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22-Jul-08: Chicago - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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For those who brought cameras, how did you get them inside? I have the philly show in 2 days and I REALLY REALLY WANT TO BRING A CAMERA. its my first coldplay concert :)


i 2nd this question because i am also going to philly show!:)

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With those reviews, I cannot wait to see the show tonight (t-minus 11.5 hours)!!!


Two questions, if you'd be so kind to answer:


How strict were the security guards about searching and letting people bring cameras in? I have a digital SLR with a zoom lens that takes AMAZING pictures (which I would post, of course) but it's rather big. I was thinking either put it in my purse or wrap it in my sweatshirt in the bottom of my backpack. Thoughts?


Also, what was the parking situation like? I won't be arriving till 6 pm and I don't know how quickly the parking lots fill up.


Thanks for the help and hope everyone enjoys the show tonight!

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I put my camera in a little pouch and put it in my purse. Looks like a makeup bag if security looks in. They just take a quick glance in your bag for weapons on the way in. They don't do big searches as Coldplay fans are not known for their packing of weapons. :laugh3: I did get stopped from shooting video twice during the show, but they don't care if you take pics.

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Squeeeeeeeeee Angie, Lori & Mel!!!!!


I am having such a Coldplay Hang Over-- I know last time I posted to you girls about going to the show I was only going with my fanhubbie on Wed., but at 3:30 he drove downtown to the United Center and bought tickets to Last nights show for us & all 3 kids !!! And we got AMAZING front row seats at the top of the catwalk....When I heard Chris mention y'alls sign my husband said " that must be those crazy Jonny fans you were telling me about!!" I had a big poster that said "Viva La Coldplay" and Chris came over and looked straight at it and gave us a thumbs up....my 11 year old screamed like a banshee when that happened - the people around us gave us high fives and congrats etc! My husband was game for a little post show stalking so we drove over to the Ritz-C to check and see if the bar was open (it wasn't) but as we pulled up in front of the hotel we had to swing out a little wide to avoid a black SUV and out from the back pops..........................................Jimmy Buffet. Awwwwww, bummer. Not the celeb sighting we were hoping for. If you guys are still meeting preshow in front of the MJ statue let me know time etc. and we'll look for y'all tonight. Our seats are sec. 122 which is just beyond the catewalk, Front Row. I'm going to bring a banner that I can hang on the railing but I havn't thought of what to put on it yet...Any Thoughts? Maybe something clever to complement yours. Where are your seats? Holler back soon and hope to see y'all at the show....I cannot wait for another awesome night!!!!!!!!!!!!~~Kelly

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With those reviews, I cannot wait to see the show tonight (t-minus 11.5 hours)!!!


Two questions, if you'd be so kind to answer:


How strict were the security guards about searching and letting people bring cameras in? I have a digital SLR with a zoom lens that takes AMAZING pictures (which I would post, of course) but it's rather big. I was thinking either put it in my purse or wrap it in my sweatshirt in the bottom of my backpack. Thoughts?


Also, what was the parking situation like? I won't be arriving till 6 pm and I don't know how quickly the parking lots fill up.


Thanks for the help and hope everyone enjoys the show tonight!

You can bring a purse, but no backpacks according to the rude cunt that answers the phone at the United Center. Bigger cameras with detatchable lens aren't usually allowed. Lots were not bad at 5:30 when we got there.
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I put my camera in a little pouch and put it in my purse. Looks like a makeup bag if security looks in. They just take a quick glance in your bag for weapons on the way in. They don't do big searches as Coldplay fans are not known for their packing of weapons. :laugh3: I did get stopped from shooting video twice during the show, but they don't care if you take pics.


That's pretty ridiculous. Holding a small camera up for 5 minutes during a show isn't exactly going to result in you making a fortune selling DVDs.


For Sale: Coldplay in concert Chicago 22/07/08. For just $10 you can get three whole Coldplay songs shot from a really, really long way away with my personal camera. Each songs comes with grainy zoom in, the head of the tall woman in front of me bopping around and deafening screams!



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That's pretty ridiculous. Holding a small camera up for 5 minutes during a show isn't exactly going to result in you making a fortune selling DVDs.


For Sale: Coldplay in concert Chicago 22/07/08. For just $10 you can get three whole Coldplay songs shot from a really, really long way away with my personal camera. Each songs comes with grainy zoom in, the head of the tall woman in front of me bopping around and deafening screams!



