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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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when you see the word "colorstay" on a makeup commercial, and think it says coldplay. :D:D:D



EDIT: and when you're screaming, jumping, and dancing while listening to LRLRL CAUSE YOU'RE SEEING COLDPLAY IN 9/11 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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when you want to name your child COLDPLAY :D

Aww... poor child :uhoh:



when you don't watch the colbert report 'cause yusuf islam is on. :veryangry2::veryangry2::veryangry2::veryangry2::veryangry2::veryangry2:

Oh yeah you're right, don't listen to him, he plagiarized Coldplay :P

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When your extremely pissed because you can't get into the site that lets you download the LRLRL CD


Awww bloody site ...

I hope you'll have it soon :hug:


when you convert your friend into a coldplayer, and her brother gets her the brothers and sisters ep and prospekt's march ep for her birthday!



*is very proud* :D

Well done Marisa ! :clap: :sneaky:

I don't even have the brothers and sisters ep :stunned:

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It wasn't hard at all. She saw me listening to music every break and kept asking me what I was listening to and my response always was Coldplay. So she 'youtubed' them once but didn't remember which song she listened to. This week she came to me and told me proudly that Coldplay is a great band and she got Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends as a present from someone and listens to it all the time now.

I was all like: :D


Oh, and you're addicted to Coldplay when you make your friend, who is in Paris over the weekend and about to go to the Louvre, to either take a photo of Liberty Leading the People or to buy a postcard of it.

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