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You know you're addicted to Coldplay when...


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But can't you take the video on USB key ?:thinking:

I'm waiting for the hair :)

I wish you good luck, but I want a backstage access too ! :D

Seriously you think you could have one ???:shocked2:


When you hate Lady Gaga even more because of his VLV cover :veryangry2: Viva la butchery ! :lol:


I do not know. Maybe I could STEAL :laugh3: the video AND the award ! :P No, normally, he must not show the video to anybody ( but he invites all the same his friends !:laugh3:) If there is a leak, he can have big problems ( so he cannot send by email) but I will negociate about USB key....:D I NEED all the videos where Chris or Coldplay appears ! ( For Iron constitution !:P)


I am not sure about the backstage access but my friend told me that she will do everything possible to realise my dream. Her friend is a journalist, so she is trying to come to an agreement with her. ( Thanks Myspace !:D)


Otherwise, Gonzague could help me or.... I will pay the security !:laugh3:

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haha all great ones


when you are in the car and someone's listening to the radio, but your listening to your ipod and a coldplay song suddenly comes on the radio. You turn off your ipod just to listen to that coldplay song, even if that song is on your ipod

haha (i've done that) :D


I do that all the time. And then you make your mum or dad turn it up really loud, they get really annoyed, but your in Coldplay heaven so its all good.


This happened to me on the weekend: When you get dragged into a store you hate, but LiTII is playing on the big screen, so you run over to the screeen, stand it front of it singing along even though your getting wierd looks and are being hassled to leave, and only when its finished do you leave.

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I do that all the time. And then you make your mum or dad turn it up really loud, they get really annoyed, but your in Coldplay heaven so its all good.


This happened to me on the weekend: When you get dragged into a store you hate, but LiTII is playing on the big screen, so you run over to the screeen, stand it front of it singing along even though your getting wierd looks and are being hassled to leave, and only when its finished do you leave.


I do that too !:laugh3:


When you think that you are in heaven on earth because the hotel where you are put only coldplayic songs the one after the other....:P ( I was like : Yououh "The Scientist" ! Yououh "Yellow" ! Yououh "Fix you" ! ...etc :laugh3:)


( It was in London, in the hotel which were close to the O2 Arena, the same day as their concert :D But the day after, they continue to put Coldplay's songs and I did not want to leave ! :laugh3:)

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hahaha aww i'm sorry! but it's not that easy for americans either. i couldn't find one. :( it was fun trying though!

Keep trying girl ! :D

Some americans have so funny liscense plates ! When I was there I saw "ILoveJesus" or something like that :lol: So why not "ILOVECP" ? :D


When you're driving with few people and hear the first Viva La Vida notes very quietly, and your heart miss a bit :lol: I swear I startled ! ;) Then I turned it up as loud as possible :D

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Keep trying girl ! :D

Some americans have so funny liscense plates ! When I was there I saw "ILoveJesus" or something like that :lol: So why not "ILOVECP" ? :D



i would totally get one that says VLVODAAHF if that wasn't too long.

maybe i'll get one that says AROBTTH. :D of course, i need a car and a driver's license first. :rolleyes:

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i would totally get one that says VLVODAAHF if that wasn't too long.

maybe i'll get one that says AROBTTH. :D of course, i need a car and a driver's license first. :rolleyes:

Haha maybe would it be better to have the car before :D

Or you hang it on your wall ;)

But really you can choose whatever you want to write on it ? :o

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you can get specialized license plates, but i'm not sure how much they cost or what you'd have to do to get one. i'd totally get a Coldplay related one, though. :D


Oh yeahh I'd like to have some CP related one. Like, BerryLover, Viva, VLV, or IlikePie.


:inquisitive: forget the last one.

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you can get specialized license plates, but i'm not sure how much they cost or what you'd have to do to get one. i'd totally get a Coldplay related one, though. :D

You can find them in San Francisco, near Fisherman's Wharf. As for getting one with Coldplay on it, as they're sold at stores I don't think you can find any. I'll have a look in August.



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... when you're in the waiting room at Goodyear watching Coldplay videos on your iPod, and you're actually disappointed when they call your name and tell you 'Your car is ready!' It was the first time all week I've been able to just sit and veg out and I didn't want it to end! ;)


At least I didn't need a new tire. Was just a leaky valve stem.


Does anyone else leave Coldplay CDs in your car when you bring it in for service?... maybe pause it in the center of a good song and hope the service guy will hear it and say "ooh, what's this?" >.> Is it just me?

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