so it was a very specific selection process.

Will Champion


We're also passionate about music and very critical about the music that we listen to.

Will Champion


We're very thankful for what we've got, so God forbid we start taking it for granted.

Will Champion


Well, the stuff on the album we are a hundred per cent sure that we'll never get sick of because that was a very careful selection process.

Will Champion


When you write something it has to hit the level that you accept as being good.

Will Champion


found them at google:heart: :D

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[about 'Swallowed In the Sea']

"...And Will championed, no pun intended, that song from the very beginning."


- Chris




"I think, we were fortunate, or maybe it's the whole, entire reason why we got to where we are, is that we were friends before it, kinda, it took off and we're still...we're better friends than we were. We got to a really, a good, stable point, where we, you know, we know each other extremely well and we're very supportive of each other."


- Will


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I've been reading the Look at the Stars book...and it has a lot of great quotes, these are just my favourites from it:


"I can walk into a room and be Chris from Coldplay...but Will's seen me running around in my pants backstage, doing an impression of Frank Spencer." - Chris


"When it comes to girls, I just behave like an idiot...I'm very good at maintaining my relationship with Jonny, though." - Chris :D


and this one is sweet:

"We'd all like to meet the right person one day, but in one sense of my life, I've already met the right people." - Chris

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