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Random Coldplay thoughts...


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Jonny and Will are attractive too!!!!Not as much as Chris or Guy, but still! Jonny's got that amazing smile of his and Will's got a nice butt:wink3:



Hey does anybody know if there's a group dedicated to long/curly-haired Chris loving? Because if not I am definitelty starting one.


Yep. It's called Chris's Curls.


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During our whole dance class Blaire was trying to think of a Coldplay song to ask the teacher to make a dance to. She couldn't think of one. After we thought of Strawberry Swing and I think I will request it next week!!! :) :thinking: :shrug:



I think Don't Panic would be a great song for like Modern, don't ya think?

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Dancing to Coldplay songs? Strawberry Swing sounds great :D I can't think of anything else unless it's interpretive dance or the songs are the remixes.


Anyway, my random Coldplay moment: I was listening to the local DJ two mornings ago, and they were doing the daily scoop (?)...apparently Blake Lewis (I guess he was on a past American Idol) has a new album coming out. They were listening to his songs...they played one, and AJ (the DJ) says "Me thinks someone has been listening to too many Coldplay songs"...as if that's a bad thing and it had a bad effect on his music...not. I didn't really like the song, but it wasn't very Coldplayish :\ The next day, though...AJ mentions that his one feminine thing is liking Miley Cyrus. No wonder :rolleyes:


Also saw a Viva bumper sticker altered to have some frat letters underneath on a car at my university parking lot. I don't know how I feel about that since I'm not really into the frat scene.


Hmmm..oh well..How are you guys doing?

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I have this book that I have to read called Vanity Fair and I just randomly opened it, and it opened up to the start of chapter 42. Then I was looking at my history book and they talk a little about Oxfam in there and it was in the chapter called Cold War. I thought it was a little ironic.

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OMG:bomb:major Coldplay moments today......


@French Angel bought his guitar today cause he had to write a song for class and his guitar was a Fender Telecaster like Jonnys!!!!!!!! I was llike::freak:!!!!!!!!


Marcos started playing Angels guitar and when he started I was like ' OMG LIFE IN TECHNICOLOR'!!!!!!!!:freak:

Angel: 'of course she(ME) would know that.......:P'

Me: 'yessss:smug:'

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I wore my Coldplay sweater today to school and in English class I had to go present my short story that I wrote and the boy that wore a Coldplay shirt last week yelled out "I like your sweater!" and I gave him a big:D and said thanks. Then some people started talking about how they like some of Coldplay's songs too.

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