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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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I don't want give him a hug - but he must have thought "Crazy girl!" :rolleyes: I collided with him and said "Sorry...รครครคh Guy???"


Haha, yes - he definitely must have thought "Crazy girl":lol:

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Haha some good ones there...


Another of mine is the fact that I seem to be seeing the number 42 EVERYWHERE it seems to pop out at me from the wierdest places!


And whenever someone says they're cold, I always have to say 'play', the words juat don't sound as good by themselves :D


I'm the same way with the 42! Like in math class if I get an answer that ends up being 42, I'll instantly think it's right due to Coldplay. It's sad really..

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When you pass a shop and hear Viva in it and HAVE TO enter the shop. I stared for the whole time at some very stupid postcards. :dozey: But it was worth it!


When you are shopping down town with a friend and you see a sign and tell your friend you like the font, especially the C looks good and your friends says 'you just want to have an 'oldplay' right after it'.

I had to laugh because I immediately thought of the thread with the question how the boys look like with 66, as 'Oldplay'. :lol:

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When you fall asleep with your ipod earbuds in listening to coldplay every night...


Every single night! This results in:

a) me waking up singing Coldplay in the morning.

b) me frantically trying to charge up my mp3 player in the morning so I can get my Coldplay fix on the way to uni.

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when your friends come along with you to a coldplay concert just to see the look on your face when you see Coldplay in front of you for the first time..

and they thought it was worth the ticket money...:D.

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...when you WANT the history book with the number 42 in school and become very disappointed because you've got number 46 :P

...and when you didn't want to give away your old book because it had the painting of delacroix in it. (on page 58 :D, the best page)...

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When you want to hurt the people around you because they aren't singing EVERY WORD at the coldplay live concerts!!!

Agreed. AGREED!


When you want to prepare something in your gap class and someone tells you to get a book for you and to come back in a minute and you scream 'I wait!" and start singing quietly 'No matter what you say, I'll keep waiting for days and days and days'. Though I started with the wrong lyrics. :P

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when you wake up in the middle of the night and you want to sleep but you see on tv a repeat of the private coldplayic concert in Paris and although you are exhausted you watch the whole gig.


when you cannot stop to think about your next coldplayic gig since you bought your ticket even though it will be only in September


when you watch an interview and you know every answers by heart


when you could kill just to meet Coldplay ( way of speech, of course... Hum... Well I hope so !)

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Man. Today I had to write this huge exam.


55 MC in an hours.


3 essays in 2 hours.


Hectic. Anyways, there was this Beatles poster from the Sgt. Pepper's artwork. And I zoned out and started thinking about Coldplay's grammy outfits... then it escalated. And I ended up wasting like 10 minutes of valuable time. Barely finished.

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When you walk out to a clear night, look up at the sky, then look over to your best friend and say "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you"

When you make a Viva La Vida Sign out of popsicle sticks

No matter what kind of mood you are in, Coldplay is the best band to listen too

When you watch youtube videos of Coldplay over and over and over again instaed of doing hw.

When you do an informative speech on Coldplay in your public speaking class

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