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Small Reminders/Updates & The Coldplay Messenger (feat. Roadie #42!)


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427.jpgRoadie #42 - Blog #98

August 24, 2009 9:26 am

#42 and the awkward delivery


I spent the days off before the Stockholm show putting together some video from the first two big outdoor shows - here it is (don't forget the full screen button on the bottom right) :


<object width="400" height="230"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6236258&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6236258&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="230"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/6236258">Stadiums 1</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/coldplayyalpdloc">Coldplay</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>


Link to video on vimeo


For the majority of the European stadium shows, the band are spending the days off at home with their families. Being as I live outside of London, I'm booked into the same London hotel room for the whole month. It's a very spiffy hotel and an excellent room, but all is not well. As any regular traveller will know, failing to observe the Do Not Disturb sign is one of the most basic but heinous crimes a hotel can commit.


Now, getting in at 2am and then winding down for an hour or so, means rising late by normal standards if you want a good night's sleep. Therefore, after several knocks on my (Do Not Disturb adorned) door, followed by a 9am phone call from housekeeping to say "When can we clean your room? Your DND is on." I finally get up with the Mr. Grumpy head on.


I politely inform the gent on the reception desk that unless the hotel is on fire, I really do not wish to be - erm, well - disturbed. No towels, no turndown service, no nothing. I'm very easy to look after indeed. Just give me a bed, a kettle and some wi-fi and I'm happy.


I can't help thinking as I make my way back to the lift, that I've maybe got off on the wrong foot with them. After all, I'm going to be here for another five weeks. The benefit of hotel living though, is anonymity. I'm sure once the lift doors close, I'll just be another nameless body that's staying in the building.


I get back to my room and text Andy Rugg, the band's studio assistant at The Bakery. I need to get some files sent over in order to make some changes to the show at the next gig. He asks how the tour is going and an SMS conversation ensues:


"Any TVs out the window?"

"No, all the transvestites go straight to Franksy's room"


We continue on in this vein until we have created an entire imaginary scenario with a boy band called "Franksy and the Transvestites" who will have this years Christmas number one with a single whose name I probably shouldn't repeat in polite company such as this.


We also manage to organise the job that needs doing and he promises to burn the files to DVD and have them biked across town.


Some hours later, I'm sat at my desk and hear a rustling under the door. Having instructed the front desk not to phone, knock or otherwise disturb me, their only option for contact is pushing a note under the door.


On rather posh headed note-paper, I read the following:


"Dear Sir, A courier has arrived and has delivered two DVDs marked "Franksy and The Transvestites XXX Xmas Special". Please collect them from Concierge when you are able".


Plainly, Ruggsy has handed the disks straight to the courier and they are sitting downstairs with the comedy label clearly readable. I emerge from the lift into reception and am greeted by smirking faces all round. The concierge hands me my disks and wishes me happy viewing.


I head back for the lift feeling somewhat less annonymous...



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<object width="400" height="230"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6236258&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6236258&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="230"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/6236258">Stadiums 1</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/coldplayyalpdloc">Coldplay</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

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I love the vid, Miller is so very talented :nice:


The blog made me laugh like crazy in the office when I read it at work, I must have looked crazy :dizzy2:


Also what kind of files? Backing tracks for different songs I hope :wideeyed:

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I love the vid, Miller is so very talented :nice:


The blog made me laugh like crazy in the office when I read it at work, I must have looked crazy :dizzy2:


Also what kind of files? Backing tracks for different songs I hope :wideeyed:


Does anyone even know exactly what Miller does for the band? He always seems to be in the midst of everything, but doing what?

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jokes at the expense of someone else, again


Transvestites have feelings too, you know. IMO, R42's jokes are too often made at the expense of some stereotyped group? Does it help him feel superior?



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<object width="400" height="230"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6236258&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6236258&server=vimeo.com&show_title=0&show_byline=0&show_portrait=0&color=&fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="230"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/6236258">Stadiums 1</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/coldplayyalpdloc">Coldplay</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

This vid is really nice :wacky: I love the first part of it, with all the people waiting outside the gates and then running towards front row :escaping: You really get the anticipation and excitement from the fans, and it fits perfectly with the song :wacky:

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This vid is really nice :wacky: I love the first part of it, with all the people waiting outside the gates and then running towards front row :escaping: You really get the anticipation and excitement from the fans, and it fits perfectly with the song :wacky:

They should have filmed out gate - I was the first one getting through. :P


Edit: the video totally made my day. I was wondering what Miller put that camera right in front of us up for (I saw him do it)... Now I have the fantastic answer. :dance:

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Oh my goodness, Miller is so awesome!!! :dance: That's SUCH a great video! It gave me the chills!

You can see me and my brother in it! :dance::dance:


The blog is hilarious too.

Ohh, that's awesome Julie!! :dance: :dance:

They should have filmed out gate - I was the first one getting through. :P

:shame: Bad Miller :whip:

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that video have me the chills:wacky: i dunno if it was because i was being nostalgic about the gig i went to, or because the wembley dates are getting so close!

and the blog was hilarious! im gonna miss miller(:

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White Lies interview

August 25, 2009 5:21 pm

We caught up with Coldplay's latest support act




With brooding rockers White Lies supporting Coldplay at several of the current stadium shows, we called up frontman Harry McVeigh to find out a bit more about them.




Hello Harry, how are you?

I'm good, thanks.


How have your first three shows with Coldplay been?

They've been great. I've been very impressed by the number of people who've turned up early to see the support bands play. It's really flattering. It's a great tour to be on. We've really, really enjoyed it so far.


The crowd at Herning were certainly enthusiastic.

