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Person you like or just love on the board.......

Matter-Eater Lad

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i liiike bla bla bla bla bla. People :nice:




edit: yeah, i edited it. But i just felt like it! And because i realized that i dislike so few of you that it'd take a day to type all the names.



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I like so many people I could not possibly name them all!


Nina, Chuck, Tracie, Julia, Anna, Annie, Justin, young Mr. Briggins...


Chances are, if you are reading this post, I like you.

awwww this made me melt inside :wacky:


I like almost everyone on here because I get along pretty well with you all. :nice: I'm glad that Coldplaying's not a bunch of frustrated negative unfriendly people.

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oooh, here i love everybody, even you briggins but i like more Miro Nicko Soufiane Rachie Nora Justin David Rudy Ari and sorry if i forgot some of my fav friends here, otherwise as i said before i like everybody here, you are all very friendly

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oooh, here i love everybody, even you briggins but i like more Miro Nicko Soufiane Rachie Nora Justin David Rudy Ari and sorry if i forgot some of my fav friends here, otherwise as i said before i like everybody here, you are all very friendly


:) Good to see. If you ever feel like talking Radiohead....well I would more than love to.

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I like everybody in here, they have been so nice with me!:nice:

and I want to thank you all for make me feel that I'm welcome in here...:)

also thank you Ahlem, Rachael, Beatriz, Nina,Thalia 'So Friendly'...:)

I hope that I didn't forget someone...:rolleyes:

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