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at the moment my favourite Mew song is Chinaberry tree.. ah the lyrics..


It is a lovely song..

I guess i would say the same thing of every song of theirs though :lol:


Thanks for the "an envoy to the open fields" vid! It's great to hear it live :nice:


I still love Louise Louisa. The Drums..Jonas..lyrics..the whole thing!

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^ for me it's totaly the opposite, i loove his voice, and actually it even makes me like the songs much more.. i dont know why but that thick voice of his is sort of captiviating, i'd say!


and for Envoy, i'm so addicted to listening to it.. it's amazing. thanks for the video, gareth. :cool:

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The other albums all sound too much like each other because of the different versions of the same song.


i'm not too fond of atfm but htwiwm is pretty good. some tracks on that album are made official for frengers so although they sound very similar, they are quite different.

atghk is my favorite album. i first bought this one so immediately i have some sentimenal attachment, like with arobtth which i consider cps best work.

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btw, recent update: video journals


Dear Frengers, we decided a while ago to document some of our ongoing music composing and other shenanigans in a sort of "film diary", a little sitcom of our own. Now as our schedule is a constantly changing beast we can make no promises to update it at a predetermined rate but we do guarantee that we will upload new episodes whenever possible.


I am hereby making the first episode that we put together available to you, it's from a while back (September 2006) but I hope you will enjoy it nonetheless. This first episode is narrated by me, in a politely spoken manner. Enjoy!


- Jonas


It's pretty short but it's their first. It's in the journal section.

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Wow, thanks ;)


I ordered the Mew dvd yesterday.. so i guess i will get it in tuesday, yayy!

My friend has it already and i watched some parts of it..and it's pretty damn cool! althought the extras are only in danish with a bit of english..but who cares, it's nice anyways :nice:

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althought the extras are only in danish with a bit of english..but who cares, it's nice anyways :nice:


my thoughts exactly - i watched that long interview with Jonas and he speaks Danish from beginning to end, and i still loved it! i want live in copenhagen! i saw a little snippet of special from the dvd and it looks soo good :stunned: they aren't selling it here [cd stores don't even think the re-release of atfm will ever reach aus shores] but i'll get it one way or another ;)




have to post this :nice:




one of Silas and his new do again [Jonas looks druuuuuuunk :wacko:]



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hey guys, i've been getting into And The Glass Handed Kites heaps the last week... really loving Mew.


Can someone upload frengers for me? All the links seem to be dead.


It'd be very much appreciated!


I look forward to discussing it with you guys!

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