No shit. I'm so short I could see anything and basically didn't really see the show until I got back to the hotel and watched my videos. That's not video dude, that's my eyeballs up there. :angry:
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That's pretty ridiculous. Holding a small camera up for 5 minutes during a show isn't exactly going to result in you making a fortune selling DVDs.


For Sale: Coldplay in concert Chicago 22/07/08. For just $10 you can get three whole Coldplay songs shot from a really, really long way away with my personal camera. Each songs comes with grainy zoom in, the head of the tall woman in front of me bopping around and deafening screams!




:lol: I would buy it ! ... j/k !


Kelly, you're so lucky. Front row tix at the last minute :stunned: SCORE !

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Coldplay throws party for 20,000

CONCERT REVIEW | Brits try hard to stay up close and personal with their fans


July 23, 2008

Recommend (5)


BY JIM DeROGATIS Pop Music Critic


Even after several million albums sold, British art-rockers Coldplay are still conflicted about their status as an arena act, and that's one of their most endearing traits.


On the one hand, front man Chris Martin and his bandmates do everything they can to maximize the big rock spectacle, the grand theatrical gesture and the musical bombast.



On Tuesday, the first night of a two-night stand at the United Center, the musicians came out dressed in pseudo-Napoleonic uniforms and began to perform in front of a giant backdrop of Delacroix's French Revolutionary painting, "Liberty Leads the People," which happens to be the cover of their new album, "Viva La Vida."


Several big globes hung from the ceiling and flashed video images of the band as it played; at times, the group deployed more lasers than any band since Genesis, and during the song "Lovers in Japan," a seemingly endless rain of colorful paper butterflies fell on the crowd.


On the other hand, Martin has never been afraid to let his inner geek show: He's the anti-Bono, dancing like an awkward little urchin instead of striking cool larger-than-life poses, and never hesitant to do his Schroeder routine at his black upright piano.


Throughout the 90-minute set, the bandleader frequently thanked the fans for their support, sounding genuinely surprised at his own success. And he, guitarist Jonny Buckland, bassist Guy Berryman and drummer Will Champion did everything they could to get up close and personal, running to the end of the platform on stage right, performing two songs at the end of the platform on stage left and eventually hopping down from the stage altogether to briefly perform acoustically in the midst of the fans in the first tier off the floor.


None of this made the show as intimate as the one the group played at Metro to celebrate the release of its last album, "X&Y." But it felt as special as any party for 20,000 can, and the goodwill the band created extended to the audience indulging two renditions of the new song "Lost" for the benefit of a video filming, as well as the heavy sampling of the more arty, less anthemic songs from "Viva La Vida" sprinkled between guaranteed crowd pleasers such as "Clocks," "In My Place" and "Yellow."



















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I think the security staff was getting harsh about the cameras last night because they were filming.


Also, to anyone that has to park around the United Center...be prepared to pay $20 for a parking spot. Grrr.

We had to pay $10 to park when we went stalking. ahahaha and all we got was blown off. We were laughing saying we paid $10 for Coldplay to ignore us. :laugh3:

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With those reviews, I cannot wait to see the show tonight (t-minus 11.5 hours)!!!


Two questions, if you'd be so kind to answer:


How strict were the security guards about searching and letting people bring cameras in? I have a digital SLR with a zoom lens that takes AMAZING pictures (which I would post, of course) but it's rather big. I was thinking either put it in my purse or wrap it in my sweatshirt in the bottom of my backpack. Thoughts?


Also, what was the parking situation like? I won't be arriving till 6 pm and I don't know how quickly the parking lots fill up.


Thanks for the help and hope everyone enjoys the show tonight!




You're definitely not allowed to bring a D-SLR to a concert as it is considered a professional camera because it has a detachable lens. Plus, why would you want to anyways? You'd be spending more time focusing on the camera instead of the concert. I'm an avid photographer, however even I left my camera at home for their last show, and I'm glad I did!

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We were laughing saying we paid $10 for Coldplay to ignore us. :laugh3:



Awwwww! Well, hopefully that $10 and additional $10 will pay off to be PRICELESS today!



Paying for parking at the venue: $10

Hotel, Flight, Ticket to Show, and Banner: $400


Stalking Coldplay members and getting to meet them: Priceless!

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