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Btw do you notice JD isn't round here to support you in your hour of need? Ya see, he's run out on you!! I say PM everyone but him with the pic. He deserves punishment.


(JD will totally kick my ass for this....but its worth it!!!)

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Btw do you notice JD isn't round here to support you in your hour of need? Ya see, he's run out on you!! I say PM everyone but him with the pic. He deserves punishment.


(JD will totally kick my ass for this....but its worth it!!!)


lol, Jamie's just in euphoria from getting to talk to Chris and Will. He'll be back down to Earth eventually.

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lol, Jamie's just in euphoria from getting to talk to Chris and Will. He'll be back down to Earth eventually.


Yeah well I'm sure he'd much rather talk to Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker. :P

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lol oh come on, Mel, you just like seeing guys beg you!


But for the record: it WAS a pretty hot pic.



Yes, the begging I quite enjoy:sneaky:


Thanks for the compliments boys...I can't compete with Aleja though - the rack on that girl...damn....


And JD's gonna have some explaining to do....might have to be whipped for this:whip:

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Yes, the begging I quite enjoy:sneaky:


Thanks for the compliments boys...I can't compete with Aleja though - the rack on that girl...damn....


And JD's gonna have some explaining to do....might have to be whipped for this:whip:


Oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :laugh3:


If you think her's are good, you should see my man tits. I work out! :P

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Oooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :laugh3:


If you think her's are good, you should see my man tits. I work out! :P


You do? Pictures, please!


Mel, nobody whips Jamie except on his birthday!

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Man, I totally had about, 3 dreams today b/c I kept falling back a sleep. First, I dreamed about Maroon 5 and Coldplay and their forum was beating our forum at a concert. THEN, I had a dream about ducklings and Ian and Jo Whiley.... it was strange. It was by a muddy pond. Jo killed the duckling. I have no idea where Ian comes from in it.




Then I had a dream about Guy. We were both sitting on a white couch talking pleasantly. I put my hand on his leg close to his you know what, he looks down then up again at me. Then, he moves closer, smiling. Chris, Jonny, and Will are all talking over somewhere else. THEN... I kind of wake up and still in a dream state. Like, I see my desk in my house but I see Guy (which we all know is not there). And then I realize, wait.... THAT WAS A DREAM... so I snap out of it completely.



I eventually fall back a sleep again, and then I think somebody found this secret song that Chris was hiding. So, I think somebody killed Chris but I told myself that this is just a dream in my dream b/c i honestly knew that this was totally not real. *sigh* I think he got bit by a snake.

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I eventually fall back a sleep again, and then I think somebody found this secret song that Chris was hiding. So, I think somebody killed Chris but I told myself that this is just a dream in my dream b/c i honestly knew that this was totally not real. *sigh* I think he got bit by a snake.


:stunned: :stunned:


You have weird dreams :laugh4:

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I eventually fall back a sleep again, and then I think somebody found this secret song that Chris was hiding. So, I think somebody killed Chris but I told myself that this is just a dream in my dream b/c i honestly knew that this was totally not real. *sigh* I think he got bit by a snake.

omg Indya ...this is actually very serious what I'm about to say.. I had a dream a few days ago where Chris died because he was bit by a snake ..... gaaah!! I don't really feel comfortable talking about this... it just really hurts... which is ..well... the reason why I didn't wanna say anything here and I just don't feel good talking about it....

I was in a hospital with my boyfriend and Chris was brought in to that very same hospital.. he was in a very weak condition... he had been bitten by a snake and I remember seeing the nurses walking into his room and then out and they were all panicking and saying that he was dying ...after a while they came out looking really disappointed ..Chris had died :cry:

It was one of the worst things I've ever felt ..and I didn't know it was a dream so I was terribly sad.... after that I remember thinking about Gwyneth and Moses and Apple and how sad they were gonna be once they found out, and how the other members were gonna feel... but I was really worried because (since I was one of the first people to find out) I was gonna have to go and tell everyone in the forum what had happened and I knew everybody was gonna be devasted!!


I woke up very early that morning cos I just couldn't go back to sleep.... the WHOLE day I felt as if Chris had actually died ......it was one of the worst days of my life ..I just kept thinking "what's gonna happen to coldplay now? I'm not even gonna have a reasong to wake up every morning!" I really felt this huge hole in my life that day :cry::cry:


I'm so sorry if I make no sense but ..Indya's dream reminded me of that and it was a pretty big thing for me so.. I just thought I'd share ... omg I'm so sorry... jesus I just made everyone read one of the longest posts ever to be written on coldplaying

...please ignore ..*walks away*

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