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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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When you suddenly realize that over 75% of your YouTube comments are for homemade Coldplay concert videos, saying, "oh wow thanks for the video" and "great quality video, props" even to the shitty ones where you can't make out anything.


T_T I seriously need a hobby.

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I met a guy named Chris MArtin once.... He was 17, I was 16... He played tenis against me, he beat me cause I couldnt stop thinking about Coldplay stuff.


Haha that's so funny :D I can't play tennis but if I could I'd just stare at him without any movement :lol:


When even your rabbit starts loving Coldplay:D No just kidding, but I played a few Coldplay songs and she fell asleep... too cute :D

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When I was leaving the mall yesterday to go to the parking lot, the resturant I was walking past was playing Glass of water, (which) I hadn't even been hearing on the radio, and I was shocked so I sat down on their outside bench just to finish the song out.:D

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^^i apparently sang reign of love in my sleep last night. :uhoh:


when your friend says, "oh, it's raining." and you think of reign of love. :wacko:

Haha I would like to hear that ! Must be really.. hmm...loose :D

And why didn't you think of Rainy Day instead ? :lol:


I want your coldplayic rabbit !:laugh3: Cute, indeed !:P

NO WAY ! I keep my Coldplay rabbit for myself :D

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