Yeah. I think you're guaranteed to have at least a few people that know your songs when you've got that many people watching! I think those people maybe get everyone else up for it, which is really great for us.


You've had a great year in the UK - are things going well for you in Europe too?

Yeah, we've had an extensive European festival season this summer and things are building, slowly but surely. The responses are getting better and better. There are a few countries we're doing extremely well in - like the Netherlands. It's really taken off for us there.


For those Coldplay fans who haven't heard of you, how would you describe White Lies' music?

A lot of people pick up on the fact that it has quite a dark edge to it. I suppose that is an element to our music, certainly in the subject matter of the lyrics. But at the same time, it's almost a celebration of that, which is actually quite uplifting and euphoric. It's quite grand and epic too. And I think it's quite original, but at the same time it has elements of music from the past, which is something we really enjoy.


Joy Division are probably the band you're most often compared to.

Yeah, well, that comparison is getting a little bit old for us, but as far as bands that we could possibly be compared to, they're certainly not the worst!


Have you had to adjust your usual show for Coldplay's crowd?

Not really for the crowd, but certainly for the size of the venue. You have to try and use the space on the stage and involve the audience as much as possible, for the basic reason that they're so far away from you. But it's great playing big shows like this, because we learn more and more about how to interact with the crowd and how to reel them in. I think Coldplay are one of the best bands in the world at doing that. After watching their show a couple of times already, I think it's amazing how big they can make the show, but also how intimate they can make it at certain moments. I think that's really cool. They've obviously thought about it a lot.


Are you a big Coldplay fan?

Well I know their music very well and I have a couple of their albums, but I think, as with a lot of bands, they're almost better live than when you listen to the recordings. I have very, very much enjoyed watching the shows. They've really nailed the way they perform the songs and the sound of them. I'm certainly more of a fan now that I've seen them live a couple of times.


Have you played many support shows before these?

We did a support tour with Glasvegas towards the end of last year, which was great. And we did the NME tour with them as well. Plus we've done a few shows with Snow Patrol and we did one arena show with Kings of Leon, who we're doing a few more shows with towards the end of the year in America. So, yeah, we've been associated with some pretty big bands. I think it's been very good for us.


Do you feel like support shows can help, then?

Oh, yeah, definitely. The prime example is that after we did the Coldplay show in Denmark, our album went up to Number Five in the Danish charts. To see a response from that one show so quickly is insane. But I think when people really love music and have a lot of respect for a band, they'll listen to their support bands very openly and readily.


How did you come to be on the Coldplay tour?

I don't know, actually. I assume that at least maybe one of them in the band is a fan of our music, or at least I hope so. I guess we were in the right place at the right time, which is very lucky for us.


Have you met them yet?

Well, I think most of the time they come in just before they play and leave straight afterwards. But, I'm sure we will get the chance to meet them at some point, which I'm looking forward to. We've still got a few shows to do with them.


The Wembley Stadium shows should be quite something.

Yeah, it's very exciting. Even though we're the support band, just to say we've played there is a pretty bold statement. I can't wait.


So, have you enjoyed your first year in the pop spotlight?

Definitely. And the year is going to be rounded off perfectly by our UK tour at the end of the year, where we're going to be in the biggest venues that we've played in. It'll be like a real homecoming. It's all just gone from strength to strength for us, really. We feel like our live shows have improved so much since the beginning of this year. We started 2009 with a Number One album and everything just followed on from there. It's been fantastic.


Has it been a tiring year too?

Well, the travelling and spending time away from home is the hard bit. It does take it out of you. But the shows make it all worth it. And as a huge fan of music, I don't think there's a better job you can have than being in a band and playing your music to people around the world, seeing some amazing places. But by the end of this year, if I see another aeroplane, I'll probably hang myself.


Do you have any top tips for wasting time in airports?

If you get a good TV series on a boxset, that's great. The Wire is perfect cos it's completely addictive. As soon as you finish an episode, you want to watch the next one. So, yeah, any DVD boxset of a good series is a great time waster.


Having heard your music, do people expect you to be quite dark and gloomy in real life?

Oh yeah, all the time.


At least you get away with having bad moods.

Yeah! But that doesn't happen very often, to be honest. We just try and be ourselves. I've thought about this quite a lot actually. Even if you go back to Shakespeare's time, it's always been quite cool to be melancholic and dark and introverted. I wish we could be like that in person, but we're really not. Our music makes us very happy and we're happy in our jobs and happy in our lives. So I suppose there's no reason for us to be miserable.


Even when you're singing songs about dying every night?

Well, not all the songs are about dying. But I actually think that the nature of our music vastly contrasts the lyrics a lot of the time. As I mentioned before, I think a lot of the music is almost quite uplifting and euphoric. When you sing about those things within music that gives off those emotions, it's very much a release. I think that maybe contributes to the fact that we're quite happy people. Certainly for me being the singer, who vocalises those lyrics and those subject matters, it makes me very happy to release those feelings and those emotions. That probably sounds kind of cheesy, but it's true.


So, is there any chance you folks will turn over a happy new leaf for your next album?

I don't think that's very likely! The way we write our music and whatwe do with it makes us very happy. I think if we were to change the waythat we wrote music, it wouldn't have the same effect on us. It's areally good outlet for emotion and it's really amazing for us to becreative in that way. I suppose we just find it easiest to write songsif they're about that side of life.


Finally, what is your favourite Coldplay song?

That's a tough one. I've been very much enjoying Politik live. It's so in your face and heavy. But I think Lovers In Japan is my favourite one, just because it's so incredible to see all those butterflies flying through the air, being lit up by UV lights. I've found myself sitting there, watching the show, just feeling really, really excited about that moment. It's an amazing spectacle.


For more info on White Lies, head over to whitelies.com.

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